Black Coffee Is An Acquired Taste II

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"Oliver doesn't like cheesecake, and I feel like I need confirmation that that's weird," James said since they were already talking about dessert and he still didn't know how to build a bridge between Victor and him.

"Are you lactose intolerant?" Victor asked, turning his head towards Oliver.

"No." Oliver shook his head. "I just think cake should be made out of cake."

"I mean... I'm not saying it's weird you don't like one of the most popular desserts in the world, all I'm saying is that it's outside the status quo, therefore not in the norm."

"That sounded like a professor trying to answer a delicate question." Oliver chuckled. "It's just a dessert, really, no need to be formal."

"Are you making fun of the way I talk, Morales?"

"I like the way you talk," Oliver said. James had to agree, but he wasn't certain it was the way Victor expressed himself as much as it was his general tone.

He had a face for television and a voice for radio, which James considered to be quite excessive.

The café was strangely Baroque for something that could be found in that small town. James didn't complain, his interest in aesthetics was only limited to what type of black t-shirt he was about to wear for the day.

Victor ate macaroons like they were tic tacs and James wondered if he ever got sick from too much sugar. Victor also got two types of cheesecake. Oliver stole one of his strawberries.

"That's fine," Victor said. "I'm not eating cake for the fruit."

"Do you even eat fruit?" James asked.

"I don't go out of my way to eat it, but if someone gives me a peach, I'm not going to say no."

"Look at you, being all healthy." Oliver joked. "You can have this wonderful piece of modern art." He added as he grabbed the white chocolate decoration off his cake and stuck it in Victor's.

"I think your boyfriend's jealous." Victor didn't quite smile, but the corner of his lip turned up. Of course, he would be enjoying this.

"I'm not jealous," James said, crossing his arms.

"That would be childish, no?" Victor continued. "Huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf for a half a strawberry and a piece of chocolate. Ridiculous, some might say."

Oliver rolled his eyes and held a spoonful of vanilla cake next to James' face. James ate it, begrudgingly. He preferred chocolate.

"You should work on your insecurities," Victor said. "Green is not your color."

James looked at him, nurturing inside him that familiar annoyance he had when Victor talked. And they were starting to get along so well. Well, he was starting to tolerate him; the conversation was mainly between Oliver and Victor.

Victor smiled at that. "Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would hit a nerve." James had heard more sincere apologies from YouTube influencers.

"I'm not jealous," James said again and tried to relax his shoulders. His neck was starting to hurt.

"Stop bickering." Oliver sighed and kissed James on the cheek. He wasn't the jealous type, he had never been the jealous type and he hated the feeling. He tried rolling it in his head, attempting to figure out what was wrong with him. It wasn't because Oliver liked Victor.

It hit him when Oliver tried digging out a small strawberry from the side of Victor's slice. It wasn't the act itself, it was the lack of reaction from Victor. He was jealous because he didn't have that relationship with Victor.

Was that what he wanted? Befriend Victor? He didn't even like him that much! He somehow managed to scatter his own brain.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," Oliver said. "Don't ditch me, please, I'll cry and call the police."

James watched him leave and felt something familiar with anxiety. Well, he didn't know what to say now. Victor wasn't necessarily paying attention to him, but he felt the need to fill the silence.

"Why are you staring at me?" Victor asked, biting on the edge of his silver spoon.

"Stop flattering yourself," James said. "I'm just thinking."

"Don't overdo it on your first try, you might get a headache."

"You know," James said, praying that whatever he was about to say wasn't going to sound cringe. "If you need help with anything, you can ask."

He didn't see the fury on Victor's expression. It was all in his eyes. Victor licked his teeth.

"Help with what, Brooks?" He snapped.

"Whatever you may need," James said, trying to not get pissed.

"I don't need anything." Victor smiled that smile that didn't curve upwards.

James closed his eyes for a moment. "Ok, but the offer stands."

"Enough," Victor said, pointing the spoon at him. "That's enough."

"Ok." He didn't know what else to do. He didn't want to be the reason the whole day's mood is ruined. "I'll back away from your business, is that fine?"

"That's all I've been asking." Victor smiled. It looked sharp and mean. James didn't know what else to do to defuse the situation before Oliver returned.

"I'm going to... go get an ice cream frappe, do you want one?" Victor blinked rapidly. If this wasn't someone being disarmed, James had no idea what was.

"Ugh." Victor frowned, but then again, James was getting all too familiar with how much sugar this guy could ingest. "Yes?" He hesitated, leaned back in his chair. This was definitely not how he imagined the conversation going. "Sure?"

"Ok." James couldn't help but smile. He preferred this Victor over an angry version of himself. "What flavor do you like?"

Victor squinted just a tad bit. James wanted to reach over and rub him between his eyebrows in a futile attempt to wipe away the frown.

"Uhm...I don't know. Caramel, I guess..."

James got up and walked to the counter. He got Oliver a vanilla one too, but nothing for himself. He didn't want to suffer through a sugar crash.

Oliver returned about the same time as him. He smiled when he saw the drinks. "How cute." He chuckled, giving James another small kiss. 

Author's note<3: 

Ollie doesn't like cheesecake! Please don't hate on him, he's a precious boy. Nobody can be perfect, right? 

Did you like their date? Do you have any advice for the dorks? Let me know! 

And pretty please leave me a pretty star! 

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