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James packed for the weekend, pretending to forget all of his homework. He was nervous about meeting Oliver's dad. His experiences with parents weren't the best. People had labeled him the troublemaker, or a bad influence ever since he buzzed his head. His fashion style was a second reason for parents not to like him.

"Do you need help?" James asked, watching Oliver try and close a briefcase by sitting on it. "What are you packing? Jesus Ollie, it's days, and it's your house we're going to."

Oliver pouted and looked at him like an injured puppy. "I have to be ready!"

"For what, the apocalypse?" James walked next to the briefcase and pressed his foot on it, adding the extra bit of weight it needed.

"Stop judging me."

James leaned over and kissed the top of his head. "Your hair is getting so long."

"Yeah, look!" Ollie pulled his curls into a small ponytail. "How do I look? Am I pretty?"

James sat in front of him. He leaned over, touched the side of his neck, and smiled.

"The prettiest."

Ollie pecked his nose. "Gosh, we're so adorable. We're like, the best couple in the world. We're so cute."

"You're cute." James pinched his chin and got up. He still had things to do, and he couldn't let freckles and green eyes distract him again.

"You're cute!" Oliver shouted.

"I don't understand how you can be this energetic after a week of classes." Victor walked out of the bathroom with a towel on his head and flopped on his bed. James was sure he was going to fall asleep if left to his own devices.

"Shut up, you're also pretty," Ollie said.

"Get up, Arlington." James pat Victor's shoulder. "If you fall asleep, I'll throw you in the pool." Victor rolled on his back with a frowned already on his face.

"Get up, Aurelian." James continued.

Victor grunted a long, exhausted sound. "I hate that, don't call me that."

"It's pretentious, yeah, now get up."

After they finished packing, they head out towards the train station. James somehow ended carrying Oliver's huge suitcase while his boyfriend was free to bounce forward with only a backpack. At least Victor didn't pack his whole collection of shoes and could handle his carry-on.

They got on the train and took their seats. Oliver insisted that he wanted to sit by the window, and while James had no issues with that, he knew that Ollie will spend the whole trip playing on his phone.

Victor sat across from James and leaned back. He seemed like he wanted to merge with the cushions.

"I need a coffee, or an energy drink, or a twelve-hour coma."

"Naps aren't good enough for you, Your Majesty?" James asked.

Oliver rested his head on his shoulder while Victor kicked off his shoes. He was about to ask what was that all about when Vic stretched his legs out and placed them next to James. He yawned.

"I can't sleep on trains," Victor took his Switch out of his bag. "And reading in a moving vehicle makes me nauseous, so I'll play some games."

James took his feet and placed them on his thighs. He pressed his thumbs into heels and dragged them upwards. Victor's eyes fell on him. He didn't move away.

"Reading makes me nauseous." Oliver chuckled. "I hate schoolwork so much. Work makes me nauseous. I shouldn't be allowed to work. I'm too precious for that."

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