I hate this - Victor POV - Bonus

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Victor had a splitting headache. He wasn't sure if he was hungover or under-caffeinated or both.

School started today, but that meant nothing to him. He didn't go home during the summer, he hated home, the idea of being there was enough to throw him into a spiraling depression.

The only difference was the students, rushing and bumping into him, carrying their luggage and books, and yelling. God, they were all so loud. Why was everyone so loud? In other words, Victor loathed the beginning of the school year. He liked being alone, he liked peace and quiet and he liked not having to talk to anyone. At least not when he was sober.

Victor checked his phone and deleted all his notifications without a second thought. He didn't read his messages and didn't bother looking at who had called him. He didn't care what his party buds had to say, they weren't his friends. Not really.

He stopped in the door frame

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He stopped in the door frame. There was a guy there, someone Victor had never seen before. A stranger. Victor hated this. He took a few seconds trying to figure out what was happening. There were bags around, which meant that this individual was moving in with him. Great. He hated it.

"I've never had a roommate before," he said instead of hello. His headache was already getting worse.

The new guy turned around and looked at him. It was clear that he wasn't all too pleased to be there either. Victor didn't like his vibe. It was aggressive, a few badly chosen words away from turning into violence. And Victor hated violence.

"Hi," he smiled the fakest smile Victor had ever see. "Well, too bad, you're stuck with me."

Victor's looked at his buzzed hair, at his ugly t-shirt, his ripped jeans, and his boots. What an asshole, Victor thought. What a complete douchebag. One of those edgy, I'm not like the others type. Great.

"I'm Victor," he said. One of them had to show some sort of politeness and Victor was sure that it wasn't going to be this jerk. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, feeling uncomfortable. Aggressive people kicked his anxiety into full speed.

"James," the guy said.

Victor bit the inside of his cheek for a few seconds. "Nice to meet you, James." He walked inside and noticed some of his papers were scattered on the floor. He kicked them to his side of the room.

"Try to keep your stuff to yourself," James said.

Victor turned around and almost jumped out of his skin. This asshole was right in his face, so fucking close he could feel his breath on his face. He was a bit taller than him and bigger, more muscular. He was also one of those guys with square jawlines and narrow, dark eyes.

Victor hated him.

He didn't like aggressive people and he definitely didn't like aggressive men. It made his hands and feet go ice cold. Great. Exactly what he needed. Anxiety.

"I'll do my best," he said. A part of him wanted to take a step back, to put some distance between them, the other part of him didn't want to look like a coward. He didn't move. His knees were locked in place.

"Thanks. And oh, I'm planning on bringing people to bed."

Victor processed that information. It took him a second, even if his brain was rushing to grasp every bit of information around him. He was hyperaware of everything around him.

"People?" he asked stupidly. His head was hurting, his chest was hurting. Why was this guy so aggressive and so damn close to him? If this was going to be his entire school year, he might as well rent in the nearby town. Or ask to be moved to a different room.

"Yes, girls, guys, whatever I find attractive," he said, leaning even closer to him. The fucker was doing this on purpose. Victor wanted to throw up.

Whoever, Victor thought about correcting him but changed his mind. "I'm usually not around that often."

James smiled. Victor had no idea what was happening in James' head and he didn't give two shits about it either.

"Great," James said.


Victor forced a grin and left the room. He texted Luke, asking if he wanted to get a drink. Luke said yes, but later, which was the last thing that Victor wanted to do. Wait. So, he bounced. He left on his own, being well aware that by doing this he was going to miss at least the first couple of days of school. What he didn't expect was for this escapade to last for two weeks. Sadly, Victor couldn't remember most of it. He couldn't even remember how he got back. But he was so damn sick. He tumbled his way to the toilet and threw up who knows how many types of alcohol. He felt like he was dying. His throat was burning and his right shoulder was throbbing. Did he take something? He had a fuzzy memory of someone giving him something. A pill? His head was on the verge of splitting in half and trying to remember made it unbearable.

"What are you doing?" Victor heard his roommate's voice. The asshole scared him half to death. What was his name? Jason? Jesse? James? James sounded about right. Well, it turned out that James was taking a shower. Victor couldn't care less, but he would've preferred if he weren't there.

"I don't want to throw up all over my stuff." Victor got up, turned on the faucet, and splashed cold water on his face. His skin was burning. He was dizzy. Then he grabbed his toothbrush. He had to get rid of that rancid taste in his mouth. He spat the foam in the sink. "Is it day or night?"

"Evening," James answered.

Victor thought about asking what day it was, but he changed his mind. He didn't want to start a conversation with a naked man. He walked out of the bathroom while sniffing his shirt. It smelled like nicotine and sweat.

Victor picked some clean clothes and rushed into the bathroom once James was finally out. He cleaned himself, fixed his hair, shaved, and made sure that he looked impeccable. There was nothing he could do about his dark circles.

After he was presentable, he returned to his room and checked his phone.

"I have a complaint," James said.


"I don't appreciate being woken up at four in the morning by a bunch of drunk snobs."

Victor blinked slowly, doing his best to focus. "I think it's a fair exchange," he said.

"Really? What do I get?"

"You get to fuck whoever you want in our shared room. I get to come back drunk if that pleases me. Plus, I don't even snore." Victor stopped and looked around again. It was then that something clicked in his head. "Have you seen my shoe?"

James got up and walked next to him. Victor was too tired, too sick, and this jackass was doing his intimidation spiel as if Victor had given any fucking sign that he was even remotely willing to fight him.

Leave me alone! Leave me alone! He was exasperated.

"No," he answered. "I didn't steal your shoe if that's what you're implying."

Victor hadn't thought of that, but now that he mentioned it, he was definitely thinking it. This was going to be a shitty year; he already knew it.

What a dick. What a complete asshole. 

Author's note<3:

Now we know what Vic thought when he first met James. 

James was kind of a bully, right? 

Next up, Ollie's seduction master plan! 

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