Pikachu Hoodie

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"I'm thinking of dying my hair," Oliver said while picking up a pizza slice. James had no idea how to feel about the pineapple topping. He used to oppose it vehemently, but if Ollie liked it, he was willing to reconsider his stance.

"What color?" His father sounded unfazed as if this was the type of conversation that happened all the time.

"I didn't think that far. Probably pink. Or blue. Or purple."

"All of them." Victor was chewing on a plastic straw.

James felt a tang of pain in his chest. He was irredeemably in love with Oliver's hair.

"I probably won't do it till college." Ollie shrugged. "Teachers are all a bunch of stuck-ups. And even some of the people at school."

James laughed. "I only got detention of a few times for not wearing my uniform."

"They realized you're a lost cause," Victor said, the straw still in his mouth. James shrugged.

"You could dye your hair!" Oliver's eyes lit up, and he grabbed James' wrist. "You'd look so cool."

"I already look cool," James said.

"What hair?" Victor asked.

"This hair." James took Victor's hand and placed it on his head.

Victor scratched it gently. "I'm sorry, but maybe you need glasses. You buzz your hair off constantly. The color will last... two days?"

"Then you do it," James said.

"No way. No. If you touch my hair, I'll bite you." Victor meant it like a threat, but James was not opposed to the idea.

"James, I love you so much, please grow out your hair." Ollie leaned his head on his shoulder. "You'd look so cool."

"I. Already. Look. Cool!"

"Yeah, sure." Victor's smile was wide and politician-like. It was impressive.

Sebastian puffed a laugh and shook his head. "Leave him alone. He has a whole vibe going on. You can't mess with a man's vibe."

"It's very anti-establishment," Victor commented.

"I call it thug-chic," James said.

After they were done eating far too much pizza, they crawled their way back to Oliver's room. Victor picked up Oliver's cat in his arms along the way, and in the short time it took for them to go upstairs, they had become best friends.

James thought they had an unspoken agreement that they'll share a room that weekend. He was still uncomfortable being left alone in the house. Nobody commented anything about that, and they spent the rest of their evening messing watching bad movies. It wasn't much different than when they were at school, except they had way more space, and Oliver's bed was bigger. And he couldn't ignore the plushies.

"I think I'll crash." Victor rubbed his eyes, then stood. James frowned and wrapped his fingers around his wrist.

"You're leaving?" James asked.

"Yes?" Victor looked down at him, frowning slightly.

"Why?" Oliver pouted.

Victor seemed... uncomfortably confused. "Don't you want to be alone?"

"No, stay, stay! Come on. It's a sleepover, don't be a killjoy. We want you to stay." Oliver said, wrapping himself around Victor's leg.

James moved his palm lower until he was holding Victor's hand. He ran his thumb over his knuckles. "Stay."

"Fine, ok, ok." Victor agreed, reluctantly. Oliver smiled widely and walked to his closet. He pulled out a bright yellow Pikachu sweater.

"Here." He threw it over Victor's head. "You'll fit right in with the decor."

James chuckled and let go of Victor's hand.

To his surprise, Victor put on the Pikachu hoodie. He even went as far as to pull the hood over his head. He looked silly. He looked cute and different from his usual serious self. James liked him when he was somber, and even more when he was happy. But Victor in that hoodie was an adorable unique moment, and he was going to savor it.

James yearned to hug him.

"You really are a fan, huh?" James asked.

"I just... get so passionate about stuff." Ollie wrapped his arms around James' neck. "You should've seen me when I was going through my Victorian phase."

"What?" James chuckled. "You went through a Victorian phase?"

"I went through a lot." Ollie nodded.

Victor was the first one to fall asleep, something that James came to expect from him. He spent the next couple of hours with Ollie, cuddling, and kissing, and pretending that he didn't mind it when he got curls in his mouth.

"Do you think Victor's going to talk to your dad?" James asked, anxiety rising in him at the thought that Victor might get upset, or feel like this was a setup.

"My dad's good at talking to people." Ollie said, "I'm sure he'll find a way to do it.

"Ok. He does seem better, right?" James said, hoping he wasn't grasping on imaginary hope. "I'm not just imagining it?"

"Well, he's not out all the time and having a support system works. Plus, I think he trusts us more. And he likes you."

"What?" James pulled away so he could look at Oliver's face. "What?"

"What?" Oliver lifted his eyebrows.

"Jesus Ollie, stop dropping bombs so casually."

"Jamie-James, I swear... I've never met someone so blind in my life."

James needed a moment. Then he needed another one. His mind wasn't wired to process information like this. He was silent for a while before he opened his mouth to speak again.


Oliver rolled his eyes. "Go to sleep, dummy. Sleep on it." He added, kissing his forehead. "I love you."

That night, James couldn't sleep. He kept staring at the ceiling. Oliver tucked himself under his arm like a cat, and Victor was sleeping on his stomach. James could see the Pikachu ears sticking up. He couldn't hug Victor without disturbing Ollie, but he could hold his hand.

Victor liking him was the sort of idea that made his mind lose signal to reality. Oliver was probably right. He was always right when it came to things like this.

Even if James had no intention of pursuing something now, just knowing that Victor liked him made him giddy. 

Author's note<3: 

Just imagine it - all three of them with colored hair.
I doubt anyone can convince Vic to dye his hair 🤔. What color would look good on him? 

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