Hair Talk

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Oliver was falling asleep on Victor's chest while he was listening to him read. To make sure he stayed awake, Victor would give him gentle taps on the head. They weren't hard enough to squish his curls, but they did the job.

James thought they were adorable. He had the urge to squeeze them both.

"Why is it that you always tap my head to keep me awake?" Ollie asked, lifting his head to look up at Vic. He smirked. "Touch my butt too. It's cute and round." He wiggled.

Victor held his gaze, seemingly unimpressed with Ollie's shenanigans, then slapped his ass.

Oliver screamed. "I can't believe it!" His eyes widened. "Do it again."

Victor sighed. "You were falling asleep a moment ago, and now you can't sit still." He gave Ollie a few gentle pats on the forehead.

Oliver sat on Victor's lap, pressed his lips together in a tight pout, and squinted. Victor lifted himself on his elbows and raised his eyebrows, visibility confused. James had a mild idea about what was about to happen.

"What are you do -" Victor tried speaking, but Ollie pounced him like a cat trying to catch a mouse.

James heard the air puffing out of Victor's lungs. He thought that it wasn't a great situation for an asthmatic. He could've intervened; he didn't. It wasn't his battle.

"Ollie, please." Victor coughed. "You're killing me."

"I'm not killing you; you're dramatic. Too dramatic. I don't think it fits your brand." Oliver was smiling widely, refusing to move.

Victor stopped struggling, hugged Ollie, then rolled on top of him. "There, I win."

"No!" Ollie almost shouted. "James, help!"

"No," James opened the mini-fridge and grabbed a soda. "You did this to yourself." He sat on the edge of his bed and watched Olived kick his feet, under Victor. Victor was taller, stronger; he probably weighed more too. Ollie, as much as he loved him, had no chance.

"You can do it, babe!" James encouraged him.

"I think Victor is cheating. Victor, you're cheating." Ollie was still struggling. He was squirming in a futile attempt to wrestle Victor.

It was reminiscent of all the videos James had watched with small cats trying to play-fight big dogs. It never worked out the way the cat intended.

"Yeah," Victor agreed. "I'm a big, mean, bad, cheater. What are you gonna do about it?" He pinned Ollie's hands above his head.

"Cry." Ollie sniffed.

A devilish smile crept on Victor's face, the type of smile that James found disarmingly attractive. "You're bluffing," he said. "Everyone knows you're not cute when you cry."

An audible gasp escaped Oliver. "How dare?!" He wrapped his legs around Victor, latching himself to him. "If I go down, you're coming with me."

"I don't think your assessment of the situation is accurate," Victor said, deadpan.

Ollie turned his head towards James as if he was going to come and defend his honor. James had no such intentions; it was far too amusing. He shrugged and sipped his soda.

"If you win, I'll owe you a favor," James said. "But you have to win!"

"Will you dye your hair?" Ollie smiled, suddenly unbothered by Victor's presence on top of him.

James sighed; it wasn't the first time they had this conversation. "Fine."


James wondered how Victor could be so indifferent with Oliver moving so much under him. "Yes, yes, pink."

Oliver and Victor exchanged looks. Victor shrugged and allowed Oliver to roll him on his back and sit on him.

"I win!" Ollie declared. "I always win."

"He wins," Victor said, then yawned without covering his mouth.

Oliver tried shoving his finger in his mouth but wasn't fast enough. Then he rested his palms on Victor's chest and moved them slowly towards his waist. He was watching him intensely now, somehow mesmerized. Victor held him by the hips.

James had a hunch about all the ideas and images floating around in Oliver's head. He wasn't a stranger to them either.

James grunted. "Fine, I'll dye my hair pink. Actually no. You have to do it for me. Are you happy now?"

"Yes," Oliver nodded at him, then turned his attention back to Vic. "I want a kiss right here for winning." He tapped his cheek.

"That's not how you get things out of me," Victor said.

"Please give me a small kiss here? Pretty please with gummies on top," Ollie rephrased, amused.

Victor sighed. He reached out to pinch Ollie's cheek. "I don't know; I'm not convinced."

Ollie hummed, thinking. "Ok, fine. How about we trade? I'll give you a peck if you give me one too."

"Good leveraging, love," James said.

"Thank you," Ollie said. "So? A kiss for a kiss?"

"You're both dorks." Victor pressed his lips against Ollie's cheek.

Oliver grinned, cupped Victor's face, and smooched his forehead. He then took a moment to look at Victor. "My handsome, handsome boyfriend deserves all the kisses."

"Have you always been this corny?" Victor asked.

"Yes," Oliver said without missing a beat.

"You two are so cute." James smiled at them.

"You're cute!" Ollie said, forgetting once more to use his inside voice. "And you're going to be so much cuter with pink hair. James, I can already picture it!"

"I think you're going to ruin the bathroom with hair dye," Victor commented.

James had the feeling that he was right.  

Author's note<3: 

A fluffy chapter about idiots being idiots. I don't know if I trust Ollie with bleaching and dying hair. James might regret this. 

What do you think? I'm worried, guys.

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