Brush Your Teeth

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It was odd the way the relationship between Oliver and Victor started changing. About a week later, after returning from the gym, he found Oliver watching a movie with Victor. Well, to be fair, Oliver was watching the movie, and Arlington was sleeping on his back, with his laptop right on his stomach.

Oliver was holding his hand so tightly, James wondered how the hell he could sleep through that pain. Or how his bones didn't just snap.

"Hey?" James said. Oliver jumped.

"Oh, Jesus..." He sighed. "You scared the life out of me."

"What are you doing?"

"Watching a horror movie." Oliver paused it, still holding onto Victor. "I hate horror movies."

"So why didn't you pick something else?" James took off his shirt.

Oliver's eyes snapped right on his stomach and chest, and his lips parted.

"Oliver, babe, focus."

"Oh yeah." He chuckled. "It was his bright idea. And look at him now." He shook Victor's arm. "He abandoned me."

"How tragic, I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I join?" Oliver wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, a grin widening on his face. It was totally something he would ask.

"Yes," James said without thinking much.

It wasn't a problem worth thinking over. Oliver jumped out of bed and hugged him, even if he was sweaty and sticky. He placed his fingers over James' stomach and dragged it down towards his belt.

"Flex." He demanded, and James did; he was overly willing to submit to whatever weird requests Oliver had, whenever he had them.

"Thank you, daddy." He winked and walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks, babe. Now I have a boner,"

"When was that ever a problem?" Oliver was taking off his shirt. "Come shower already."

A couple of days later, James walked in, and this time both of them were awake. Oliver was looking over Victor's shoulder into a Switch console. Of all people, Victor Arlington seemed the least likely to engage in gaming casually. Yet there he was, doing just that.

Neither of them noticed him, so he took the chance to lean on the doorframe and observe them. There was no tension between them, no animosity, no fear that one of them would snap in anger. He envied that.

Victor was focused on what he was doing, but he had the same overall demeanor of someone just enjoying a calming hobby. It was one of those rare moments when Victor looked his age. It was one of those instances where James thought about how handsome he was.

"Hey," he said, and Oliver was the one that looked at him first. He smiled widely and bounced his way to him. They hugged and kissed, taking the term "overly affectionate" to a different level.

"What's up?" James asked.

Oliver shrugged. "I'm watching Victor play Animal Crossing."

"I didn't know you play games."

"Don't pretend you know everything about me," Victor said.

"I'm not." James sat on the edge of his bed and took his shoes off. He didn't want to start a fight; he didn't want to bicker. He didn't want to ruin the mood. "I just never pictured you as a gamer type."

"Oh, please, I could beat you at any game." Victor met his eye.

"Really? You think so? I have Mario Kart if you're brave enough."

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