The Victorious

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Everything was ok.

Summer passed and school started. James was working and studying and taking Ollie on motorcycle rides during the evening when both of them had a bit of free time. Victor refused, saying he valued his life too much. It was their first autumn in their apartment and soon they will have their first Christmas. And their first New Year. They might visit Ollie's parents, or maybe they will visit them. Or maybe they will hang out in the living room, eating snacks on the floor and talking about some shitty TV show.

James was happy. He settled in this new, mundane, and boring lifestyle where nobody feared violence or expulsion, or trials. Sometimes he thought that he didn't deserve this, sometimes he wondered if he'll lose it one day, sometimes he thought about his parents and wondered if they ever thought about him. It wasn't perfect. Nothing ever is.

But James was happy.

He was happy to come home after work and see Victor napping on the couch with Freckle curled next to him. Sometimes they were both wearing Pikachu hoodies.

He was happy to listen to Ollie complain that he can't find his notebooks.

He was happy to skip some classes and hang out with his new colleagues once in a while.

He was happy to call Robert and whine about that one professor who absolutely had something against him.

He was happy.

It was a rainy Saturday evening. James was once again attempting to cook while Victor and Ollie were browsing for a new place to order food from. Freckle was glaring at him in that weird, unsettling ways cats do, unblinking and unmoving, like a judgemental little shit. James tried ignoring him. He couldn't, so he put some food in his bowl and hoped that he'll be distracted long enough. The last thing James wanted was to fuck up his dinner because Freckle liked to stare.

"James, you have to put oil in the pan and let it heat up," Victor said, without looking up from his phone. "It says here." He tapped the display. "Then you add the onions and the garlic."

James grunted. He hated hot oil, it always splattered.

"How about this?" Ollie asked, turning his own phone towards them. "It's Mexican."

"Is it Taco bell? Everyone knows Taco Bell is the best." Victor smirked, fully knowing what he was doing and the hell he was about to unleash.

Ollie placed his phone on the table and sucked in his lips. He leaned towards Victor and grabbed his arm. "You're doing this on purpose."

"What?" Victor smiled widely. "What am I doing?"

"You can't be serious." Ollie squinted.

"I'm very serious." Victor nodded.

"I think I want a divorce," Ollie said, then turned towards James. "I want a divorce!"

"Why are you divorcing me?" James asked while struggling to open a can of tomatoes. "What did I do?"

"You endorse this kind of behavior."

James shook his head, put the can on the table, and wiped his hands on his shirt. He hated cans too. "I'm not. I'm a neutral party."

Ollie grumbled, eyeing Victor. "Take it back."

"What?" Victor smiled again.

"Taco Bell isn't the best Mexican food. It's not even... it's not even real Mexican food!" He inhaled sharply. "How could you even... I thought you loved me." Ollie pouted, distress written all over his face.

"Aw. We all make mistakes." Victor ruffled Ollie's hair and got up. He attempted to walk away, but Ollie grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled him back.

"Take it back!" Ollie wailed. "Take it back! Victor! Take it back!"

"Fine! Fine, I take it back. Stop tugging on my shirt, you'll ruin it, you little monster."

"Now tell me that you love me!" Ollie screamed. "Say it!"

Victor sighed. "I love you."

"I don't believe you!" He shouted.

"I. Love. You." Victor laughed. "Let go!"

"I. Don't. Believe. You!"

Victor signed again, turned around, and cupped Ollie's face. He leaned and kissed his forehead. "I love you very much and Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food."

"Ok. I believe you. Or maybe I'm charmed by your good looks." He beamed. "James, your oil is burning."

"Fuck!" James shouted, stumbling to take the pan off the flame. "Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He didn't know what to do with it, so he was spinning around like an idiot.

"Don't put it in water." Victor took a step back.

"What?!" James panicked even more.

Vic walked next to him, took the pan away from him, and placed it on the stove. "Stop saying what."

"I'm an independent man. I can say what if I want to." James opened the windows, hoping that the kitchen won't smell like smoke for the next few weeks.

"So..." Oliver waved his phone.

"Yes." Victor nodded. "Please, before we starve."

James gave up and sat down. "All right, ok. We'll die if we keep eating like this, but fine!" He placed his hand over his heart. "This isn't healthy."

Ollie kissed his cheek. "You'll be fine! You can get a salad."

"The hell I will."

Everything was finally ok, James thought while watching Ollie and Victor. Life had a funny way of fucking things up, of dunking them in low-lows and lifting them in high-highs. But they've won. They were happy.

Despite everything, they were victorious.

Author's note<3:

This is the last chapter (but not the end)! Don't worry, more bonus content will come soon, different POVs, and even a lil spicy nsfw!

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