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James texted Ollie, and it took him less than five minutes to get there. He wrapped his arms around Victor and kissed his cheeks. He didn't ask what happened, he probably already figured it out on his own.

Ollie brushed Victor's hair back and smiled at him softly. Victor cupped his face.

"I'm sorry, Ollie, I left without you, I'm sorry." Victor hugged Oliver to his chest.

"It's ok, Vicky, I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me." Ollie rubbed his back.

"It was wrong to leave you there."

"No, no, listen, I'm glad you left with James. If you're not comfortable, don't stay there just for me. I'll find you later, ok?"

Victor nodded.

"You being safe is the most important thing," Ollie said.

James was leaning against the cafe's wall, feeling like all strength left his muscles. His bones felt brittle, and his heart was a mess in his chest, waging violence and war against his ribs.

"Do you want a slice of cake and some tea?" Ollie asked Victor, touching his face gently. Victor was still deadly pale, but he wasn't shaking anymore.

"Yeah," Victor said. "I'm sorry I ruined the evening."

James felt murderous again. "It's not your fault, sweetheart." He pushed himself from the wall and touched the back of Victor's head.

They sat down at a small, round table in the back of the room. Oliver was holding Victor's hand, but he didn't mention the incident. He was distracting him with silly questions, and Victor was slowly de-tensing. His attention was on Oliver, on his warm smile, on his gentle touches. It was working.

They ordered some tea and cake - not cheesecake since Ollie was still opposed to the idea - and spent about an hour or so there. James was surprised to see how easily Victor could package his raw feelings and shove them deep inside him. He was sure that this was what Vic was doing; there was no way he could just forget about it so quickly. Or maybe he was used to it. Perhaps this was nothing compared to other encounters.

James couldn't let it go.

His rage was eating at him from the inside, a parasite in his mind. He was grateful that Ollie was there to keep Victor smiling.

They returned to the gallery and pretended that nothing happened. It wasn't James' idea, but since Victor acted like everything was ok, he wasn't going to ruin the night for him. James wanted Victor to have fun.

But the crash did happen in the following days, and it drained James. It wasn't that Victor did something. It was the opposite.

Victor became unwilling to get out of bed, go to class, eat, or even shower. James had to drag him by the arms and guide him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and have a quick shower. Ollie was the one who got food and somehow convinced him to eat.

Some days were calm, no fussing around, just passive acceptance.

Some days were full of guilt and tears and heartbreaking, untrue conclusions. Victor would call himself a burden, a horrible person, a terrible boyfriend, he'd feel like he was dragging James and Ollie down with his depression.

James and Ollie would lay in bed with him, caress his hair and kiss his forehead, and allow him to cry into their chests.

It was a collective effort to keep him from not falling behind on his homework.

It took two weeks for him to pull himself together finally. James' fury didn't subside. He wanted to murder that man more than anything. He would stay up late thinking of all the possible ways he could pull out his teeth.

It was past midnight when James woke up because he couldn't feel Victor next to him. Victor was in his own bed, sitting on the edge. He was holding his head in his hands.

James got up and sat on the floor in front of him. "Hey, sweetheart." He touched his thigh. "What's wrong?"

Victor shook his head. "I can't sleep anymore. I'm ok, go back to bed." Victor touched James on the side of the neck; his hands were cold, too cold.

"Do you want to go out for a walk?" James asked him, rubbing Victor above his knees. "Some fresh air might do you good."

Victor hesitated. James gave him time to think about it.

"I- I'm sorry, I woke you up, right?"

James smiled, moving his hands up Victor's arms. "No -" love "- Vic, I just didn't feel you next to me and woke up. I guess I got used to your presence."

"Are you sure you want to go outside? It's cold," Victor said. James wanted to kiss him tenderly.

"Yeah, I love late night walks. Come on; I'll give you one of my sweaters." 

Author's note<3: 

Two lovely boys go for a late-night walk, all alone. I think something is going to happen! What do you think it's gonna happen?

Share your theories, leave a ⭐️, tell me what your favorite dessert is, we're all friends here. 

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