The "Master Plan" II - Victor POV - Bonus

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Victor rolled on his back, allowing Ollie to straddle him. Usually, he was far from comfortable when someone loomed above him. Ollie was fine. He didn't mind Ollie, because Ollie didn't make him feel like he was suffocating.

"Where's James?" Ollie asked, dragging his finger slowly over Victor's chest.

Victor shrugged, having absolutely no idea what that dork was up to. Probably in the gym, punching a bag. "Why?"

Ollie grinned, showing his white and slightly crooked teeth. He had dimples. "Oh, I have thoughts, you know. Thoughts." He wiggled his eyebrows, bringing his face closer to Victor.

"I think you have too many of those."

"I do?" Ollie kissed him gently, biting his bottom lip. "What am I thinking?"

Victor chuckled. Ollie liked teasing, but he wasn't the only one capable of playing that game. He tossed Ollie on his back and brought his face close to him. "Dirty thoughts."

Ollie grabbed his belt while maintaining eye contact. "Can I take this off? He asked.

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Yes? Or yes!" Ollie pouted his lips.

Victor puffed a laugh through his nose. "Yes, yes, you can."

"And your shirt?" Ollie asked again.

"And my shirt." Victor thought it was odd that Ollie kept asking things, he wasn't really used to people asking so many questions. He didn't mind though.

"And..." Ollie placed his hands on the sides of Victor's neck, looking at him carefully. "Can I completely undress you?"

Victor laughed. "Yes."

"Can I sit on your lap?" Ollie continued; his hands already busy undoing his belt.

"You can do whatever you want," Victor said.

"I have too many thoughts," Ollie said. "I don't have time to do everything I want."

Ollie was blushing, his cheeks and the top of his ears were burning, making his freckles stand out more. Victor liked his freckles, and his cute teeth, and his lips. Victor liked his eyes, and he wouldn't have been shocked if they glowed in the dark, just like a cat's.

"You're just as bad as James." Victor shook his head. "I can see now how and why you two got together."

Ollie burst into laughter and pushed Victor on his back, then sat on him. He held his palms flush against his pecks. "Too bad he's not here, he would've enjoyed this."

"His head would've exploded," Victor said.

Ollie bit his lip. "Which head?" He laughed. "This is the weirdest sex talk I ever had. Well... It's not like I had a lot of them anyway."

Victor hummed, the tips of his fingers moving up on Ollie's thighs. Victor never really found people attractive from the beginning. No, that wasn't it. He found them attractive, he had eyes and could be objective. He didn't feel any sort of attraction. Most people didn't really register to him as sexual beings until there was some sort of emotional connection. He felt it now, the pleasant heat that poured through his body when Ollie touched him or kissed him.

Ollie caressed his face, his neck, his chest, slowly and lovingly. Victor decided that he liked that too.

"I love you," Ollie told him. "I have the best boyfriends."

"I love you too."

Ollie hummed. "Are you sure you're ok with this? I don't want to pressure you."

"You? Pressuring me?" Victor raised his eyebrows and held back a laugh. Ollie seemed serious about it. "No, you're not pressuring me."

"Ok. Because I love you."

"Yes, we've established that." Victor pushed himself on his elbows and brushed his fingers through Ollie's hair, then kissed him again.

Sleeping with Ollie was different than his drunken hookups. Victor was far away from inexperienced when it came to sex, but most of that came from parties, some he didn't even remember, some were quite dubious in nature. Ollie was sweet, overly attentive, and even a bit frustrating. Victor didn't want to be treated differently, or like he was on the verge of crumbling like an unstable house of cards. He appreciated Ollie's care regardless.

They took a shower together, and he let Ollie wash his hair. It was something that Oliver kept insisting on doing even in day to day scenarios. Maybe he really liked hair, Victor didn't know.

Then he went out and got some hot chocolate for the both of them. Ollie got teary eyed, as if Victor was carrying the best gift in the world. For someone who kept weaponizing his tears, Ollie sure got emotional quickly.

"It's just hot cocoa, calm down." Victor sat down next to him and handed him a cup.

"You remembered!" Ollie exclaimed.

Victor rolled his eyes. "Do you think I fried my brain? I can remember things just fine."

Ollie leaned in and pecked his cheek.

About fifteen minutes later, James walked through the door and smiled at both of them. He was sweaty from the gym, his shirt and shorts were sticking to his body. Victor glazed his eyes over him. Ollie was right, he did look more comfortable than Vic, though plushier wasn't exactly the right word.

Ollie stretched out his hand. "Let me touch you!"

"I need to-," he pointed at the bathroom door with his thumb, but didn't finish his sentence. Ollie was pouting. "Ok, fine." He flexed his arm, allowing Ollie to hang from it.

It was impressive, Victor had to admit that. Maybe they should actually talk about having a threesome. Maybe that was a good idea.

"Can I take a shower with you?" Ollie asked. His curls were still wet.

Victor shook his head, laughing to himself. He picked up a book from the floor and stretched on his back. This wasn't so bad. 

Author's note<3: 

James would cry himself to sleep if he knew that he missed his bois doing cute, spicy stuff. Better luck next time! 

I have some chapters I wrote for Valentine's day, and I'll post them too, even tho it's June. They're spicyyy. 

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