Gentle - bonus

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*Tagged M for sexual content*

James was more than desperate to feel something more than the slight, almost imperceptible, maddening friction between Victor's groin and his ass. But Victor liked teasing.

James pushed his hands up Vic's shirt, resting his palms against his naked skin, and smiled up at him. He had dreamed about this. He had fantasized about it, and now it was happening. Not exactly the way he imagined, but sometimes reality is way better.

Victor allowed him to take off his sweater and looked down at James' hands undoing his pants.

Victor kissed his cheek and the side of his neck. He left a trail of pecks on his body and stopped for a moment. James felt his lips curl into a smile against his lower stomach. Victor licked his skin, tugging his underwear off. Painfully slow.

James pushed his fingers into Victor's hair and tugged him gently. "You're such a tease."

Victor pressed his fingers into James' thighs. "Am I?" he asked. His voice went right to James' erection. He took off James' boxers and threw them on the floor.

"Very," James muttered, nodding.

Victor smirked and sat on his knees. He lifted James' leg and rested it on his shoulder, then turned his head and kissed his inner thigh.

"You don't like it?"

"I love it," James admitted. "But I think I might pass out."

Victor chuckled. "Don't forget to breathe."

James grunted, moved his leg away from Victor's shoulder, and pulled him close. Then rolled on top of him and quickly moved his head right between his thighs.

Victor laughed, making James lose his mind. James was desperate for more, more touching, more kissing, more fucking. He wrapped his lips around Victor, feeling his body jolt and his fingers running over his head, searching for something to grab. James put one of his hands over Victor's chest and the other one on his hip, holding him down.

"This is a nice view," Victor panted, his voice was deeper. James could almost hear the need in it. James wanted to hear him moan.

He sucked and licked, trying to not cum from giving a blowjob. He wanted more, more, he had been craving this for so long. Victor's fingers were over James' head and again the thought of having long hair crossed his mind.

Victor pulled James away. The dick slid out of his mouth with a wet pop, and they both snorted a laugh. James crawled on top of him and kissed his collar bones and his neck.

"Do you want to fuck me?" James asked.

"Yes." The answer was short, clear, concise, and it made every bone in James' body tremble.

Victor rolled on top of him again and James wrapped his legs around his waist. He was willing to let Victor do whatever he wanted.

Victor narrowed his eyes, amused. It was as if he accepted some sort of challenge. He flipped James on his back. James rocked his hips against the mattress, but Victor held him still and kissed the back of his neck. His hands were warm now, each touch feeling like it was burning into James' skin.

"Relax," Victor said. "I'll be nice."

"I don't want you to be nice," James moaned.

Victor shuffled for a bit. James had no idea what he was doing, yet he understood once he felt something wet and cold dripping over his hole. Victor knew where the lube was– maybe it was Ollie who told him about it, or he used it before, the thought only made him even more desperate to be touched. He felt Victor's fingers inside him. To James' distress, Victor was so fucking gentle.

He tried rocking his body in an attempt at feeling more. Victor held him still, moving his fingers slowly, in and out. James shoved his face into the pillow, whining.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Vic, this is unfair."

"Yeah," Victor said. "You want more?"

James groaned loudly in his pillow, arching his back. He might've said something too, but he wasn't sure. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Victor could also be a jerk.

"Come here, then." Victor grabbed his hips.

James felt Victor push himself inside him. His mind went into overdrive and the desperation took over. He tried fucking himself against Victor's dick, but Victor grabbed the back of his neck and held him again. He loved it. 

"No, Jamie," he said. "Play nice."

"You're an asshole," James muttered, blinded by pleasure. He needed more, while Victor seemed to enjoy withholding it. When he finally started thrusting, he did it slowly, he leaned over James and kissed his back and neck and then turned his face and kissed him right on the mouth.

"Don't be so loud," Victor smiled, his lips still against James'. "What if someone hears you?"

James didn't give a shit about that; he couldn't even wrap his mind around someone else existing or caring that he was finally sleeping with his boyfriend.

He felt Victor's hand around his mouth, and this almost made him cum then and there. But it was still not enough. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of being filled, and stretched, and fucked.

He moved Victor's hand away. "Let me move on top."

Victor stopped. He hummed, then complied. James watched him drop on his back, his hair messy, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat and his cheeks were a lovely shade of pink. James wanted to lick every inch of him, but he was also desperate for release.

James sat on his dick and rolled his hips. He didn't want to go slow; he was too needy for that. Victor touched his chest and pinched his nipples, smiling, and moaning softly. His hands traveled down James' sides and stopped on top of his thighs.

There was no way James could hold back any longer. A few moments later he came, leaning down so he could kiss Victor. There was a constant need to kiss Victor, again and again.

"All that talk...," Victor stopped to take in a deep breath, "And you're already done?"

"Don't be a dick." James smiled. He got up and wrapped his fingers around Victor's member, stroking it. "Don't think weird things just to show off how long you can last."

"Don't say that, I'll start thinking about my grandma."

"Don't even... what's wrong with you?!" James whined.

Victor laughed. "You started it!" He pushed his hips up. "Don't stop now."

James continued stroking Victor until orgasm washed over him too. James made it a point to watch his face when it happened. That alone was enough to make him want to go for round two.

Author's note<3:

Bonus 18+ chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Was Victor nice?

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