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It started snowing later that evening. James went to the cafeteria and got food for everyone, then they sat on the floor and ate. Ollie was trying to talk to Victor in what turned out to be a futile attempt to get him to open up. Something was bothering him. James thought that they had moved passed that; he had hoped that there was a clear communication path between them. Something was bothering Victor, and he was keeping it wrapped inside him.

James couldn't help but take it personally. And he didn't know how to bring it on without sounding like an asshole.

Ollie dropped his head on Vic's lap and stuck his bottom lip out. "Vicky."

Victor closed his eyes, and James thought it was because he was on the verge of rolling them to the back of his head. He inhaled slowly, deeply, and raised his eyebrows high.

"Ollie," he said.

"Vic!" Ollie whined and shoved his face into Victor's stomach.

"Ollie." Victor placed his hand on Oliver's head.

James puffed through his nose and shook his head. This was ridiculous.

"Are you upset?" Ollie asked.

"I am frustrated," Victor said.

"Am I frustrating you, Vicky?" Ollie peaked up, half of his face still hidden in Victor's stomach.

"No, it's impossible. I love being nagged."

Ollie lay on his back and smiled up at Victor. "Ok, I'll leave you alone, but I'm here if you want to talk about anything." Oliver reached his hand out and caressed Victor's cheek.

Victor poked Oliver's nose, pushing the tip up until Ollie's front teeth were exposed.

"I got an e-mail from my mother," Victor said.

Ollie shook his head, trying to get rid of Vic's finger.

"Is that bad?" James asked.

Victor didn't shift his attention from Ollie; instead, he pinched his nose between his knuckles and smiled. "Bad? No. I don't think that in itself is bad."

"But you're upset." Ollie grabbed Victor's wrist with both hands to keep him still, then, upon further consideration, opened his mouth and bit him.

Victor was disgusted. He pulled his hand free and wiped the saliva on Ollie's hoodie.

"It's a – a family reunion to – ugm – commemorate my dad. I'm not going."

"Oh." Ollie pressed Vic's palm against his cheek.

"It happens every year, and I never go." Victor shrugged, stroking Ollie's check with his thumb.

"Is it because –" James started, and Victor nodded before he had the change to finish his sentence.

"And because I don't like the atmosphere. It's depressing. I don't see the point of going. I'm not close to any of my family anyway."

James took Victor's free hand and held it. "If you want to go, I can come with you," he said.

"Thanks, but no." Victor shook his head. "I'd rather not."

Victor looked at James. "I don't like being in that house. I never told you how he died, right?"

James felt his heart rate increase alarmingly. "No."

"Hm, I guess I should've," Victor started, and his voice was calm as if he was talking about what he had for lunch. "He shot himself in his home office. There was this white wallpaper behind him that got stained."

James cringed, feeling hot dread wash over him. Maybe nausea too. Then the urge to pull Victor in his arms and hug him. But Victor didn't seem like he needed to be comforted.

Ollie covered his face with his hands.

"Are you crying?" Victor asked frowning.

"No!" Ollie whined. "Don't look at me," he added before hiding his face into Victor's stomach.

"Ollie, no, don't cry." Victor ran his fingers through Oliver's curls. "Come on, that's in the past. Don't cry."

"I'm sorry." Ollie's voice was muffled.

"Don't be," Victor said. "It's fine."

Ollie wrapped his arms around Victor.

Victor sighed and looked at James, probably trying to get some help. James was unsure why he was being sought out; he was the worst at dealing with emotional turmoil.

"I'm ok!" Ollie said, finally. "Stop fussing around me; it's making me feel guilty. I'm just emotional."

James bent down and kissed the top of Ollie's head, then got up and kissed Victor's cheek.

"Are you ok?" James asked, then kissed his temple and touched the side of his neck.

"Yeah," Victor nodded. "Stop worrying so much, both of you."

Ollie eventually peeled himself from Victor and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Victor watched the door close, and once the water started running, he turned towards James.

"I got a text from my stepdad, he said I need to go, or mom will be sad," Victor said. "And that he's going to come to pick me up. I'd rather not, so I think it's better if we leave the campus that day. All three of us."

"Why didn't you tell that to Oliver too?" James asked, glancing towards the bathroom.

"Well, I made him cry already," Victor explained. "I didn't want to make it worse."

Author's note<3:

Hello friends, thanks again for taking the time to read! Vic is big sad because big sad day is coming. What do you think will happen? Will they... escape the dreaded day?

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