It's A Confession

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James didn't change out of the sweatpants he was wearing. He grabbed his jacket and shoved his feet into his boots. He gave Victor a sweater, then, after he saw him dressed and ready, decided to wrap a scarf around his neck and put a beanie on his head. Both were black; he didn't have other colors.

He took Victor's hands and kissed them both before walking out. James didn't care that it was almost three in the morning. He was thrilled that Victor was finally outside.

Victor stopped to scoop some snow and make a small snowball. He proceeded to toss it from hand to hand. Then he dropped it.

"Damn it," Victor muttered, looking at the hole in the snow where his ball dropped.

James kissed his temple. "You're adorable."

Victor turned towards him. He was so close that James could feel his breath on his face. It always surprised him that Victor was almost as tall as him.

James admired his face; he couldn't remember how many times he had done that in the past.

"You're so beautiful," James blurted out without thinking. Victor rolled his eyes.

"No, I mean it." James touched Victor's face with the tips of his fingers and smiled. "I look at you, and I feel a pang right in my chest."

"Might be a sign of too much coffee."

James smiled. He was getting used to Victor's dry jokes.

"You're so nice to me," Victor continued. "You and Ollie, you're so nice to me... and I feel hollow and empty."

"That's not true." James leaned his forehead against Victor's. "That's the biggest lie you ever told yourself."

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

"You're not. We're both so happy that you're a part of our lives. We're both lucky to have you."

Victor held his waist. He moved his hands up his stomach and chest, then rested them on the sides of James' neck. James couldn't stop smiling.

"Ollie was right, you do have pretty eyes," Victor said, studying each inch of James' face.

James hummed, feeling a nice, familiar warmth in his chest.

Victor bit his lip; a small frown formed on his face. He stared at James' mouth for a long moment before lifting his eyes again.

"I like you so much," James sighed.

Victor hesitated again, but James wasn't expecting an answer.

"I think I love you," Victor said.

It took James a long moment to register the information. He heard it, he knew what it meant, but his mind felt stuck in a prolonged buffer.

"If you say what I'm leaving."

"You love me," James repeated, cupping Victor's face. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't stop smiling. 

Author's note<3: 

Bonus update because it's a short chapter (see you tomorrow for the next one!)

OMG IT HAPPENED? LIKE FOR REAL THIS TIME!!! What's next now?! What's Ollie up to tho? I bet he wants some of that sweet sweet love too. Pls pls give me chonky vote to feed on! Nom nom nom.

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