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Victor placed his empty can of soda on top of his tower and crawled back into bed, before disappearing under the covers. James closed his eyes for a long moment.

"Hey?" James said, unable to handle the silence. Victor didn't speak, but he hummed a response. "Did you eat?"

A pause. "No."

"I didn't either," James said. "I think I'll go get some food, ok?"

Victor pulled the blanket off his face. "I - I guess? All right."

James mustered all the strength he had left, which wasn't a lot, and got up. He took his phone with him to the cafeteria to get lunch; no meat for Victor.

When he returned to his room, he found Victor still in bed, still dressed in yesterday's clothes. He didn't resemble the Mr. Perfect he met at the beginning of the school year.

"Go take a shower," James said, placing food on his desk. He stretched his hand out for Victor to take. "Come on, get up."

James was desperate to do anything not to think about his issues, about how Oliver could dump him any second. And Victor was there, a tragedy, a mess; he could work with that.

Victor moved gently, slowly, carefully. He reminded him of a tense cat.

"Come on," James said again.

Victor took his hand and he pulled him up. He guided him towards the bathroom and nudged him inside.

"Change your clothes, I thought you're the classy one. Haven't you been rolling around the ground in that outfit?"

Victor's lips were pressed together. He was frowning.

"Ok?" He scratched the side of his neck. "I - I need to grab some from the closet, can you - will you move?" Victor didn't budge like he was waiting for permission to do so. The uncertainty hung heavy in the air and James was suffocating on it. It was better than the alternative. Better than thinking about Oliver. Was he upset? He was probably furious. He probably felt betrayed.

"Ha, you're right, sorry," James said and stepped out of the way. Victor grabbed sweats and a t-shirt from the closet then returned to the bathroom.

James took this opportunity to check his phone. Still absolutely nothing. He wanted to start picking up Victor's papers, his drawing, his essays, his books, the empty cans of soda, and half-eaten bags of chips. He wanted to crawl on the walls.

After about ten minutes Victor emerged, his hair was still damp and pushed back. Even in these dire times, James had to admire this guy's jawline.

"I got you pasta."

"You got me food?" Victor rubbed his eyes.

"You're gonna irritate your skin if you keep doing that."

"I can't help it," Victor said, still standing. "They itch."

Victor's eyelids were red, his eyes were red, the skin around his nose was red, his lips were chapped. James thought he should keep more water bottles in their room.

"Scratching won't help," James said and sat on the floor. He stretched out Victor's food forwards him.

Again, he hesitated, his attention darting from the bag to James, like this was some foreign gesture, an anomaly. It pissed James off. It wasn't so out of character for him to do something nice, there was no need for this much suspicion.

"Jesus, Arlington, I didn't poison it."

Victor took it with both hands. "Thank you?"

"You're asking me?" James laughed. He couldn't help it; Victor wasn't someone he would've classified as shy, yet there he was, acting shy. He liked Victor, even now, when Oliver was debating the fate of their relationship.

"Thanks," Victor repeated and dropped on his bed. James tossed him a fork.

"We should clean this place, don't you think?"

"No, not really." Victor shrugged and James felt like he'd have better luck making conversation with a wall, but at least they weren't fighting.

"Let's do it." James insisted. "I'm sure it's gonna look better and you'll be able to find your things more easily." He paused for a second. "We can even find space for a mini-fridge? You can keep it stocked with soda."

Victor's attention sparked. Somehow, the prospect of a mini-fridge full of cans of coke was enough to make him at least consider picking up his junk.

James chuckled.

"Fine," Victor agreed. "We can tidy up a little, but if I'm going to be awake and working, will you tell me what happened with Oliver?"

Victor was curious. It wasn't even surprising, he liked Oliver and it was painfully obvious that Oliver liked him too. James understood that the relationship between the two was exponentially better than what he had with Victor. He was envious of it. He craved it.

James wanted to talk to someone about his feelings, and how it was so damn difficult not to burs out of his skin. How long do people usually think about these things? Hours? Days? Weeks? Will he have to live with this uncertainty for months?

"I still don't want to tell you what happened," he said. "Only because it's stupid and my fault." James also believed it wouldn't be the smartest idea to tell Victor about his jerk off material.

"I can see that." Victor's deadpan voice was a dagger through his heart.

"You can see that?"

He nodded. "You're abrasive and confrontational, whereas Oliver isn't. Actually, no, that's not what I'm trying to say. It's not that he's not confrontational, he's better at communicating."

"I was the one crying, dude," James said. "I still feel like shit."

"I don't think you've done anything irredeemable." Victor shrugged. "I'm sure it's going to be fine. And you have to because I need you to carry that mini-fridge for me."

James laugh. "What do I get for carrying your fridge?"

"I think you've stolen enough snacks from me to call it even."

"Do I get to steal more?"

"I think it's inevitable."

"Come on, man," James said, smiling. "Come on, I want to hear you grant me permission to eat your chips and drink your soda. I want to hear it."

Victor rolled his eyes, leaning his head back a little. "You are allowed to eat my snacks, as long as you don't take the last bag, or can. And if you do, it's your responsibility to refill the stash."

"Deal." James offered his hand out. Victor hesitated, but he shook on it. It as a stupid promise to make, but at least it was something. 

Author's note<3: 

I think sharing snacks is an important part in any relationship. Snacks are important y'all. Do you share snacks? 
Pretty please vote and comment! Share your thoughts with me, I'm nosy! ✨

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