Stop Saying What

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"Where's Victor?" James asked, turning his head towards the door. They were in Oliver's room, sitting on his large bed, with a video playing on Ollie's sticker-ed laptop. Several days had passed since the trial was over and James was starting to feel more like himself.

"I think he fell asleep on the couch, downstairs." Ollie picked up a pink, round, plushie and used it as a pillow. "Why? Do you miss him already?" He grinned, lifting his feet, and placing them on James' lap.

"I – ok, so, this is going to sound weird." James started, feeling his face get hot. "So, how should I say this..."

Ollie looked at him closely and waited. He squinted. "James? Are you having a stroke?"

"No!" James rolled his eyes and wrapped his fingers around his ankles. "I was thinking about finally sleeping with Vic."

Ollie raised his eyebrows and lifted himself on his elbows. "You mean you didn't?"

"No?" James leaned forward. "Why do you look so surprised?"

Ollie pressed his lips into a pout. "I'm not surprised!" he added, a bit too loudly. "Why would I be surprised?"

"Oh Jesus, Ollie! You – you and Vic already?"

Ollie shrugged, chuckling. "It happened, what do you want me to tell you? It was romantic and everything."

James blushed even more.

"Kiss his neck!" Ollie nodded, enthusiastically and James leaned over and covered his mouth. "Stop shouting, you – you,"

"Tiny monster," Ollie muffled, then started laughing. He shook his head free. "What, you think he'll wake up? Victor? A nuclear apocalypse can't wake him."

"Ok, yeah, but what if your dad hears you?"

"Neck kisses aren't indecent. And since when are you so shy? Do you remember when we played truth or dare in the pool, you -,"

"I remember!" James whined, feeling like he was going to get hard if he thought too hard about it.

Ollie laughed again. "Ok, I have a plan! I'll sleep in the guest room and leave you two alone to –," he started wiggling his body in what resembled a weird dance, "Knock boots."

"Jesus," James said again, shaking his head.

Ollie pounced on James, knocking him on his back. James hugged him, even though his lungs have been aggressively emptied of air.

James never had to put this much thought into sleeping with someone. It always came naturally, it was always easy, all he had to do was go with the flow. But now he was left overthinking it. To be fair, he had been overthinking it ever since he first started fantasizing about Victor.

That evening, after they had dinner, Ollie made up an excuse that nobody that knew him could possibly believe. He said he was going to isolate himself in the guest room to catch up on his essays and reading. Victor raised his eyebrows; confusion was almost palpable around him.

"What?" Ollie asked, picking up the first book he found. "I love Homer!"

"That's not -," Victor started, pointing at the novel, but Ollie was already out.

A few moments later he came back, picked up Freckle, and left again. Victor was left looking at the door, uncertain and slightly weirded out.

"What the-,"

"I don't know." James laughed, awkwardly, and scratched the back of his head. "Nobody can entangle the mysteries of Ollie's brain."

Victor stuck his tongue in his cheek and hummed. "Well, at least I know you're not the only one lacking any kind of subtlety."

"What?" A weird sound escaped James' mouth, something resembling a laughing goat. "What?!"

"Stop saying what." Victor's turned his attention to him. He was smirking, forcing James' heart to feel like it was on the verge of exploding. Victor came closer. "You should give me more credit." He dragged his finger from under James' neck, down his chest, and stopped right above his belly button.

James opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. His thoughts were a mess, a jumble of ideas, of feelings, of need, of things he wanted to say. He swallowed hard. "I – I love you."

Victor puffed a laugh through his nose and smiled. It was unfair, James thought. It was unfair how easily both Victor and Ollie could make him come undone so easily.

"I love you too," Victor answered. "Don't forget to breathe."

James smiled and Victor kissed him.

Author's note<3:

I think James needs better pick-up lines. Drop me your favorite, funniest, dorkiest pick-up lines, please! I'm curious. I'll start - We're not socks, but I think we'd make a great pair *wink*.

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