Due Day

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It was Thursday evening. James was already ready to skip school the next day and go to Oliver's place. He'd been on edge all week, and he had no idea how Victor could feign nonchalance.

Oliver glued himself to Victor for a good part of the week. Today was no different. Victor was poking the tip of his nose. Oliver was shaking his head like an angry cat, but it seemed he had forgotten he had hands. Victor was amused.

The door opened. James tensed immediately and got up. The man, Victor's stepdad, was standing there, leaning against the doorframe. He was smiling. James needed a second to snap back to reality. There he was, dressed in a dark suit and inconspicuous. Nobody would've looked at him and thought of him as a monster.

It was a horrible realization to be hit with; monsters look like people. Sometimes they look like well put together people.

"No hello?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

James moved in front of him. He didn't want to move his focus away. He didn't know how Victor was.

"No," Victor said. His voice was cold, but James could hear the strain in it. "What are you doing here?"

The man - James realized he didn't even know his name, he never cared to learn it, and Victor never mentioned it – finally looked at him.

"Ah, the boyfriend," he smiled.

It triggered every murderous instinct in James' body. He felt his throat closing in. James wasn't sure he could talk without shouting or his voice breaking. This wasn't anger.

"Nice hair," the man said, trying to walk around James.

James grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. The man was taller than him, but James was sure he could take him. He could win. And he wanted to. The idea of shoving his fist through his teeth was exhilarating.

Victor walked next to James and held him by the wrist. "Don't."

James knew what "don't" meant. Don't fight, don't punch, don't step on his throat until he stops breathing. James was shaking. It took him seconds to register that Victor's hand felt like ice against his skin.

James unglued his eyes from the smiling man and looked at Victor, pale, deadly white, his jaw set, and frowning.

"Don't," Victor said again, then forced a breath in. He turned towards his stepdad. "Why are you here?"

The man shrugged, ignoring James completely. "We're going home, did you forget about the family reunion?"

Victor didn't answer, but James knew what he was thinking.

"I'm not an idiot, Victor. Of course, you weren't going to be around on Friday."

Victor hummed, a short, deep sound from his throat. "This doesn't make you Sherlock Holmes." He was still clutching James' wrist.

"Get dressed; it's late." The man crossed his arms.

"No," James said. It was the first thing he said ever since this guy strolled into his room like he owned it.

"Get moving already," the man's smile dropped, and he glared at Victor.

James felt nails sinking into his wrist.

"He won't," James said. "He's not going anywhere, but you should leave."

"Listen, kid, I'm here to take my son to a family reunion, and you're in the way. I don't care about your little relationship or whatever. Go sit down and mind your own business."

James unclenched Victor's hand off his wrist. It was like trying to open a bear trap.

He shoved the man, once, twice, and the third time was hard enough to slam him into the wall.

"Get your thug under control," the man said. "And get ready. I'm not in the mood for stupid games."

"I'm not going," Victor said and held James by the back of his shirt.

The man closed his eyes and sighed. "You do, you have to be so difficult all the time. And you," he turned towards James, "calm down before I get you expelled."

James' mind was going fast, his thoughts were a mess, but among the blurry, chaotic ideas, there was one that had been clear from the beginning.

Grab the man's head and bash it in the wall. 

Author's note<3: have an extra chapter this week! I hope you enjoy <3 

Punching him might get James into big trouble, but I bet it would feel good if he did it.

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