Home Is People

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Ollie was buzzing with energy, bouncing from room to room, followed by a confused Freckle who was sniffing everything in sight. Victor walked in next, looking like all he wanted to do was sleep. James hesitated. He wasn't sure why he felt so overwhelmed. He had been fine up until now.

"Are you coming?" Victor leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," James said, stepping through the doorframe.

There he was. There they were. He was about to spend his first night in his first apartment, with his boyfriends and somehow, that was making him emotional. Their new apartment wasn't huge, but it was larger – way bigger – than their dorm room. And there was no annoying branch hitting the window.

Victor raised an eyebrow. "What's with the face?"

"I was born with it." James went into the kitchen, then looked at the living room.

Victor followed him. "We need a couch," he said, waving his arms around the empty space.

Ollie stopped next to him. "Agree, we should get a really big one."

"A huge one." Victor nodded.

"A blue one," Ollie added.

"A huge blue one," Victor said and they both turned towards James.

"Ugh, yes, blue." James shrugged, completely fine with whatever they picked. He smiled. They still had to unpack and settle in. "We can order one online."

"No, I want to touch it before we buy it." Ollie opened and closed his hands. "I have to make sure it feels good."

"Plush," Victor offered.

"Plush." Ollie nodded.

For the first few nights, they slept on a mattress in the living room. Theoretically, it wasn't even close to ideal, yet James couldn't be happier.

It took them two weeks to settle in. It was more than James had anticipated and he was exhausted but pleased with the results. They butted heads a few times. It was inevitable. James didn't want anything that was flashy, or too colorful, which sadly was exactly what Ollie wanted. He was also not a fan of the minimalism that seemed to attract Victor. James wanted simple, and James wanted practical. But he didn't want bright yellow carpets or everything white. They had to compromise. But they all liked the couch. James wasn't sure if it was because it was dark blue, or because it was the largest couch James had ever seen in his life. It certainly had something to do with how comfortable it was. He was sure that Victor was going to merge with it soon.

James even figured out how to use the oven! He was even happier with that achievement. Now they could at least buy frozen meals instead of relying on chips and gummy bears. James was so damn sick of chips and gummy bears.

He had just taken some food out of the oven when he remembered an important, vital detail. So he took out the empty can of coke he had been keeping in his backpack, walked into Vic's room, and placed it in the corner, next to his desk and minifridge.

James looked at it, then turned it so that Ollie's writing was facing him.

"Corny." Victor rested his chin on his shoulder. "I think you should change your style; it doesn't suit you anymore."

"Really?" James turned around and wrapped his arms around him, smiling.

"You're not even a real thug, I think it's false advertisement."

"You keep telling me that." He smiled, then pecked his forehead. "You're not a real prick either, so here we are."

Victor shook his head. "I talked to Sebastian a few days ago, he says he knows a therapist in the city."

"Are you going?"

"Next week." Vic sighed. "I'm already dreading it, but I'm going."

"I'm proud of you." James kissed him on the forehead again.

"Well, you peer pressured me." He joked. "Now, I want to ask you something important."

James chuckled nervously. "Ok? Is it bad?"

"Remember when you first came to the boarding school?"


"Ok, good." Victor smiled. "And do you remember walking into our room?"

James nodded, uncertain. He never liked these games.

"Good, good. Did you steal my weed?"


"Did you steal it? I'm pretty sure you took it."

James grunted and walked away. Victor was behind him. "Just admit it."

"I didn't steal your weed." He said, knowing full well that he did. It was too late to admit to it now.


"Let's eat, ok?" James rolled his eyes. "Where's Ollie?"

"I don't know. Maybe you stole him too."

"I've been stolen?" Ollie's head popped up. He had been laying on the couch, scrolling through his phone. "The only thing you stole is my heart."

Victor grunted. "You're as corny as he is." He gestured towards James.

"It's called romance, Vicky." Oliver blew him a kiss and smiled.

"It's called being mawkish."

"I don't know what mawkish means," James said. "And I'm hungry."

Oliver rolled off the couch. "Me neither and me too." He went into the kitchen, with Victor a few steps behind him.

This felt like home.

Author's note<3:

Guys, we're so so so so close to the end of the story! Does anyone actually use "mawkish" or is Victor an old man in a young man's body?

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