The Eye Of The Storm

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Victor spoke with his mother's lawyers. He spoke with the police. And then he did it again and again. It became a daily thing. Victor's initial obvious stress dissipated and turned into coldness and apathy.

James couldn't follow what was happening anymore. The days passed and blurred into each other. They were all full of questions, of people in suits and people in uniforms and more people in suits and more people in uniforms.

The days went on, and the questions kept pouring, different questions, the same questions, and people telling them that this was a serious matter. As if they didn't know. As if James wasn't already fully aware.

The calmer Victor looked, the more James worried. It was like living in the eye of the storm. James realized that it was far more pressure than he had expected, and people were far more insistent, far more judgmental. Not all, not most, but James could see it in their eyes, an awful, unspoken curiosity – why did it take so long to speak up? Victor noticed it too; it was impossible not to and ignored it completely. James didn't dare to bring it up.

About a week later, Victor had to visit his mother again. His lawyers were there. James had a visceral need to go with him, but Victor said no. It was a dismissive no, said far too promptly. James didn't like it.

"Why?" James frowned, watching Victor as he was buttoning his shirt.

"Why not?" Ollie repeated. "I think we should stay together now. It's going to be stressful."

"It's already stressful," Victor said. "It wouldn't make any difference. It's a waste of time. You should focus on something else."

"I don't think it's a waste of time," James said, wondering how could he even suggest that school was more important now.

Victor looked at him, right into his eyes, and smiled. "I don't care." He turned his back towards James and picked a dark gray sweater from the closet. "Right now, I don't care what anyone thinks about anything. I want this to be over."

"I'm not ... anyone." He felt his heart aching. James got up and touched Victor's shoulder. "I'm your boyfriend."

"Yes." Victor pulled the sweater over his head. "You're my boyfriend, and I'm asking you to stay here while I deal with the lawyers. It's not something I'm looking forward to. But you know that. So just stay here, I'll be back tomorrow."

James' headache was getting worse. He didn't want to argue this, not now, when everyone's nerves were stretched to the point of breaking. He relented.

"Ok, if that's what you want."

"Are you sure?" Ollie asked.

"Yeah," Victor said, grabbing his coat. "Mom also has to sign the divorce papers." He sighed. "I hope she has a prenup."

James watched him as he wrapped a scarf around his neck. After a moment of thought, James grabbed one of his beanies, shoved it on Victor's head, and then kissed him. Victor was stubborn, but he was still one of his favorite people.

Victor fixed the beanie on his head. "Thanks."

"Please be careful." He took Victor's hands and lifted them to his lips. "Please call?" James added, kissing his knuckles.

"You're going to start balding prematurely if you don't calm down," Victor said, his voice softer. James loved that voice; it sent shivers down his spine.

Yet he knew that Victor's calmness was fake. A convincing fake that fooled most people, but James wasn't most people.

"We're going to be ok," James said. "Tell Emma her cake was great."

Victor nodded, absentmindedly, and checked his phone.

After Victor left, James took a shower and buzzed his hair. There was no more pink left, and he felt a strange sense of loss. Maybe he'll let Ollie dye it again.

After a few more hours of pacing around the room, unsure of what to do, he called his brother. He needed to talk to someone that wasn't personally involved in the situation.

Robert picked up after the third ring. "Hey, dude." James could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hi," James started, unsure of what to say. There wasn't any specific information that he wanted to share, but he needed support. "I-ugm, are you busy?"

"Not really; what's up?"

James told him. He told him about Mason, about the investigation, and complained about how helpless he felt. There was a pause on the other side of the call, then Robert hummed. "Can I come over? Let's talk face to face about this."

"Yeah," James said. "Please come."

Author's note<3: Did anyone say BONUS UPDATES? No? Then I'll say it. I'll post a chapter every day this week! Yey?!


At this point, I'm just happy that Rob is coming back. I miss Rob. Rob is a good bean.

What do you think? Any advice for the boys? Let me know!

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