Is This An Issue?

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Robert's eyes were on James. It made him feel exposed, seen, and on the verge of doing something foolish.

"What is it?" Rob raised his eyebrows, probably not understanding the sudden mood change.

James slid his hands into his pockets to keep himself from fidgeting too much. He huffed and sucked his lips in, realizing he had no good plan of explaining himself to Robert.

"Ok, so, ugm... what I want to tell you is that Ollie isn't the only person I'm dating."

Robert tilted his head to a side, trying to process the new information. James saw the moment something clicked inside his brother's mind. Robert's eyes widened, and he leaned forward towards James like a man about to share a top-secret.

"But," Robert whispered, looking around to make sure nobody was around, "that's cheating."

James pushed him gently. "Fuck off; it's not cheating."

Robert didn't seem one bit convinced. He was squinting at James, but at least there was no outrage, nothing to show that he was going to denounce his brother.

"I'm not cheating. Ollie knows," James tried explaining, which only puzzled Robert further.

"So... so it's like an open relationship?"

"No, no, it's not that." James scratched his head. "I mean, I'm dating Victor. And Ollie is also dating Victor. And I'm dating both of them."

Robert opened his mouth, then closed. He looked up, then back at James.

"Victor?" Robert asked. "Victor is the guy that hates me."

"What? Victor doesn't hate you." James said. He had to admit that he was surprised. Out of all the reactions he was expecting from his brothers, this one wasn't even on the list.

"Dude, he hates me. Are you blind?" Robert lifted his arms, exasperated, then started laughing. "Oh, God, you're blind. Love makes people blind, and you're double-blind, get it?"

"Funny," James said, uncertain and uncomfortable.

Robert's laughter slowly turned into a smile. "I'm still confused."

James wanted to throw him into the snow. Maybe it was his fault for not knowing how to explain his relationship better, but Robert was making things weirder.

"I mean, we're all dating each other, it's not that complicated. It's a poly relationship."

"Ok." Robert scratched his arms. "You should probably not tell mom about this."

"Why would I- no, what? Of course, I won't. Plus, she doesn't talk to me, remember?"

Robert shrugged. "I can't say that I fully get it, I mean... I don't see how it works, but it's not my relationship, so I don't have to worry about making it work. I still... how is everyone chill with it? Nobody is jealous?"

"It works," James said, smiling.

"Thanks, that explains everything, you're amazing." Robert rolled his eyes and gave James a friendly slap over the arm.

"Are you fine with it?" James asked.

"I have my concerns, but I think they're usual concerns that any older brother would have. But you seem happy, so I'm happy for you.

"Thanks," James felt like tons of weight have been lifted off his chest, and he could finally breathe again.

Robert gave him another friendly pat on the arm. "Any other secrets I should know about?"

"Don't tell Victor that you know about this; he wasn't excited about telling you."

"Because he hates me." Robert nodded wisely.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it." James rolled his eyes and started walking back towards the campus building. "Everyone hates you."

Rob laughed. "Now you're making me feel weird. How can I build a relationship with you if you're making me feel weird?"

"I don't know; you're the wise old man, figure it out."

They returned inside, and James waited for his brother to buy more snacks for the road. He had to leave, but he took the time to say goodbye to Ollie and Victor. Oliver was still mesmerized. Victor was suspicious. James started believing that Victor simply didn't like men that were older and – or – bigger than him. Robert was charming, though, and James was sure he was going to win Victor over.

Robert gave him a big hug and told him to take care. James didn't want him to leave that soon. Robert promised to visit soon.

After he left, James sat down next to Victor. Ollie somehow found his way on his lap and wrapped his arms and legs around him. James didn't mind it one bit; he was more than happy to have Oliver close to him.

"How did it go?" Ollie asked. "You seem happy." He snuggled his head into the crook of James' neck.

"It was great. Far better than I anticipated. And ugm, I told him everything."

Victor grunted.

"It went well, ok?" James said, looking at him. "He's fine with us, no need to glare. Stop glaring."

"I'm not glaring." Victor held the Pikachu plushie against his stomach.

"You're glaring," James said.

"Look, I think that it wasn't the best time to take that risk. I'm glad you're brother is open-minded and accepting, but you can't pretend that everyone is like that."

"I know." James reached out his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, Victor held it. "Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad." Victor sighed. "But, you have horrible timing."

Oliver moved away from James' arms into Victor's. "It's fine, everyone is fine, let's not turn this into a big thing, ok?"

Victor had to place the plushie next to him so that Oliver could sit comfortably. "Fine."

James still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but he couldn't believe it was because he told his brother about their relationship. Victor was sometimes impossible to read.

"What happened?" James asked.

Victor shook his head. "Let's not. You had a good day, let's not ruin it."

Ollie frowned and cupped Victor's face. "How about we talk during dinner? I want to know if something is bothering you."

Author's note<3:

James has an ally! Yey for Robert! He doesn't get it, but he accepts it, more people should be like that! But what's up with our moody boy?! I smell future drama. Better enjoy the fluff while we can :c.

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