Justice Calls

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In the following days, James started missing Victor more and more. He kept turning towards his bed, just to be disappointed by its' emptiness. Ollie spoke to him on the phone a few times, always about small, unimportant things, casual conversations that James wasn't a part of.

Ollie told James more than once that it wasn't a good idea to continue being so stubborn. That he should stop being a child.

"He misses you too, you know," Ollie said after ending a call with Vic. He threw his phone on the bed and sighed.

"How do you know?" James asked, pushing down the overwhelming warmth that surged through his body.

Ollie rolled his eyes. "He asked how you are. He always asks, you dum-dum."

"Did he say when he's coming back?" James smiled.

"Probably Friday," Oliver said. "I think he would've come earlier of not for Freckle. If we move together for college, we're taking Freckle with us. That orange bastard stole Vic's heart!"

James chuckled and nodded. Living with Victor and Oliver sounded like a dream.

Ollie kept his eyes on him, unmoving and judgemental, telling James to stop being a jackass and text Victor. James didn't, nor did he call him. The remaining days passed slowly, agonizingly slow, like crystalized honey being poured out of a jar. James was growing anxious. When Friday finally dragged itself in, James was on the verge of jumping out the window.

He took a hot shower in a futile attempt at calming down his mind. That week had been hell.

He walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and almost bumped into Victor. The shock was enough to leave James gawking.

"Hi?" Victor looked at him, his eyebrows knit together.

James needed to gather his jaw off the floor and focus. His heart felt too big for his chest.

"I've missed you," James said, unable to form his thoughts into more coherent words. But those he managed to shove out of his mouth seemed enough. At least, they were appropriate. And then James hugged him tightly, not caring that he wasn't dried off properly.

He kissed his temple. "I've missed you so much," James said again.

Victor rested his chin on James' shoulder while rubbing his back. His hands were cold. "I was gone for four days? Not even that."

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," he said, still believing that Victor needed to take action against Mason.

"It's fine," Victor answered. There was a long pause that James, then he pulled away. "I think you'll be happy to hear that mom went ahead and informed the police of Masons'... activities."

James cupped his face and kissed his forehead. "It's for the best."

"Yeah, I figured you'd say that," Victor said, but it sounded like he wanted to end the conversation there. He sat on his bed and looked at James. "You should get dressed before you catch a cold."

James remembered that he was wearing nothing, that the only thing between him and the world was a towel. He didn't mind, but Victor was right.

"What?" he smiled, flexing, "don't you like me?"

Victor tilted his head to a side and inspected James for a few seconds. He hummed. "I think your left bicep is smaller."

"What?" James frowned. "No! Are you mocking me?"

Victor smiled. "No, I would never."

James took off the towel and threw it over Victor's head. Then he got dressed in a pair of sweats and a shirt. Victor threw the towel back at him, hitting him in the stomach before falling on the floor.

"I've missed you too," Victor said. "But I'm not happy about how everyone inserted themselves into my life."

"I know." James nodded and crouched in front of him, taking his hands. "I know, sweetheart, but it's for the best, you know that, right?"

Victor closed his eyes before having the chance to roll them back. James bit the inside of his cheek, stopping himself from saying something stupid.

"What's next?" James asked. "Whatever it is, you know we'll support you."

"I don't know; I hung up after she told me she went to the cops." Victor shrugged. "I guess they'll start an investigation." He grimaced. "I'm really excited about that. Where's Ollie?"

"Victor," James said, squeezing his hands.

"He's gonna get arrested, but I'm sure he'll be released on bail. Even so, he's not allowed to come anywhere near me." Victor sighed. "What's that called? Condition of release?" He shrugged. "Where's Ollie?"

"I think he went to get food." James brushed his fingers through Victor's hair. "Are you ok?"

"No, not really. This isn't the best time of my life if I'm being honest."

"I'm sorry," James said, kissing his hands.

"Why?" Victor pulled his hands back. "It's what you wanted."

James got up and took a few steps away from Victor, stopping next to his desk. The overwhelming love he felt when he saw Victor was subsiding, becoming more manageable as frustration clawed its way inside him.

"I don't want to fight," James said.

"You think I do?" Victor dropped on his back and kicked his shoes off.

James sat down next to him and touched his thigh. He was serious when he said he didn't want to argue.

"It's going to be ok, Vic. I promise." James paused. "I love you."

Author's note<3:

It's not over yet, is it 😢?! But at least they talked? Kinda?

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