Sweet Dates

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Saturday arrived like a drunken slug. James was on the verge of pulling out each short hair he had on his head, one by one. He started to resent school, and homework, and the pressure of making life-changing decisions about his future. Victor took on the responsibility of helping both of them with their literature papers. 

He got dressed and waited for his boyfriends - he had two now! - to get ready. When they were about to leave, James cupped Ollie's face and pecked his lips. Then he dared to kiss Victor on the forehead.

Oliver wrapped an arm around Victor. He had been doing everything in his power to make Victor feel loved, always hugging, always telling him how great he was.

James thought that maybe he should do the same, but he tripped each time he tried crossing that barrier. They were finally together, a couple, yet he was stuck. He had been infatuated with Victor for months, and now the idea of holding him seemed taboo. James couldn't shake off the guilt; he should've held back his confession; he should've listened to Oliver.

He should've done better. Victor deserved better.

Ollie was the one that picked out the restaurant, a nice, fancy place with stark white tablecloths. The music was soft, like a whisper in his ear, and he could hear the sound of other people's forks against their plates. James felt out of place, so he straightened his back and pretended that he belonged.

Victor, on the other hand, slouched while scanning the menu. He had been on his phone more than usual, which only created another buzzing question in James' already swarmed head. Was it Luke?

Ollie had an unfair advantage, James thought. He was lovable. He didn't topple, trying to express his feelings. And most importantly, Victor had always liked him.

"Is this in French?" James asked, squinting at the menu in an attempt to focus on something else.

"It's French," Ollie confirmed.

Victor picked up his phone from the table, typed out a quick text with only his thumb, then placed it back, face down.

Is it Luke again?

James looked through the food options. The small accents above the vowels confused him even more.

Soon, the waitress came. James couldn't help but stare, his ears burning. She took out a small tablet, ready to take their order. This gave him the opportunity to obliterate the French language by stuttering and mispronouncing every dish.

The waitress was gracious about it. Victor, not so much. As soon as she left, he smirked. James didn't want to hear the ridiculing come out of his mouth; he could already hear it in his head.

"Are you mocking me?" James asked before anyone had the chance to say anything.

Victor chuckled. "You really don't need help for that."

Ollie puffed through his nose and wrapped his fingers around Victor's wrist, grinning brightly. It was captivating. Victor turned towards Oliver, and his smile reached his eyes. He liked Ollie.

It was then that James collected yet another worry. Did Victor like him too? He never said it out loud.

What if he didn't?

The food arrived, steaming on beautiful plates. James figured his conversation skills were rotten. Oliver was talking to Victor while he was too busy trying to sort out his thoughts.

"Jamie, are you ok?" Oliver asked.

James almost knocked over his glass of water with his elbow. "I'm great. I like listening to you guys, you're cute."

"You're cute," Oliver said.

Naturally, Victor rolled his eyes.

"You're cute too," Oliver took Victor's hand to his lips. "You're both really, really cute. I'm dating the most handsome guys on campus."

"Is that so?" Victor asked while picking up a mushroom with his fork. He looked at it for a second, turning it around, before eating it.

"Very so!" Ollie nodded. "Oh, so very so. You should both become actors or models. Or both, that's getting popular."

Victor shook his head. "No, no, I like art more."

"You want to go to art school?" James asked. Victor liked sketching, and recently he had gotten into painting as well, but James had assumed he was going to study something more practical. However, art suited him unexpectedly well.

"Maybe, I don't know," Victor said. "I haven't thought a lot about it."

Figures, James thought, that Victor didn't care about his future career. A part of him assumed it was because he had a nice trust fund to fall back on, the other part of him thought about the worst possible scenario. Maybe Victor never imagined he'd make it there in the first place.

"I want to be a teacher, I think," Oliver said.

"You'd make a great teacher," Victor replied. "You have the temperament for it."

"I do?" Ollie stole a tomato slice off Vic's place and a small potato from James'.

"Definitely," James agreed.

Oliver stretched his legs under the table and squeezed James' right foot between his feet. It was an odd hug. A foot hug? Somehow, James found it absolutely adorable.

He thought about moving in together after high school, then realized it was too early to consider it. But he was in love, and he was young, and he had the right to be foolish sometimes. Or at least, daydream about it.

"We should buy dessert afterward," Oliver proposed.

"Date cake," Victor said.

"Cake for dates?" James raised an eyebrow. "Is that a thing?"

"I don't know, but they have cake with dates in it."

"Oh, cake! Sounds sweet," Ollie thought for a second. "We can share, that's romantic, right?"

Victor fixed a strand of Oliver's hair, nodding absent-mindedly. They were a good match, the two of them. He wanted to make sure he was a part of the puzzle too, and not just a misfit piece shoved there. He wanted to talk to Victor and to re-confess his feelings in a more appropriate, romantic way.

James wanted to hear Victor say I like you too.

Author's note<3:

The date isn't over yet! Will James get over his jealousy? Will Victor confess his feelings? Can Ollie stop being cute? Stay tuned for the next episode!Also, what do you think of their career choices? I'm curious to hear your thoughts! <3 

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