That's Smooth

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Sitting at the table with Ollie, Victor and Sebastian made James feel like he was part of a family. Freckle was purring and rubbing his head against his leg, asking for food. When James refused, arguing that spicy chicken wasn't for cats, Freckle jumped on Ollie's lap and purred with the intensity of a drilling machine. Victor held out a piece of broccoli and to everyone's surprise, Freckle ate it.

Ollie laughed and wrapped his fingers around Freckle's ears, holding them. "I should've named you something else," he said. "You'd eat anything."

"Good job, Freckle. You'll definitely survive a zombie apocalypse," Victor said and tapped the cat's nose with his finger.

James finished his food and took a shower. He didn't have any spare clothes with him; coming to Oliver's house had been an unplanned moment of genius, but he also didn't want to wear the same shirt again. It smelled like a courtroom.

Victor looked up from his switch. "Do you refuse to dry yourself out of principle? You're gonna catch a cold."

"I'm thinking of a solution. I don't have anything to wear."

"What a tragedy," Victor said, then got up and walked to the other side of the room. His luggage was on the floor, with his clothes still in it. He looked through it and picked up a black sweater. "This is the biggest one I have." He held it up and looked at it. "It might be a bit tight."

"I'll survive," James said.

Victor tossed him the sweater and got back in bed. The fabric was soft against James' skin, he had no idea what it was, but it felt expensive. He felt even a little guilty when he finally had it on and noticed that it was indeed, too tight.

"Sorry for stretching it."

Victor tilted his head and looked at him for a moment, judging. "It's all right, you can keep it."

Ollie walked in, followed by his cat. Victor listened to Oliver's proposal and purchased a Pikachu hoodie for Freckle, who seemed perfectly happy wearing it.

"What?" Oliver stopped and his eyes snapped on James' chest like magnets to a fridge. He inhaled deeply. "Well, this is just unfair." He walked towards James and shoved his face into his left peck. "Nice."

James hugged him and pat his head, focusing on anything else, or at least trying to, in an attempt at not popping a boner. "What are you doing, Ollie?"

"Nothing." Oliver's voice came out muffled.

"Don't suffocate yourself, death by boob isn't the most dignified death," Victor said and even cracked a smile. He then grabbed his pack of cigars and looked inside it, checking to see if it was empty yet.

James thought that he might as well bite the bullet. "Can I come with you?" he asked. Hope was beating in his chest, a constant, painful banging. He waited. Hope twisted inside him, a heart attack waiting to happen.

Victor nodded.

They stood next to Victor's snowmen army. James scanned them and noticed the yellow one that Freckle peed on – a true act of hatred. Victor struggled with his lighter and grunted.

"I think it's out of fluid." He frowned as if that little yellow plastic held some sort of value to him.

"We can buy another one," James offered.

"I liked this one," Victor sighed, taking the cigar out of his mouth. "I get attached to stupid stuff." He put the lighter back in his pocket and slid the cigar back in the pack.

James thought that he might be able to refill it, but there was something else eating at him now. Lighter fluid wasn't on his priority list.

"Can we talk? I think I might grow my hair just to have something to pull out."

Victor licked his lips. "Look, it's ok, I'm not mad at you. I'm not upset. You don't have to keep apologizing. Can we move on?"

James touched Victor's hair. He touched his cheek and his jawline and fought back the overwhelming desire to kiss him. "I was so stupid."

"I was stupid too." Victor shrugged. "We were both stupid. We are both sorry. We don't have to keep talking about it, right?"

They were so close to each other that James could smell Victor's hair. Victor's face was red from the cold, but James couldn't feel anything besides a burning sensation in his entire body as Victor waited for an answer.

"I think I have some anger issues. I'll talk to Sebastian about it. I don't want to be an asshole and I don't want to say awful things to people I love just because I'm angry. That's not an excuse."

Victor rested his forehead against James' shoulder and without thinking too much about it – granted, he didn't think at all, he didn't have to – James hugged him. It was both an instinct and a dire need to do it.

"I've been thinking about something, but I'm not – I'm really not sure how appropriate it is to ask." Victor's breath was hot against his neck.

James hugged him tighter. "You can ask me anything."

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, or get offended. I don't mean it like that."

"Vic, just ask me," James said, feeling mildly amused, with just enough anxiety sprinkled on top to make his chest hurt. "What is it?"

Victor hesitated again. "You know what, this isn't really a great time to bring it up."

"Don't chicken out now," James leaned his head against Victor's. "How bad can it be?"

"I'm wondering why you don't want to sleep with me?" Victor asked. We've been dating for a while now. And you've slept with Ollie. I'm not..." he grunted, "I'm not complaining. I'm only asking."

James didn't get the question at first. He tried blinking the confusion away, his brain was doing the best it could to inform him that yes, that was exactly what Victor had asked him. He opened his mouth, but in the meantime, he had forgotten how to speak.

He managed to make a sound, though he would've preferred to say something sexy and smooth. Instead, a goat-like sound poured out of him.

Victor exploded into laughter.

Author's note<3:

Nice one, James! You sure are smooth. How did this guy get two boyfriends again? I'm starting to think that Ollie orchestrated everything. What should he say now? Making goat noises seems to kinda work?

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