Finding Victor

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James had to sit down. He felt needles in his chest each time he breathed in. Ollie was pacing in the room, and he was talking. James couldn't hear half of the things he was saying.

"James. Jamie?" Ollie tugged on his sleeve.


"We should talk to my dad. What are we going to do? I feel horrible."

"Me too," he said, rubbing his temples.

Ollie held him by the wrist and pulled him on his feet. James followed him. He couldn't form a coherent thought.

He walked behind Oliver, down the corridor, down the stairs, into his father's office. Sebastian looked up from his laptop and raised his eyebrows.

"Victor's upset with us, and he left," Ollie said.

Sebastian didn't seem taken by surprise. He scratched his chin and hummed. Ollie rubbed his eyes.

"We've had a chat," Sebastian said. "I can't give you details about it since I value our privacy, but you were right. He does need some therapy. Badly."

"Did he say anything?" James asked.

"He did," Sebastian nodded. "I think a part of him really wants to talk about it, but the other part is still hung up on the idea that therapy's just for crazy, sick people. After all, everyone wants to be understood, and he's no different. I'm worried about him and his home situation. We should make sure he doesn't go back."

"I should go look for him," James said, having no idea where he could even start. He didn't know the area at all.

Sebastian nodded. "He needs some time to process everything. He's hurt, and he feels betrayed. You're important to him, and he feels like you've tricked him."

"Can I take the car?" Ollie asked.

"Maybe I should drive you." Sebastian leaned on his chair, thinking.

"No, no, pa, no, he'll think we're ambushing him again."

Sebastian sighed and nodded. "Fine, but don't scratch my car again."

Ollie took the keys from a little hook placed next to the exit door. James couldn't shake off the feeling that he had ruined his already uncertain relationship with Victor. Victor had trusted him. Victor had liked him.

James got in the passenger's seat. Ollie had to remind him to put his seatbelt on.

His head was hurting; he wanted to shove his fist through the window. Instead, he bit his thumbnail and the skin around it.

"Stop that," Ollie said, starting the car. James didn't.

"Try calling him," James said, beating himself up for not having Victor's number saved in his phone. He didn't have any of his social media either.

"I don't have his number, either!" Ollie whined. It was apparent he was struggling not to bawl his eyes out. James couldn't focus on where they were going. He scanned the roads and the benches, and every inch he could fit within his vision.

"He's on foot, right, he couldn't have gone that far," Ollie said, but panic was seeping through.

"Uber," James said, "He could've taken an Uber or a cab."

"Where do you think he could've gone to?" Ollie asked, stopping the car at a red light.

James forced himself to think. Having his mind race to all the worst possible solutions wasn't helping anyone.

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