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James blinked fast, not because he had something in his eyes, but because he was trying to focus. The idea of being so open to his parents about his love life seemed weird.

A part of him couldn't help but feel envious. He hadn't been in touch with his folks since he got shipped to the boarding school. He didn't want to; he knew it would end up in a fight, especially if it involved his mother. The last thing on his to-do list was participating in a shouting match.

After eating together, Oliver joined him back to his room. It was fine. They were fine. They weren't going to break up, and this alone was enough to put his mind at ease. But Oliver made James curious. The idea of monogamy has been so deeply ingrained into him that he had considered any other alternative.

Oliver was ok with a polyamorous relationship. It was something the two of them needed to discuss more. The main problem was the third person, none other than Victor Arlington. Victor, whose issues stretched far beyond teenage rebellion and who was, in a lack of a better term, the embodiment of a human tragedy.

It seemed unfair to put the stress of a non-traditional relationship on his shoulders now. Even more, it wasn't certain that Victor would agree to it.

James opened the door to his room, and Oliver was the first one to step in. Surprisingly, Victor wasn't sleeping. He was playing on his Switch with headphones on. He looked up as they walked in.

"Hi!" Oliver didn't miss a beat. "I missed you so much!"

Victor took out his headphones and glanced from Oliver to James and back to Oliver. He was frowning already. Typical.

"Hi," He answered before finding himself in a tight embrace. Oliver had wrapped his arms around him, and James wondered why he didn't get that kind of greeting. Victor patted him on the back, confused.

"You sorted your out issues?" Victor asked, looking at James.

"Yup." Oliver pulled away and smiled. "We're great. How are you?"

Victor shrugged and placed his console next to him. "I'm fine."

James took a seat at his desk. He hoped that Oliver wasn't going to go into too many details about their time apart, the reason, and the conclusion.

"Oh." Oliver stopped mid-sentence and looked around. "Oh my God, this room is so clean. I've never seen this room so clean. Wow, who cleaned it?"

"We did," James said and pointed at the mini-fridge. "And we also got that. It's full of Victor's bad habits."

"It's just Coke," Victor said. After a short pause, he added, "I think it's slightly better than meth."

"You're right." Oliver was still sitting very close to Victor. James' heartbeat didn't match the setting. The proximity between the two gave made him feel odd, but not in the wrong way.

"You can just take one, Ollie," Victor said. "You don't have to keep staring at it."

"I'm just shocked by the sheer amount of soda." Oliver sat on the floor and got himself a drink. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it."

It was late in the evening when Oliver suggested they do something together. Their options were limited, and James would've refused outright any proposal of going out. It was also raining.

"I'm tired of movies." Victor rubbed his eyes. James had to force himself not to reach over and slap his palms away.

"I'm tired of your movies too." Oliver smiled and took Victor's hand, stopping him from irritating his eyes even more. "Let's play truth or dare!"

"Sure." James agreed immediately. He loved asking awkward questions and asking the players to do stupid dares.

Victor didn't say anything for a second. "Why?"

"It's fun. Come on, don't be so grumpy."

"Fine, as long as I don't have to get out of bed."

"Ok, ok, ok! Can I go first? Can I? Please?"

"Sure." James' heart twisted in his chest, seeing Oliver happy made him happy.

"Ok, Jamie-James, truth or dare?"

"I'm starting easy. Truth."

"Fair. Where was the weirdest place you hooked up with someone?"

Victor puffed a laugh through his nose. It wasn't the laugh James kept craving, but it sent a warm thrill through James' spine.

"Jesus, Ollie. Really? You go straight to sex?"

"It doesn't have to be sex," Oliver said faux-offended. "It can be a blowjob."

James rubbed the back of his head, then shrugged, defeated. "I don't have a weird place, actually. Ugh... it was either my bedroom or their house."

"Boring," The corner of Oliver's lips curled up. James was sure that he took this as a challenge. He was definitely not opposed to this.

"My turn. Victor?"

"Truth," Victor said.

James didn't want to ask anything sexual, or anything too private. He also didn't want to ask anything that might upset him.

"What's with the can towers?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "It started as me being lazy, and now I'm invested in the towers. I want to see how long I can keep it up."

"Ask me." Oliver's eyes were stuck on Victor, intense and bright.

"Truth or dare, Ollie?"

"Dare, me, coward!" Oliver clapped his hands. "I'm ready! I'm not afraid."

"Swim a lap around the pool."


"You heard me, brave one. Do it."

Oliver wrinkled his nose and leaned back. James laughed.

"I'll do it with you," James offered. "I could use some exercise."

"Shirt on, or off?"


"I agree." Oliver beamed. "Let's do it. I'm ready! Will you join me, Vic?"

"I'd rather not. I don't like getting my hair wet for no reason."

James figured he could accidentally nudge Victor into the pool.

"Come on, let's go. Let's get expelled." James chuckled. Finally, some harmless fun. 

Author's note<3:

Happy Valentine's day! 💖 

I decided to post a chapter even if it's not an upload day, as a Valentine's Day surprise! I hope you enjoyed it! 

What do you think? Harmless fun or a chance for yearning? 

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