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Days passed and the normalcy of everything was the best thing in the world. Even sitting around doing homework was a good kind of boredom. Ollie disagreed, of course, there was nothing he wouldn't do to procrastinate. And James was more than willing to follow his influence. Victor was the only one that was somehow willing to do his work. He forced everyone else to do it too under the threat of not graduating and him moving away on his own. Ollie didn't like the idea of a long-distance relationship and neither did James. So, they studied and took their exams and somehow managed to pass them all.

Ollie found an apartment, that was relatively close to their schools. They sat down on the couch and looked through the pictures, trying to imagine themselves there. There were three rooms: two bedrooms, and a living room. Vic wanted to have a space all to himself and his painting supplies.

The kitchen was big, which was useless for three guys who had no idea how to cook, or even use a stove.

"It shouldn't be a big deal, how hard can it be," Victor said.

Of course, it wasn't going to be a big deal for Victor, who could live off of chips. Ollie agreed, but he wasn't to be trusted either. James had to resign himself to the idea that they will either have to learn how to prepare some simple dishes or eat a lot of take-out.

"We're going to die," James grunted. "Do you even know how to peel a potato?" He wasn't asking anyone in particular, but he was pretty sure neither of his boyfriends ever peeled a potato.

"It can't be that hard." Victor shrugged. "We're three people, we can't all be that incompetent."

Ollie hummed, uncertain. "Ok, we have internet, we can look it up, right?"

Victor puffed through his nose. "Like you did with poly relationships?"

James closed his eyes, feeling embarrassed. The memory still made his ears burn. Even though they've tried educating themselves with extensive reading, the confession was still a damn mess and they were still completely unprepared.

"Blame him," Ollie said, pointing at James. "Come one, we can handle it! We are smart, capable, young men."

"Aha." Victor didn't seem one bit convinced.

"James, tell him that we're going to be fine."

"I – ugh – sure, we can eat cereal," James said.

Freckle sat on Victor's lap. Ollie reached over and scratched the cat's head, smiling. "I think we can take him with us."

"Really?" Victor asked, sounding uncharacteristically excited. James' heart fluttered stupidly

"Yeah!" Ollie nodded. "Where else can we find a round, orange cat with thumbs?"

Freckle mewed.

"Exactly," Ollie said.

It was going to be fine, James told himself. If figuring out how they were going to cook was their biggest issue, then they had it good.

Graduation was around the corner. James was sitting on the side of his bed, in the small dorm room, looking around. He hated it there, and now he felt like he might cry. They were packing their things, so they could ship some of them to the new apartment. It was so empty. James focused on Victor's coke can tower. He still didn't have any idea what that was about, or if it had any meaning. He grabbed the top can and looked at it.

"Let's keep this," he said.

Victor, who was stacking sketchbooks in a suitcase turned towards him. "Why?"

"We can use it as a base for the new tower," James explained. "Keep the - ugm - tradition going."

"Sure," Victor said, smiling.

Ollie took the can and wrote a date on the can. "Our last day here," he said, showing them the can. "I'm sappy like that."

James leaned his head back and whined. "Me too. You made me sappy."

Victor rolled his eyes. "You're both incorrigible."

Robert came to the graduation just as promised. He hugged James. Ollie hugged him. Then Robert shook Victor's hand. James was emotional and he was struggling to keep a straight face. "I have a gift." Rob gave him a pat on his back. "Do you remember when I got that motorcycle?"

"The one mom made you sell?" James asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That one, yeah." His lips curled into a wicked smile. "I didn't sell it."

"Oh." James had a hard time picturing Robert lying to their mother. He never seemed the type.

"It's yours, dude," Robert said. "After you get your motorcycle permit."

James hugged his brother again. "Thank you!"

Afterward, they met Ollie's parents, and the cycle of hugging began again. His parents promised to buy them something for their new apartment, whatever they needed. Bella appeared too, looking like she had just walked out of a magazine. Emma was crying and hugging Victor, telling him how proud she was.

"I can't cry," Bella looked up and tapped her fingers gently under her eyes. "My makeup isn't waterproof."

"I don't know why you took this risk, mom," Victor said, unimpressed. "I think it should be a fashion faux-pas."

"Oh, don't say that!" Bella slapped his arm playfully. "Waterproof makeup is so hard to remove, you wouldn't understand."

Victor shook his head, almost rolling his eyes. "A tragedy, truly. You're so brave."

Bella sighed, then chuckled. "Your dad didn't get makeup either. He tried buying me cosmetics, but he always picked the wrong shades. Eventually, he stuck with flowers."

Vic smiled.

"I'm sure he would've been very proud." Bella touched his arm. "He was always very proud of you."

"Thank you."

James looked around him one more time, taking in everything. He was nervous and he was happy.

Next stop, Seattle.

Author's note<3: 

Our boys graduated! I'm so proud! They're about to move in on their own and I'm pretty sure none of them will learn how to cook. Do you guys cook? Do you like doing it? Let me know! I'm good at boiling pasta haha.

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