Hello Mom

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Victor called his mother at three in the morning while holding Freckle in his arms, wrapped up in one of his sweaters. He had been on a walk and decided to take the cat with him. Somehow, the round cat became even rounder. James stared at it for a long moment, trying to figure out how an animal could have such circular eyes. It looked almost cartoonish. Freckle was a vibrating loaf of a cat.

"What did she say?" James touched his thigh.

They were sitting on the floor in Ollie's room, eating gummy bears and leftover pizza. Victor leaned back against the bed.

"It went," he said, then tapped Freckle's nose with his finger. The cat tried wiggling his head away from Victor's hand but didn't make any attempt at jumping out of his arms.

"I think Freckle is trying to steal my boyfriend." Ollie squinted at his cat. "Orange bastard."

Victor laughed. It was short, but it still made James feel a rush of pleasant warmth through his body.

"You can't stop our love, Ollie. It's pure."

Ollie pressed his lips into a pout and shoved himself into Victor's side. Victor laughed again and wrapped an arm around Ollie.

"When are we going to your mother's?" Ollie asked, content that he was receiving the affection he wanted.

"We?" Victor repeated.

"Yes," Ollie said. "I asked my dad if I can borrow his car so we won't have to take a train. He said yes. I had to promise I won't scratch it...again."

"Monday," Victor said. "Are you sure?"

"We're sure, love." James leaned in and pecked his forehead. "Very sure."

James wanted the weekend to never end. He wanted to sit in Ollie's room, watching bad movies and ignoring the piling stress, the thought that he might be kicked out of school.
Yet time passed, somehow quicker than normal. Somehow, it was already Monday. Somehow they were in front of what can only be described as a villa.

Of course, Victor lived in a gated community, in a house with an inside pool. This made James judge his cracked phone screen even more. For someone who lived in a mansion, he sure had a shitty phone.

"I'm not ready," Victor announced, then shoved a cigar in his mouth and got out of the car.

James thought time moved too quickly. He couldn't grasp how and when the calm of Oliver's house was replaced with this. Whatever this was, it didn't feel right. It made James feel nauseous.

He followed Victor out of the car and touched his back. They were there. How did they even get there that fast? Maybe time does move more quickly when you don't want something to happen. He didn't even know what to expect from Victor's mother. He didn't even know her name.

"Are you ok?" James asked.

"I don't know," Victor said, then stepped towards the entrance.

James walked behind him, next to Oliver. It was a gray afternoon, and they were missing class to be there. It was ironic. They were skipping school to avoid getting expelled.

Once they were in front of the door, Victor stopped and took the unlit cigar out of his mouth. He wrapped his fingers around the doorknob.

"I'd rather not tell her about our relationship," Victor said, not opening the door.

James couldn't help but feel a slight tang in his chest, but he understood. He nodded, and Victor opened the door.

Time still didn't feel real.

"Mom?" Victor called out.

James looked around. The walls were tall. The house seemed unreal as if they were in a movie. He half expected to hear that it belonged to an old mad baron who killed his wife and is now haunting the hallways. There were too many doors too. And so much brown. So many pictures on the walls. The furniture looked like it needed at least ten men to move around.
James felt intimidated. Out of place. Dizy. He wondered how Victor's room looked like.

"Mom?" Victor called out again.

James recognized her the moment she walked through one of the many doors. It was impossible not to. She was tall, almost as tall as Victor. Her hair was dyed platinum blond, but James could see a bit of her black roots coming in. She was Victor, from the sharpness of her eyes to the way the corner of her mouth curled into a smirk. He wondered how Victor's father looked. James doubted that Vic took anything from him.

James watched her, in her silk robe, in that too large of a room. He wasn't sure what he had expected. He wasn't sure what to feel.

He was in Victor's house, and he was meeting his mother. Not to be introduced as his boyfriend, not to have a fun dinner, or get to know each other. They were there, in a house Victor hated, to make sure that none of them get in trouble because of her husband.

"Hello, mom," Victor said.

"Please, sit down," His mother flashed them a smile.

James also recognized that smile.

Author's note<3: 

Surprise update!

We're in Vic's house and we're very concerned. It feels like a tense conversation is about to take place.

What do you think it's going to happen? 

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