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It was the middle of summer. James had been working in a warehouse and while it wasn't anything exciting, it kept him fit. Ollie was developing a small -not so small- obsession with notebooks and colorful pens and markers that he was for sure going to use for school. It maintained his enthusiasm for college, or at least that was his reasoning.

Victor was trying to keep up with his therapy sessions and was taking his meds. Most of the time. Life was good.

James came back home, took a shower, got changed, and dropped next to Victor, shoving him into the back of the couch. Victor grunted and stirred but James didn't move.

"I'm beat," James said. "I want to take a nap. I haven't seen Ollie around."

"He went to meet some of his future colleagues," Victor explained, still trying to get into a comfortable position.

James pulled Victor closer and used him as a pillow. Ollie was right. He wasn't plush.

"Ok, maybe we can have dinner together."

"Are you planning on burning something again?" Victor stroke his head.

"Vic, the plan is to not burn food. But we can order something. It's Friday," James said as if they ever needed a reason to order in. But he still liked pretending. He yawned, closing his eyes, feeling like he was seconds away from falling asleep. Victor's hands were soothing.

"You can take a nap, I'll watch TV. I'll wake you up when Ollie comes back."

James, nodded, rubbing his cheek against the soft fabric of Victor's shirt.

He woke up and it took him a few moments to figure out what was happening and where he was. Ollie had pressed his nose against James' and was looking at him with crossed eyes. James jolted.

"Hi." Ollie beamed. "You guys are adorable together."

James rubbed his eyes. Victor was dead asleep too, his arms over James' back. What an unreliable guy, James thought, amused. The TV was still on.

Ollie kissed him. "I bought food," he whispered, lifting a bag. "And dessert," he added, lifting another one.

"God, I love you so much." James got up and stretched. His neck hurt and his left arm was numb.

Victor didn't move, which was far from unusual. Freckle jumped on the couch and took James' spot, curling into a doughnut on Victor's stomach.

"Can you wake him up?" James asked. "I need to brush my teeth."

Oliver nodded. He placed the bags on the coffee table, then snuggled against Victor's side. "In a second." He closed his eyes.

James shook his head on his way to the bathroom. When he returned, Ollie was drifting off to sleep. Well, that was unfair! James debated whether he should let them sleep or wake them up before the food got cold. Sleep was good, but cold fast food was disgusting.

He leaned over Victor and pinched his nose. It was the only effective way to wake him up that didn't take an aeon. It took a few seconds for Victor's body to register that he couldn't breathe and jolt him awake. This also woke up Ollie.

"Hello, traitor." James squinted his eyes at Oliver.

Ollie smiled. "What?! It's not a crime to nap with your boyfriend."

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck," Victor complained. "Who drooled on me?"

"Could be anyone," Ollie said.

"I guess we'll never know," James said.

Victor groaned. Then while Ollie picked a movie to watch during dinner and Victor took some time to feed Freckle "so he doesn't feel left out".

After they ate the cake Ollie bought, Victor disappeared into his room for a few minutes. Freckle sat in front of his door, staring at it, scratching it with his paw once in a while. Victor walked out with a small, black bag in his hand.

"Ok, don't make this weird," he said.

"Don't make what weird?" James asked.

Ollie was trying to peep in the bag, but Victor was holding him at away. "Don't make what weird?!" Oliver repeated, louder.

Victor sighed. "You're like unfed cats, I swear."

"Tell us!" Ollie yelled.

"Tell us!" James picked Victor up.

"Tell us! Tell us!" They both chanted, while James was bouncing Victor up and down.

"No, unless you put me down," Victor said.

James returned to the living room and put Victor next to the coffee table, then sat on the couch and waited patiently. Ollie sat down next to him. James smiled stupidly.

"Stop it, you're making it weird," Victor said again while taking two boxes out of the bag. He gave one to Ollie and one to James. "It's a gift."

James held the present in his hands. "It looks expensive..."

Victor rolled his eyes. "You're welcome."

Ollie opened the lid. "Thank you, Vicky, I love you."

James followed suit. There was a watch inside, simple and beautiful, with a black leather band.

"Vic, this is -," James started, overwhelmed. He wasn't going to cry, but damn, he was close.

"We're matching." Victor rolled his sleeve. "I wanted to get them as a graduation gift, but it took me more than I thought."

Ollie was teary eyed. He hugged Victor and kissed both his cheeks, then his forehead, then his lips. "I love you."

James smiled. He wasn't going to cry. "I love you guys so much." He sniffed, blinking rapidly.

"I love you too," Vic said. 

Author's note<3: 

Vic - "Everyone is sappy except me" Vic - buys everyone matching watches. 

Fun fact: Victor still sleeps with the Pikachu plushie Ollie gave him. Do you guys have plushies? Do they have names?! I have to know.

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