Last Steps

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James remembered that Victor always fell asleep during movies, and that evening was no exception. Freckle was determined to lick Victor's head and chew his hair. James wanted to move the cat, but Ollie said they should leave him be. It was the way Freckle showed love. The next morning, Victor didn't seem one bit pleased by the state of his hair. Nobody told him that it was Freckle who tried to lick his way through his skull, but Victor probably suspected it. Freckle was all too pleased with himself, purring and rubbing his head against Victor's leg.

When Vic ignored him, Freckle screamed.

"Jesus Christ," Victor looked down at him, while James was laughing his ass off. "Don't be a dick," Victor continued, staring into Freckle's round, green eyes. "I'll feed you, ok? Wait."

Freckle mewed loudly as if he was suffering the greatest abuse and injustice in the world, as if humanity could never understand the pain of being an unfed house cat. Victor was unimpressed. He picked him up.

James walked with him in the kitchen and decided a cup of tea would soothe his soul.

Victor opened the cupboard, took out two can of food, and held them in front of Freckle. "Which one?"

Freckle jumped and wrapped his front paws around Victor's right wrist, whaling again and biting his sweater. James laughed, this was ridiculous and adorable at the same time.

Victor rolled his eyes. "Ok, you monster, salmon it is."

"Sebastian was right, you do spoil him," James commented. "He's a cat, I don't even think he knows what he wants."

"He's a very pretentious cat." Victor opened the can and tapped the bottom until the food fell into Freckle's bowl. Then he sat down at the table and sighed.

"Nervous?" James asked, thinking that it might be because the closing statements are only days away.

Victor nodded and silence fell over them. It wasn't snowing anymore and the sun was shining brightly through the windows. The sky was clear, blue, endless. Winter, like all things, was not permanent. Soon, James told himself, holding his hands around the hot mug, soon everything will be fine.

Due day didn't seem like it would be a bad day. It was warm. Victor was the first one to get out of the car, followed by James and Ollie. James looked around, at the almost empty parking lot and he felt uneasy. Were his senses tricking him?

Then James saw Mason. Mason marching like a rabid hound. Angry. Mad. James was on the other side of the car, and he tried rushing, he tried moving quickly, but the melting snow beneath his feet was slippery. He almost fell.

"I have a restraining order," Victor said, each word coated with cold anger.

James regained his balance and made his way next to Victor. There was no way Mason was going to try anything, not with James there. Not with Ollie. Not with Sebastian. And certainly, he wouldn't know that he was so close to the courtroom. But a desperate man was a desperate man.

Sebastian was composed. "I think you should go back inside; the trial is about to start and the last thing you need is to violate a restraining order."

Mason breathed in deeply, an attempt at putting his mask back on. His fury was visible, his true colors were shining so bright they were painful. He smiled, triggering a familiar, murderous instinct in James, who was already struggling to stay put. Oliver was holding him by the arm.

"Well," Mason said, tilting his head to a side to look past Sebastian, right at Victor, "You can't even have an adult conversation?"

"He has a restraining order," Sebastian reminded him. "I'm going to call security."

Mason hummed, nodding, pretending to think in the most obvious way. He was still smiling. James felt Oliver's grip on his arm tightening.

Victor leaned close to his ear. "Don't do anything stupid, he's provoking us."

"All right, if you're going to be like that," Mason said. James didn't like the way his voice sounded, dripping with fake sweetness. "Having to deal with such a brat, it's enough to make a man shoot himself. I wouldn't even be the first one." Mason turned around and walked away.

"He knows he's going to lose this trial," Sebastian said, placing his hand on Victor's shoulder. "He's trying to hurt you. Otherwise, he wouldn't even risk trying to talk to you. It has to be illegal."

Victor nodded, not really listening. "Yeah."

"We should tell your lawyer," Oliver said.

Again, Victor nodded in the same way that made it clear he had no idea what was being said. "I don't think I want to go inside."

"It's ok if you don't," Sebastian said.

James touched the back of Victor's neck; he was sweating. "I'll stay with you."

"I don't want to go, but I will." Victor pushed his fingers through his hair. "I want to hear the verdict and I'm tired of – of being scared of him. Of letting him hurt me all the time. He can go fuck himself."

Author's note<3:

I'm proud of Vic! How about you? Leave your thoughts, let me know!

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