Trials And Tribulations

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There was going to be a trial in two weeks.

Victor dropped that information on them like it meant nothing. Like he was speaking about the low battery of his phone or a hair appointment. He was unfazed, unbothered, and completely uninterested. James, on the other hand, felt like he was inching closer towards madness. His sleep schedule was all over the place, his academic life was suffering, and his focus was similar to that of a goldfish.

They were going to court, and Victor was going to testify. James kept expecting him to complain and say he doesn't want to do it. Victor didn't. He spent the following days acting like everything was alright, doing his homework, correcting Ollie's essays, and reading to him. And sleeping. Victor slept an inhumane amount for someone who always looked exhausted.

It's going to be ok, was James' new mantra, the words he kept saying to himself and out loud, hoping that they will manifest into reality. It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok.

And then more days passed, and more essays were written, and more hours were spent sleeping and watching movies. None of them mentioned the trial. James tried once, but Victor's glare was enough to shut him up.

So, they ignored the approaching court date and snuck around the campus, messed around the pool, and went outside to build snowmen. They lost Ollie twice. It was his fault for getting bored halfway through making snow angels and laying there like a log. The second time it happened, Victor grabbed a handful of snow and dropped it over his face. Ollie screamed and pounced him like an angry cat, knocking him on his back.

James rolled his eyes. Ollie still held onto the idea that one day he'll defeat Victor in a wrestling match. He watched them struggle in the snow, took his phone out, and snapped a picture, ignoring Ollie's cries for help.

"James! Save me!" Ollie wailed.

Victor was sitting on him, cackling, poking his cheeks. "Nobody can save you."

"I'm sorry, love, but no," James said.

"Please?" Ollie tried kicking his feet. When James didn't budge, he locked eyes with Victor and pouted. "I want to win."

Victor looked down at him and smiled, then pinched his nose. "Loser."

"I'll cry." Ollie threatened, his voice stuffy.

"I'll cry harder, watch me," Victor said, opening his hand and covering Ollie's face with his palm.

Ollie screamed again, and Victor laughed. He finally got off and helped Ollie get the snow off of his clothes, then hugged him.

"There, there," Victor said, patting his head. "You little monster."

"You should let me win," Ollie whined but wrapped his arms tightly around Victor.

"Why?" Victor asked.

"Because you love me, of course." Ollie nodded; his cheek pressed against Victor's shoulder.

"Sorry, but no. I don't like this bribery."

"You're not sorry," Ollie grunted.

They went back to their rooms and drank tea and hot chocolate. James watched Ollie add more sugar to his already sweet drink. Even Victor seemed bothered. Victor, who ate mashed potatoes on bread, became even more concerned when Ollie decided to drop a gummy bear into his mug. At this point, James was convinced he was being trolled and that Ollie was looking to get a reaction out of them.

Then they slept and pretended that nothing was wrong.

When the due day rolled over them, it felt like a bulldozer. Or a train. Or wrecking ball and it snapped them all back to reality.

Victor put on a suit, fixed his hair, and had three coffees.

James put on a suit, buzzed his hair, and only had two coffees.

Ollie put on a suit. He didn't need coffee.

Sebastian drove them. Victor spent ten more minutes outside the courtroom and smoked. One cigar. Two cigars. Then decided on a third and a fourth. James was standing next to him, thinking that this was the last hoop they had to jump through. No, this was Victor's last hoop. James wanted to testify too, but Victor told him that there was no need. He didn't fight it.

"It's going to be ok," James said. He touched Victor's shoulder, startling him.

"Yeah." Victor nodded; his movements were jerky. "Yeah." He looked at James and smiled. "Obviously."

"I'm serious. Ollie and I are here," James started, "Sebastian is here, Elena will come too. Even Robert. I think Emma too."

Victor lifted his hand to his mouth and bit the skin around his thumbnail. "Great." He nodded. "I believe you."

Author's note<3: I'll take a moment to thank all of you for reading, commenting, and voting! It helps me a bunch! So thank you!

As always, please share your thoughts and conspiracies! And maybe some movies 🤔

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