Valentine's Day Special - Part II

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Victor was sitting on the couch using his whip as a cat toy. He was smiling while dragging it on the floor in a zig-zag pattern. Freckle's desperate attempts at murdering the faux-leather enemy were futile. It was cute. And a bit weird.

James tossed a beanie at him. "You can wear this. It's cold."

Victor looked up and stopped wiggling his whip. Freckle jumped it and started kicking it with his paws. "But my hair." He said deadpan as he put the beanie on.

Ollie dropped two bags full of chocolate, marshmallows, cookies, and instant hot-cocoa next to James. He seemed pleased with himself.

"Why are you grinning like that." James cupped his face, squishing his cheeks. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I'm excited!" Ollie said. "I can't wait to get there! I got us the essentials," he gestured towards the bags, "and flavored condoms."

James let go of his cheeks and wrinkled his nose. He knew exactly what condoms Ollie was talking about, and they tasted awful. He was pretty sure Ollie also got some of those God-awful blue condoms that made his dick look like a stupid lightsaber. He shook the memory away. It was fine. He could handle it.

"Are we ready?" Victor asked, patting Freckle with his whip. "We should take the cat with us."

"No." James shook his head. "He has food in every room, and water and my coworker agreed to come and check up on him. We're not bringing the cat." The last thing he wanted was Freckle's giant, round eyes glaring at them while they were trying to enjoy some alone time. Or Freckle's tiny fangs sinking into his butt. Again. Or Freckle's tail shoved into his face because Freckle couldn't stand not being the center of attention.

Victor rolled his eyes. He leaned down and picked up Freckle. "He hates you."

Freckle mewed.

"I know, we should break up with him." He nodded. "I bet I can get sole custody."

"Will you take me too?" Ollie asked.


James sighed. "I'm going to take the luggage outside. See you downstairs."

Ollie gathered the snacks in his arms. "I'm coming with you. Vicky-Vic, love, I left some energy drinks in the fridge, can you grab them? We can drink them on our way to the cabin."

Victor nodded. He put the cat down on the sofa and kissed his head. "Don't eat plastic." He told him.

The cabin was small, cozy, and it smelled of pinewood. It was nice. James couldn't complain. The floors were a bit squeaky, but they had a nice fireplace with one of those fake furs placed next to it. It was definitely a fire hazard. They were probably still going to sit on it and make s'mores. Hopefully, they weren't going to drop melted marshmallows on it, he didn't want to spend his weekend cleaning.

James cared more about their room. To his delight, the bed was huge. Ollie ran past him and dropped face down into the pillows. Victor stopped next to James and slapped his butt with the crop. James jumped, surprised. It didn't hurt at all, yet he still glared at Victor. Vic smiled and whipped his thigh.

"You really like that," James said, gesturing towards the leather crop.

"I do." He wiggled it in his hand, making the top flop around. "It's rather fun."

James held his gaze. Victor had a smirk on his face. He dragged the crop from James' belt, up his chest, and slowly – so very gently – along his neck. He stopped when he reached James' chin and tilted it upwards.

"That's hot," Ollie commented from the bed. He kicked off his shoes and hugged his knees to his chest, grinning.

James had to admit to himself that yes, it was indeed extremely hot, his blood was already boiling and his mind was racing. He reached out, grabbed Victor by the belt, and pulled him close.

"You really like that damn thing."

"I really do." James felt Victor's breath on his skin. He leaned in and kissed him while taking the whip out of Victor's hand.

Victor broke the kiss with a laugh. "Sneaky."

James shrugged. "There are better ways to use this, you know?"

"Guys." Ollie used his complaining voice. "I love you two very much, and I think you're hot, and cute, and loving, but you can't exclude me so blatantly."

Victor shrugged, already accepting the situation. James was a bit hungry, but he wasn't going to miss this opportunity for the sake of a snack. The sandwich could wait! 

Ollie was pouting. 

"Aw, babe." James chuckled. "Maybe this is karma? Because you picked those awful condoms?"

"You can't withhold love. It's abusive." Ollie whined. 

Victor sat on the bed, next to him and opened his arms. "Come here, you little monster."

"At least someone loves me." Ollie chuckled and hugged Victor. He kissed him on the cheeks, then right on the lips. 

James watched as Ollie's hands made their way up Victor's shirt.

"Are we going to use this?" He wiggled Victor's whip.

"That's why I got it!" Ollie said. "We should use everything."

James agreed with that plan. Oh, yes. James liked that plan very much.

"We should handcuff James," Victor said, smirking. "I think he deserves it, after abandoning Freckle and withholding love."

"Yes," Ollie nodded wisely. "We should and he does."

Author's note<3:

Pray for James, he's about to get spanked. Does he deserve it?

I say yes.

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