First Thank You

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 He felt his mouth dry. Oliver was straddling him, touching his chest and he never had enough will to say no to a pretty face. He groped his thighs.

Oliver was smiling, expectantly.

"You'll have to undress me, first," James teased, his hands finding their way to Oliver's waist. There was a desperate need to touch him more and to feel naked skin against his.

"Lazy," he said, but peeled off his shirt and grabbed his belt. He undid it painfully slow, deliberately slow.

James couldn't hold back a smile as Oliver finally pulled down his pants. He was free! And it felt great. He rolled on top of his boyfriend and buried his head into his neck. He kissed him and sucked on his skin. Oliver laughed and wrapped his arms around his back.

James' hands liked to travel over a body, he enjoyed touching someone. Oliver's fingers ran over his head and he knew why. Sadly, he didn't have long enough hair for someone to tug on. James chuckled and pushed his hands into Oliver's curls.

"I love you," He muttered, lips against lips.

"Prove it." He felt Oliver's smile. He was more than eager to please him. He took off Oliver's shirt and kissed his way down his chest and stomach.

James wanted to enjoy every single moment, every single peck, kiss, and touch. He wanted to be aware of each time Oliver gasped for air.

"Let me on top." Oliver smiled wickedly. "Please?"

James agreed, he was certain there wasn't a thing in the world he wouldn't be willing to give Oliver.

Oliver was – energetic – to say the least. Oliver was inquisitive and Oliver was far more dominant than he would've anticipated. James loved him more for this.

"So..." Oliver rolled over and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"So?" James chuckled. His head was still cloudy.

"I don't know, I love you."

"I love you too, heathen."


They took a shower, together, enjoying the passing hours they had without Victor. For the first time, James was actually glad Arlington wasn't around. He knew Victor enjoyed reading, he had a ton of books lying around their room as proof, but he never expected him to be the type that spends that much time in the library.

He was too sleepy to think about that now. And Oliver was right there, the focus of his love and attention, the guy that ate all his snacks and snatched his heart.

They went to bed soon. He was exhausted and sleep came the moment he closed his eyes.

James woke up. At first, he wasn't certain why. It took him a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. It was late, probably past midnight and the weather turned sour. It wasn't rain, it was an aggressive prelude for a flood.

James grunted, he didn't mind the rain, but he hated the way the branches outside smacked against his window. He was never one to sleep through loud noises, unlike Victor.

He looked over at Arlington's bed and found it empty. James got up and glanced around for a few seconds. He checked his phone, just his regular missed calls from his parents and the flashing 1:00 AM that burned his retinas.

He put on his shoes and walked out of the room. This was the first time he went to the library ever since he stepped on those pretentious grounds. Even the doors looked snob-ish, tall, and made out of solid wood with intricate baroque design on the edges. It was frankly just a gross display of wealth.

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