The "Master Plan" I - Ollie POV - Bonus

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Ollie cuddled next to Victor. Or at least, that's how it started. He had managed to slowly creep his way on top of him because Ollie liked sitting, laying, sleeping on people, especially if those people were his boyfriends. Victor wasn't as comfortable as James. Not as warm either. But Ollie still pretty much enjoyed the experience. Victor's hand was on top of his head, his fingers moving slowly through his hair. Ollie liked that too.

Ollie was in love with Victor just as much as he was in love with James. But his relationship with James advanced far quicker than the one with Victor. Truth be told, James was easy to seduce. Make a kissy face, give a hug, squeeze a muscle, and there it was – the boner. Ollie was always amused and flattered. It was always nice when someone he found attractive also found him attractive.

Victor hardly initiated anything, not even hugs. Ollie didn't mind, as long as Victor was ok with being touched and kissed, Ollie was more than happy to do it. He liked to believe that he was good at reading and understanding people's feelings and Victor always seemed like he was in need of affection.

"What are you reading?" He yawned, rubbing his cheek against Victor's peck. He was bony, but Ollie was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Hugging his sad boyfriend. Not that he didn't enjoy it. He loved it! Which kind of didn't make it a sacrifice anymore.

"The Idiot." Victor's voice was low, but not yet a whisper. Ollie loved hearing Victor talk when he was relaxed.

"Can you read it out loud?" Ollie asked. "Pretty please, because you're my boyfriend and you love me."

"It's not for school." Victor rested his book on Ollie's back. "I think it's kind of boring."

"Oh, definitely boring." Ollie laughed, lifting his head so he could look at Victor. "But it's called The Idiot. And you love me."

"All right." Victor shrugged.

Ollie squinted at him. "You love me," he repeated.

Victor hummed, nodding briefly.

Ollie bit his collarbone gently. "Say it! How can you not say it!"

"Say what?" Victor patted his head a few times. "You savage."

"That you love me." Ollie pouted. "You have to confirm to me that you love me and you'll read to me."

"I thought I did."

"Why are you bullying me?" Ollie whined. "I thought you loved me."

Victor's lips curled into a smirk. "I'm not bullying you. I said I'll do it."

Ollie sat on Victor's lap and rested his hands on his shoulders. He knew that Victor was having fun getting a reaction out of him.

"So you don't love me anymore?"

"I never said that." Victor pinched his cheek, then his nose. "Why are you so agitated?"

"I'm telling James you no longer care about me." He sniffed dramatically and wiped his non-existent tear away from his eye.

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Ok? What will he do about it?"

Oliver gasped and cupped Victor's face, squishing his cheeks. "So, you admit it!"

"Admit what?" Victor repeated, still smiling.

"Admit that you no longer care about me?!"

Victor laughed. He grabbed Ollie and tossed him on his back on the bed. "Ok, ok, I'll admit it. I love you."

"Hmm, ok." Ollie nodded, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Ollie always thought that Victor was handsome. Ollie had a thing for men who looked like they could throw him across the room and men who looked like they gazed dramatically out the window at 3 AM, contemplating life.

Well, both James and Victor were great people, so it turned out well for him. That was good, Ollie didn't want heartache. He could eat a tub of ice-cream without crying over it.

"But I don't know if I can forgive you so easily." Ollie smiled.

Victor raised an eyebrow. Ollie looked into his eyes and felt things. Victor had such nice, dark gray eyes, like stormy skies. Ollie was weak for pretty eyes. Well, granted, he was weak for many things. He also quite liked imagining different types of romantic scenarios in his head. He liked to imagine how it would be like to live on a farm, wake up in the morning and see James with no shirt on and an ax in his hands, splitting wood. Ollie wasn't sure how that worked, or how often one needs to do it, but he didn't care, because the important part was James. He also liked imagining life in a huge city, living in a small apartment, watching Victor sketch, surrounded by his paintings. They would all be together, of course, Ollie was very much in love with both of them. James and Victor were vastly different, but somehow, they checked all of Ollie's boxes.

"Did you hear me?" Victor's nose was touching his.

Ollie smiled brightly. "I got lost in your eyes! Look at you!" He cupped Victor's face. "You're so beautiful."

Victor rolled his eyes. "Sounds to me that you already forgave me."

"What? No!" Ollie shook his head. "I need at least three kisses and a hot cocoa."

Victor leaned down and kissed him. Ollie wrapped his arms tighter around his neck, thinking that one long kiss was better than three pecks. He bit Victor's lower lip.

Upon further consideration, Ollie decided that wrapping his legs around Victor's waist was also a marvelous idea. 

Author's note <3: 

This is part I, stay tuned for part II. I hope you enjoyed Ollie's wild train of thought! What do we think about Ollie's seduction methods in this chapter?
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