Things In Common

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Oliver thought for a second. No, Oliver pretended to think for a second. A mischievous smile curled on his lips. He raised an eyebrow and stroked the sides of James' neck.

"I dare you to do something adventurous."

James held Oliver by his thighs. He gripped them tighter, pressing his fingers into Oliver's soft skin. He hoped he wasn't going to bruise. They kissed.

He was lightheaded, happy. Being with Oliver made him feel both at ease and exhilarated.

He was hard again, and Oliver moved against his erection, making things worse. Or better. He had thought of himself as being open-minded about it, adventurous even until Oliver handed him the second-place medal.

"Are you shy?" Oliver's voice pulsed into his groin.

"No," James muttered against his lips. He walked a few steps forward and lifted Oliver on the pool's edge. He remained in the water and leaned between Oliver's knees. He kissed his inner thigh gently.

He heard Oliver chuckle, and he felt his fingers over his head. James wondered what it would have been like if he had long hair.

James scratched his skin with his teeth before dragging his tongue over it. Oliver gasped and tensed.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm having the time of my life." Oliver smiled, "Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?"

James buried his head into Oliver's thigh and laughed. "People don't call anything about me pretty."

"Blind fools."

James kissed his way up. He stopped mere inches away from Oliver's sensitive parts and smirked up at him. Oliver purred. He was watching him with big eyes.

"What?" James teased while resting his head against his leg.

"What?" Oliver bit his lip, and James almost lost his mind. He couldn't get over Oliver's lips, round and plush and soft, or his freckles, scattered around his body like tiny stars. James couldn't get over his small nose, his big curls, his huge personality. Being in love sure was an experience he never thought he'd enjoy so much.

"Jamie," Oliver said, lifting one leg over his shoulder. "You're awful."

"Nah," He tugged on Oliver's underwear while maintaining eye contact. James couldn't hold back his smile as he wrapped his lips around him. Oliver's body jerked, but James didn't pull back this time.

Their small poolside escapade didn't last long. Over-excited nineteen-year-olds rarely do, yet James was more than satisfied with the outcome.

"Can you carry me?" Oliver dropped on his back and kicked the water.

James pulled himself out of the pool, and the cold wrapped around him. He didn't regret giving Victor his clothes, but he wondered why the hell they didn't bring a towel or two.

"Piggyback," James said. He waited for Oliver to get dressed, refusing to admit that he was freezing to death. He didn't want to shiver, but it was becoming difficult to control himself.

After Oliver tied his shoes, he squatted down, allowing him to jump on his back. Oliver kissed his head.

"To sleep!" He declared, patting his shoulders.

James hurried back to his room and picked out warm clothes. He didn't even glance at Victor's bed until he was fully dressed.

Victor was asleep. And of course, he hadn't taken the time to change into something more appropriate. James' heart swelled, and a thrill ran down his spine. Seeing him dressed in his sweater and sweatpants filled him with a sense that he had won something.

Oliver tossed a blanket over Victor. James wrapped a towel around Oliver's head.

"You're gawking, babe," Oliver said while drying his hair.

"No, I'm not."

James got in his bed and patted the empty spot beside him. Oliver pressed his body next to him and cuddled under his chin.

"It's ok to look," Oliver said, "I'm not blind, either."

James stroke Oliver's hair. It was still damp, but he liked the way his curls felt under his hand.

"Do you like Victor, too?" James asked. His heart was like an iron fist beating against his ribcage. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous to hear his answer. Oliver chuckled.

"I think I like Victor," he openly admitted as if it wasn't a big deal. James loved how nonchalant he was about his feelings and how open he was about them.

"We make such a great couple. We have so many things in common," James said.

"Why were you so tense?" Oliver asked, kissing the side of his neck.

"I don't know, I'm just...always nervous about these things."

Oliver puffed a small laugh through his nose. "We have to learn more about this before we go ahead and propose anything to him. We can do it tomorrow; I can't wait to scour the internet."

"Sure, love."

James was sure that the proposal will most likely have to wait. He was madly infatuated with Victor, to the point that he couldn't stop looking at him, even when he was covered with a blanket. Yet he knew that liking him wasn't enough, that pushing his feelings onto Victor was plain selfish.

Victor needed more help than a pat on the back and a couple of encouraging words.

James didn't know what he could do. Having kind intentions wasn't sufficient, and Victor was relentless in his refusal to talk about his feelings, his trauma, and his addiction. James wasn't sure who to reach out to, who to ask for guidance and support.

Maybe Oliver's dad?

He remembered Oliver mentioning he was a psychologist or something of that sort. 

Author's note<3: 

James is in dire need of tips y'all. What should he do? Also, please, please, pretty please validate me by voting and commenting. It keeps me going. 

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