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James touched Victor's forehead, then pushed his fingers through his hair. Victor leaned in and kissed him on the lips, sending a familiar thrill through his entire body.

And then the kiss ended.

"Stop looking at me like that," Victor said.

James needed a moment to regain focus. "Like what?"

"Like there's something wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you." James smiled, unable to look away from his face. He wanted to kiss him again. "When should we leave?"

"This Friday," Victor answered, then decided to run his hand over James cropped hair. "You should keep the pink."

"Nah, no, it's too much work."

Ollie walked out of the bathroom crossed his arms. "I'm away for a few minutes and you two start being lovey-dovey without me. The audacity."

Victor opened his arms. "Come here."

Oliver beamed at the invitation and pounced in Vic's arms. "Ok, I forgive you," he said. "Only because you're very cute and I have a soft spot in my heart for tall men."

"Obviously," James said. "You were all over Robert."

"He looks like you!" Oliver said, seemingly ignoring the concept of an inside voice. He turned towards Victor. "Right? Right?"

"Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you're related to someone. Sometimes, you tend to look alike."

James chuckled and got up to stretch, thinking it would be a grand idea to stop hanging out on the floor all the time. They had chairs and beds, and those didn't give him back pain.

"How about we go out this Friday?" Victor asked.

Ollie lifted his head and looked at him with wide eyes. This was new. This never happened. Victor was never the one to make plans to do anything, he hardly initiated anything and was more often than not stuck in a perpetual apathy. James would've liked Victor's motivation to be different, something else than the fear of his stepdad knocking at the door.

"Yes." Ollie nodded.

Victor pinched his cheek and smiled.

The rest of the evening melted away. It continued to snow and James hoped that the roads will be blocked. He tried going to bed.

The day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, highs, and lows, fear and happiness, and angst falling over each other until they were indistinguishable. James needed to sit and untangle those feelings and figure out what the hell was actually happening in his head. He knew that he was worried, for once. He was certain. He also knew that he wanted, without a doubt, to shove his boot's heel through someone's teeth.

But James couldn't fall asleep. He kept listening to the wind whistling outside and that godforsaken branch that kept banging on the window.

Victor was in his own bed, also not asleep. James thought about asking him to join him and Ollie, but before he had the chance to say it, Oliver stirred. He got up and rubbed his eyes.

"You're up?" Ollie whispered.

Victor looked away from his phone's bright screen. "I believe so."

Oliver managed to get out of bed without kneeing James in the balls. Again. He sat next to Victor and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Why?" Oliver asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." Victor placed his phone on the bed.

The screen turned off and James couldn't make out their faces anymore. The branch kept tapping the window in a repetitive, obsessive rhythm. He wondered if he's the only one bothered by it. He then figured he should just break it off tomorrow.

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