Luke's Lament

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The next morning they packed their stuff before going downstairs for breakfast. Sebastian was there, reading on his tablet. He looked up when they walked in and smiled. Freckle was curling and purring around Victor's legs.

They ate together, talking about nonsense and school. Ollie had to complain about homework while Victor was the only one shrugging it off. It didn't take a genius to realize that Vic was far more interested in Freckle than their conversation, and he liked animals far more than he liked humans. James couldn't blame him.

After breakfast, Ollie grabbed a round Pikachu plushie and gave it to Victor.

"I know it's not Freckle," Ollie started, "but it's a... replacement for Freckle until you can come back and see him."

Victor didn't take the toy immediately. He looked at it for a long moment, frowning slightly. It looked like he wasn't sure if this was a joke or not.

"You don't want it?" Ollie asked.

"No, no, I mean, I do," he said, finally reaching for it. "Thank you." Victor held it with both hands, looking at it like it was a foreign entity he still couldn't wrap his head around.

"You're welcome," Ollie said. "I know it's not the same as having a pet, but I hope it'll help you not miss Freckle so much."

"Thank you," Victor said again. James remembered giving Victor a bowl of pasta and him reacting the same way. He wondered if he was this awkward when receiving anything from anyone.

"Oh, and the hoodie!" Ollie said. "I'm taking the Pikachu hoodie with me; we can share it."

"I- sure, ok," Victor said, nodding.

Sebastian drove them to the train station. They said their goodbyes and made promises to visit again. James wanted to; he wanted to visit Ollie's dad more than he wanted to see his own. He wanted to talk to Sebastian, not only about his issues but about his ambitions and dreams and seek some guidance. James had been thinking of going into social work, but he wasn't sure yet. He needed to discuss it with someone that knew more about life than he did.

Once they were back in their campus room, Victor set up his new paints and canvases and placed the Pikachu plushie on his pillow.

They were back. It felt the same. It felt different.

"There he is, worst friend alive." James recognized Luke's voice.

Victor opened a can of soda and turned his head towards his friend.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Victor asked, not bothering to get out of bed.

"Oh please, you've been ignoring me, my calls, my texts, everything. Why? You have new friends, so I don't matter?" Luke was leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed, refusing to look at Oliver or James.

Victor didn't answer.

"Come on, Vicky, you're better with words than this." Luke smiled.

Victor dragged his tongue over his teeth. He sipped his soda.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you; you're dramatic," Victor said. "You can't be upset over some missed texts."

Luke kept his smile. "You're an asshole, Arlington. I thought we were friends."

"I think we are," Victor crossed his legs and shoved a hand under his head.

"You sure don't act like it."

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