Valentine's Day Special - Part III

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content warning - 18+

James found himself on his back, with his hands cuffed above his head to the bed frame. Ollie was touching him over his stomach and chest. His mouth was close to his nipple, his hot breath was sending thrills through his body and James was already twitching. He couldn't reach out and grab him. He couldn't touch him. He couldn't even touch himself. It was maddening and arousing and James had troubles forming a coherent thought.

"You're teasing." James looked from Ollie to Victor. "Both of you."

Victor sat down on the bed and dragged his whip over James' member, over his abs, stopped under his throat, then dragged it down again. "We are." He nodded. "And I think you're still a bit overdressed for the occasion."

Ollie hummed, then gently bit James' nipple, making him jump. "I think you are." Ollie agreed.

Victor took off his pants and underwear. And his socks. Victor thought that wearing socks during sex was offensive. His fingers sunk into his thighs, pressing enough for James to not be able to discern between pain and pleasure. Ollie kissed his hip, his teeth scratching his skin softly as he made his way down. James was losing his mind now.

Then Ollie lifted his head and smiled. "Where's the stuff?"

Victor lifted the vibrator, and the right in one hand, and the lube and condoms in the other. Ollie grabbed the lube and opened it. Victor placed the toys on the bed, leaving them there for now. James was watching them intently. He wanted to be touched and kissed.

Ollie squeezed some of the lube over Victor's fingers. James felt his cold hands over his skin, his muscle tensing in anticipation.

Ollie touched his chin and turned his head towards him. "Are you ok, love?" he whispered, loving and caring and James wanted – NEEDED – to kiss him.

"I think I'm going to lose my mind."

"You should relax," Victor said. His voice was wonderful, deep, and smooth. It went right to James' dick. James tried relaxing while Victor touched his entrance. He pushed his fingers inside, carefully.

"Atta boy." Victor chuckled. It made James curl his toes. "Good boy."

Ollie kissed his neck and ran his thumbs over his nipples. Victor's fingers were sliding in and out, but it was too slow. James thrust his hips upwards, knowing that Victor liked to tease. Ollie was no better either, he thought while Ollie's tongue trailed his skin. He was going to lose his mind.

Moments later, or maybe minutes, James had no sense of time, Victor pulled his hand away. James whined. He didn't like the sudden emptiness, and Ollie was very close to him, very warm, soft and loving, and naked. James couldn't reach out! He was left needy and desperate, looking at his lover's bronzy freckled skin.

And Victor was there too, holding that damn vibrator in his hand. "Do you mind?" He asked.

James shook his head. He didn't mind at all, though he would've preferred the real thing.

Ollie abandoned James and wrapped his arms around Victor, planting small pecks all over his cheek and temple. Victor was by far the most dressed out of them, and Ollie took it upon himself to solve the issue. Victor poured some more lube on the vibrator, thought for a second, then spread James' legs even more and squired some of that cherry-flavored liquid over him.

"There." Victor smiled. He was careful when he inserted the vibrator, then turned it on. It was the first time James ever used something like that. He thought, for a moment, that he wasn't really into it. But only for a moment. Victor pushed the device a bit deeper and it touched the right spot. James pushed his head into his pillow, closing his eyes.

"You should take care of me too," Ollie said.

This made James look at them. He wanted to see. Victor whispered something in Ollie's ear, sharing what seemed to be a very fun secret.

Ollie lay on top of James, straddling him with his thighs and hiding his head in the crook of his neck. "I can't wait for you to fuck me."

James moaned, loudly, he moved his body in an attempt to roll over Ollie but remembered he couldn't.

Victor was behind Ollie, preparing him just like he had prepared James earlier. Ollie bit him, licked his neck, kissed him, and held onto his shoulders while Victor was knuckles deep inside him. It wasn't the first time they slept together, but it was the first time he felt so helpless, so vulnerable.

Ollie shifted and Victor stopped just enough to let him move his head between James' thighs. He felt Ollie's warm, plush, lips around him. His eyes darted from Ollie's face to Victor, to Victor's hand - the one that was holding Oliver's hip, to the other, that was teasing Ollie. James didn't want to finish. Not yet. He wanted to fuck. He wanted to be fucked.

He must've whined because Ollie lifted his head and smiled. "Poor boy."

Victor hummed in agreement. "Did we tease him enough?"

"No," Ollie said. "But we should still give him what he wants."

"Untie me." James' voice was hoarse and low. Victor uncuffed him and James didn't miss a beat. He rolled on top of Ollie and kissed him on the mouth. Ollie wrapped his legs around him, chuckling and moaning.

Victor grabbed him by his hips and leaned over him. He kissed the back of his neck. "You ok?"

James nodded. "Just do it before I explode."

Victor slapped his butt with the crop again. "How unruly," he said. Then did exactly what James wanted. Finally. James' mind was going blank with desire. He was sandwiched between his two lovers, giving and receiving pleasure.

After they finished, they showered and changed the sheets. Thank the heavens there was a washing machine there. The owners didn't need to know what happened in their bed. Victor lit a cigar and started smoking next to an open window. Ollie stole one of James' sweaters and cuddled him in the newly made bed.

"You should come here," James said. "Close the window and join us." He yawned.

Victor nodded. "Yeah, give me a second."

"I love you!" Ollie said, loudly. "Both of you!"

"I love you too!" James said, just as loud.

Victor puffed a laugh through his nose.

"We love you, Vic!" Ollie screamed.

"We love you!" James repeated.

"We love you!" They both chanted.

"I love you too." Victor put out his cigar in the ashtray and got in bed with them.

Ollie gasped. "We didn't use the ring!"

"Next time, babe," James said.

Author's note<3:

I hope the lube comes out of the sheets. And I hope they remember to take the garbage out before they leave. Colorful condoms are fun for Ollie, but they might not be fun for others. 😂

If you want to read more about James, Ollie, and Vic, check out the sequel - Victory Kiss, available for free on Tapas!

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