Making Plans

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Ollie had got it into his head that Victor's skin was dry and needed help. Of course, Victor was far from pleased and mildly opposed to Oliver's plans. Yet, he was still there, letting Oliver do his thing.

James watched both his boyfriends sitting on the floor in the living room, surrounded by what Oliver lovingly called skincare. Freckle was also confused, walking around the creams, sniffing them, and tapping them with his paw.

"I hate this," Victor said while Ollie slapped some moisturizer on his face. "It smells like - what does it smell like?"

"Your skin feels like sandpaper," Ollie said, rubbing the product all over Victor's face. "And it smells like nothing, it doesn't have perfume."

"I don't understand why you're picking on me," Victor said, pointing at James. "He uses soap on his head."

James shrugged. "It's not like I'm damaging my locks."

Ollie eyed him. "You should let your hair grow. You'd look cool."

"I already look cool, leave me alone." James brushed his fingers through Ollie's curls.

Victor touched his face and wrinkled his nose. He rubbed his fingers together. "Why does it feel like this?"

"Like what?" Ollie asked, forgetting about James' hair. "What's wrong?"

"It feels oily."

"Not it doesn't." Ollie sighed. "You just don't know what hydrated skin feels like anymore."

Victor didn't seem convinced. He wiped his hand on Ollie's shirt. "I feel used."

Ollie looked at his perfectly fine shirt, then at Victor. "Is that like a kink?"

"I assume that most things can be kinks," Victor said. "But I'm quite certain that this is not one of them."

Ollie wiggled his eyebrows. "It can be."

Victor looked at Ollie like he had had enough with his shenanigans, while Ollie looked at Vic like a cat seeing a Christmas tree for the first time. Nobody could know the kind of weird ideas that were swarming Ollie's head right now. James wasn't certain that he wanted to know. Well, a part of him certainly did.

James tried making his way out before he got dragged into whatever the hell Victor and Ollie were up to. He didn't make it.

"We should look for apartments!" Ollie said. "I want to be close to school."

James sat down on the couch. "We'll have to look for one, right? I don't have a lot of money right now. I'm pretty sure mom won't send me anything, so I'll need a job... maybe Robert can -,"

"You don't have to, I can handle the rent," Victor said. "What good is it to have a trust fund if I don't use it for anything?"

James' face burned red. He kept forgetting just how wealthy Victor's family was. Still, accepting money like that left him feeling awkward. He didn't want to seem like a mooch.

"Until I get a job," James said. "I want to contribute too."

Victor didn't seem phased. "We can talk about that later. I'm fine paying the rent."

"We can pay the utilities then." Ollie grabbed James' sleeve to make it clear who we meant.

"Sure." Victor nodded. "How about we start looking after exams are over?"

James thought he might faint. They've been throwing around the idea of moving in together, but they never actually stood down and talked about it properly. It also seemed like they didn't need to. It was a mutual understanding that indeed they were going to live together.

"Ok." James was smiling so widely his face was starting to hurt.

Oliver turned back towards Victor and gazed intensely into his eyes. "Is the cream thing a sex thing?"

Victor put his palm right over Oliver's face and pushed him on his back, on the couch. "Yes."

James snorted a laugh. He already knew that this was going to escalate into something stupider than it already was, so he went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Then he took out his phone, studied the display for a few moments, building up the courage to call Robert. He waited anxiously for his brother to pick up.

"Hey there," Robert answered.

"Hi," James said. "Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, dude, what's up?"

James hesitated. "Do you think you can make it to my graduation?"

Rob laughed. "You have to ask! I went to your boyfriend's trial and he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you!" James leaned against the back of his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. "He's not even that mean."

"I don't buy it." Robert chuckled. "But I'll be there. Is there anything else you need?"

James thought about therapy, James thought about moving costs and he thought about not having a car. "No, that's everything," he said. He was going to get a job and handle it like an adult, one thing at a time. "Thanks for agreeing to come. I would've hated to be there alone."

"All good," Robert said. "Talk to you later."

"Bye." James hung up and placed his phone on the table. Things were happening, normal things, but somehow, he still excited about them.

"James!" Ollie called out. "We're going out tonight! It's a date!"

"Ok!" James smiled. "Sounds good."  

Author's note<3: 

Look at our boys making *plans* together! 

Any advice for our boys? 

What about the face cream??? Is it a sex thing? Let me knout your thoughts! 

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