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They were all sitting in the courtroom. A light was flickering above their heads. James had been sitting still like a stone statue for what seemed like an eternity. The closing arguments were compelling, James watched the jury's reaction, hoping to see a glimpse of the future. He couldn't. He couldn't read their faces. The more James looked at them, the more similar they were becoming, the harder it was for him to see their expressions.

"The jury will deliberate," he remembered the Judge saying, in her stern, calm voice.

And then hours passed, blurring into each other. Time didn't mean anything. Victor was nervous too, anyone could see that. They had coffee, they ate something, and then they went back in that dreaded room, hoping that justice won't turn their backs on them.

Hours, James thought, while the judge was reading the verdict. It took them hours to decide. James' was holding his breath, as if breathing could and would ruin something.

"Guilty," the Judge said.

James thought he had imagined it; the word didn't make sense the first time. It was more of a breeze. He looked at Ollie, who was looking at him. He smiled. Yes. Guilty, the man had been found guilty.

"...Ten years in prison."

James' senses sharpened. That wasn't enough time. That wasn't nearly enough time for what Mason had done. Yet it was still more than what other people got, it was still some sort of justice that most didn't get.

He later found out that the average sentence for rape is around none to ten years.

Mason was taken away and people started leaving. James went to Victor, who was talking to his mother and Emma.

"Hi," James said. "I'm sorry to butt in."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Isabella said, touching his arm. She was wearing a black, expensive suit and he looked amazing, ready for a damn funeral. "I'm glad that we can go back to our normal lives now."

Victor hummed. "I don't feel normal." He didn't seem happy, or sad, or distressed, or ecstatic. James understood. It was hard to believe that it was over. After all that, all it took were a couple of words.

"It's the shock," Isabella said. "You should come home for a bit."

"No, no, I'm alright." Victor shook his head. "I plan on graduating this year. Anyway, I wanted to ask you, I know we've talked about this before, but are you sure dad didn't leave a note before – before you know."

"Oh." Bella frowned. "No, I'm sorry, love, there was no note. Why are you asking this now?"

"No reason," Victor said. "You wouldn't keep it away from me, right? Even if it said something horrible."

"Of course not!" Isabella grabbed both his arms. "I would never keep that from you. I know you loved your dad a lot."

"Ok, mom. Ok, I believe you. Thank you." Victor smiled softly. Bella hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too, mom."

Before they left, Isabella nudged James and told him to keep taking care of her son.

"I think she knows," James said, feeling his face burning in embarrassment.

Victor shrugged. "Yeah, but she would be a hypocrite to say anything."

"What do you mean?" James frowned.

Ollie walked next to them and gave them each a cup of hot chocolate in exchange for a peck on the head.

"You don't know?" Victor asked, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

"What?" Ollie didn't want to be left out of the conversation.

"Emma and mom," Victor started. "You know."

"Oh, yeah," Oliver agreed, then turned towards James. "What? You didn't know?"

"Know what?!" James crossed his arms, defensive. How was he supposed to know something about Emma and Bella? He talked to them twice – maybe thrice – in his life.

"Oh, Jamie-James," Ollie laughed, leaning against his arm. "You're so cute."

James snorted, this was some sort of code for you're an idiot, but thank God you're pretty."

Victor also looked at him like he was missing a few brain cells. "Really? Are you serious right now?"

Something clicked in James' head. "You don't mean that your mom and Emma are..." His eyes widened. "No, come on, how am I supposed to know that?"

Both Ollie and laughed at him. Everything felt surreal, dreamlike, but it was indeed reality. It was over.

Just like that, it was done.

They went to Ollie's house and ordered food, enough to feed a small army. It was to celebrate, Oliver explained, then proceeded to tell them that nobody died for eating burritos alongside pizza and Tikka Masala. Then, upon further consideration, Ollie made the executive decision of also buying some nachos and dessert.

"We're going to get sick," James said. But at least they weren't going to eat gummies and chips again.

Ollie shrugged. Victor still seemed a bit not like himself; he was a bit too quiet, a bit too... not present. James thought that it was normal. He sat down next to him and kissed his temple.

"All good?"

"I think so. I feel weird. I don't feel like anything changed."

"Don't you feel relieved?" Ollie asked.

"I guess so? It doesn't feel real, though. It's like I'm waiting for him to call me."

"He won't. He can't." Ollie held Vic's hand. "But maybe you need some adjustment time."

"Yeah, maybe." Victor nodded, then picked up Freckle. "Well, I guess we can finally get back to those literature essays." He smiled.

"Fuck Homer!" Ollie shouted and Freckle mewed in what seemed like agreement.

James laughed. Soon enough they will graduate and move far away, starting a new chapter of their lives. 

Author's note<3: We're inching closer to the end of the novel, so I'll drop an extra chapter this week! I hope you enjoy it!

Mason has been found G U I L T Y! Let's rejoice! It's going to take a while for them to get adjusted to this new reality, but I think the future looks promising, what do you think?

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