It's All Art

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James walked out of the shower, a bit lightheaded. Ollie was energetic, to say the least. Not that he could ever complain about that, he loved it.

While he was searching for a shirt, Ollie hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder.

"Please flex?"

James did, and Ollie giggled, groping his pecks.

"You're hot, and I love you. I don't love you because you're hot, but it doesn't hurt." Ollie nibbled at his neck. James chuckled.

"Stop that, you horndog."

"Me?" Ollie thought for a second. "I'm a healthy young man with healthy young man needs, plus... me? What about you?!"

James sighed. "I'm beyond help."

Ollie bit the lobe of his ear. James turned around and cupped his face.

"Oliver, love, sugar, honey, my little toasted marshmallow, you're giving me another boner, and I'm really low on energy today. I might faint on you, and I don't think you have the upper body strength to move me. You'll be stuck there. Victor won't wake up even if you scream. You'll cry!"

Oliver gasped and covered his mouth. "I'm not cute when I cry." He paused, thinking. "When did Victor come back?"

"Late, but I'm not sure at what hour. He was fine, though, just a little tipsy." James remembered how Victor's fingers felt over his skin and his warm body next to him. How sweet he was.

"Good, I'm so proud of him," Ollie said, checking to see if Victor was asleep. "He actually talked to dad for a bit."

"Oh? Really? That's good, right? That's really good."

"Yeah, it was nothing groundbreaking, but just the fact that he's reaching out to someone is huge."

James smiled, then kissed Oliver on top of his head.

"I love you. And your family is amazing."

"I love you too. My family loves you too."

James suffered through all his classes of the day. After he dragged himself out of his last one, he stopped by the cafeteria to grab food for everyone.

Victor and Oliver were already in the room. Oliver was resting his head on Victor's chest, trying not to fall asleep. Victor was reading out loud, tapping his curly head once in a while to keep him alert.

James smiled. "Is this how you do your reading now?"

"I'm normally a good listener, but Victor's voice is so soothing it puts me to sleep." Ollie yawned without covering his mouth. James thought that soothing wasn't quite the word he would use. Victor's voice could boil his blood.

"What a kind way of saying boring," Victor said. "How rude. And here I was, playing the narrator for you."

"It's not boring. It's lovely and calming. I love listening to you talk." Oliver peeled himself off of Victor and smiled. "And you're so handsome, Vic, sometimes I wonder how you're not getting confessions left and right."

"It's my dashing personality," Victor said deadpan.

James kissed them both on the head. "You're both great, now eat the food before it gets cold."

Ollie stretched out his arms and waited for James to place a plate on his hands. James did. Victor took his without fussing around.

"My dad texted me today, asking if we want to go to an art gallery. My mom hosts it, and honestly... I think the question is more for Victor than us, but we can still go and pretend to understand abstract paintings." Oliver picked up a french fry with his hand and dipped it in ketchup.

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