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"You love me," James said again, unable to stop touching Victor's face and neck.

"Yeah, yeah," Victor wrapped his fingers around James' wrists, holding them still. "Yeah, you don't have to say it ba-"

"I love you too," James cut him off. "I love you so much."

Victor chuckled awkwardly. He seemed unable to decide what to look at, his eyes darting from James' face, to his chest, to the ground, to the side, then back at James.

"It's ok, sweetheart." James kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry, I don't want to overwhelm you."

Victor nodded, finally deciding to look James in the eye. James touched his cheek and grinned; this was his boyfriend, and his boyfriend loved him. His handsome, smart, talented, and wonderful boyfriend was in love with him.

He couldn't slow down his mind, or his racing heart. James was on a high. Victor touched him again; he felt his cold fingers on his neck. A thrill shot through his entire body.

Victor leaned forward, and James freaked out. He wasn't expecting it, so he pulled away. Victor did the same; his eyes widening.

"I'm sorry," James said, and he was sure Victor said something similar too. He laughed. "I didn't mean to do that."

"Oh, that's ok." Victor fidgeted, looking down at his boots. "I just - I don't know."

James lifted his head gently and smiled; the tightness in his chest was making it difficult to focus on anything that resembled rationality. Being in love made him more of an idiot than he already was. And it was even more difficult for him. He was in love - stupidly in love - with two guys.

"Can I kiss you?" James asked.

Victor was holding onto his waist now. He shifted a little and moved closer to him. James pulled him, body against body.

"Yeah," Victor said, nodding.

James moved slowly, closing the distance between them. He wanted to give him leeway to change his mind in case he was uncomfortable. It wasn't easy. Not kissing him was turning into a challenge.

Victor touched his cheek and burned the distance between them. James thought his head was going to explode. His blood rushed to his head. His blood rushed to his groin.

He was kissing Victor.

Victor was kissing him. His lips were dry, but James didn't mind it one bit. They had been cold, but now they were warming up against his. He felt his tongue, and that's when he was absolutely sure he was going to faint.

Victor loved him.

And he loved Victor too.

Later, they returned to James' room and went back to sleep. At least, tried. James couldn't calm down his pulse. He was happy. He never thought he could be this happy.

The next day felt like a daze of meaningless hours. It was impossible for James to focus during class, or to think about anything else than last night. He had to wait till the last of his classes ended to be able to find Ollie and talk to him, tell him about what had happened with Victor.

When he found him in the hallway, he picked him up from behind. Ollie squealed.

"Am I being kidnapped by a big, strong man with unorthodox intentions?" Oliver asked. "Because I'm willing. James. I'm very willing."

James laughed and put him back down. "I'll kidnap you later, can we talk a little? I have news."

Ollie turned around to look at him. He could probably see the excitement in his eyes because he instantly mimicked it.

"Oh, good news!" He clapped his hands once and nodded. "I love good news!"

James cupped his face and kissed his forehead. "Yeah, you'll love this. Let's go someplace private; I don't want some preppy asshole to hear me."

Ollie agreed, and they walked outside. James cleaned a bench by scooping off the snow before sitting on it. Ollie decided he would much rather plop on James' lap, and, upon thinking about it, James concluded he would much rather have Ollie there too.

"So, news?" Ollie wrapped an arm around James' shoulders to balance himself.

James kissed his cheek, then told him about his late-night walk with Victor. Ollie was ecstatic about it, he asked questions, he was curious about small details, and he kept smiling throughout the story.

Having someone as happy as he was about what happened made the experience even better. It was like sharing it with a best friend, that also happened to be his boyfriend. Or a boyfriend, that was also his best friend. Either way, James was grateful for him.

"This is huge! This is important!" Ollie declared with utter certainty. "I'm so proud of him for opening up like that. It's a big step! I love him."

"You love him?" James asked, smiling.

"Of course, I do! One day we'll have our own romantic confession exchange." Ollie said. "We're in this together."

James couldn't agree more.

Author's note<3: 

Thank you all for reading this story and sticking with it till now! Your comments and votes keep me motivated and make me very happy <3. I appreciate you all so so so much. 

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