Magenta Chaos

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That weekend they went to town to buy supplies. Victor seemed to know what to get, but Ollie was stuck between two shades of pink that looked the same to James.

James was nervous. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Oliver's over-excitement will somehow result in a tragedy. The fact that Victor was also on board raised red flags. Not only was he on board, but he was the one that made the final decision about the dye shade.

They stopped to buy a cake on their way back. This was Ollie's idea, who was still very adamant that cheesecake is not real cake. Victor and Oliver started a debate about it while waiting for a bus. It was stupid. It was the stupidest discussion James had ever heard.

They never reached a conclusion.

Once they were back in their room, they gathered in the bathroom. James took off his shirt, thinking that he'd rather get bleach on his shoulders than on his clothes. Then, upon further thinking, he took off his jeans too. He was going to get his hair dyed while sitting on the toilet, in boxers.

Victor grabbed his Switch and sat in the shower.

The moment Ollie started mixing the bleach, James knew this was going to be a struggle. Ollie's eyes turned red and started watering. He needed to take a break five minutes in, and he kept taking breaks throughout the process.

Victor chuckled, saying that his hair will end up patchy.

"What are you even doing?" James turned his head towards Victor.

"I'm on a villager hunt," Victor answered nonchalantly as if he was expecting James to know what that means. James had no idea what he was talking about.

"To murder them?!" Ollie sounded too excited, and it worried James.

"What?" Victor frowned. "Why would I want to murder them? No, it's to ask them to live on my island."

"Why?" James asked, still very much confused.

"Because this is how the game works," Victor said with a shrug."

James still didn't get it.

"I think it's cute," Ollie said, then plopped some more hair bleach on James' head.

"Don't get it in my eyes, please. My head itches."

"It's normal," Ollie nodded like he had done this before.

After washing his hair, Ollie concluded that they needed to do it again. Some patches of James' hair were darker than others. James wasn't convinced; he was getting worried.

"Trust me, trust me!" Ollie encouraged him with a smile. He was either confident that he knew what he was doing, or he was great at faking it.

James had to endure bleach again. It was still patchy and brassy. Ollie said it was intentional, to add "dimension", and that it's going to come together after they add the color.

"Tone it first," Victor said, without looking up from his console.

"What?" Ollie asked.

Victor pointed at their supply bag that had been forgotten on the floor. "The purple stuff. You guys never prepare in advance, do you?"

"Victory belongs to the bold, Vicky!" Ollie said, fishing out the toner from the bag. "This?" He held out the bottle towards Victor.

"Yeah, that."

Adding the color to his hair took way less, but James was now sure that Oliver wasn't the best at dying hair.

"You're the best at dying hair," he encouraged him with a pat on the thigh. Then James stood and cracked his back. "God, I can't move, we're never doing this again."

James took a moment to look around the bathroom. There were bright pink stains on the floor, in the sink, and even on one of the walls. One splash also made its' way to the shower. It was a disaster. James hoped they could clean it later.

He waited for the required amount of time before he was whooshed back into the bathroom by Ollie.

"Come out when the water runs clear. I'm so excited to see you with cute hair!" Oliver was beaming.

James took a shower. As a result, he ruined a towel. A perfectly good towel turned into a stained hot pink mess. James regretted this bargain. But when he looked into the mirror, he figured he didn't look that bad. Sure, the color wasn't perfectly even, but he could always pretend that it was intentional.

He walked into their room with the towel hanging from his shoulder. Oliver squealed. Victor said that at least he doesn't look like a walking pumpkin anymore.

"You're so hot! Pink really suits you! Oh, it turned out so good, right? Right!?" Oliver nudged Victor, forcing him out of his apathetic shell.

Victor looked at him. "Can I touch it?"

James leaned forward, towards him, and felt him run his fingers over his head.

"It's cute," Victor said. "I think it will look nice with your black clothes."

"Yeah?" James smiled at him.

Vic nodded. "It's a bit patchy here, though." His fingers moved again towards the top of James' head. Victor was barely touching him now, but it still sent a thrill down his spine. James couldn't help himself. He took his hand and kissed it.

"That's fine," James said. "Nobody will care about that."

Ollie glued himself to James' side, hugging him surprisingly tight. James pecked the top of his head.

"We should go out at least once before you buzz it off," Oliver said, looking up at him.

James was about to answer when a phone started buzzing closeby. It was the first time his anxiety pulsed in his body because of a phone call.

"Give it to me," James said, stretching out his hand.

Author's note<3:

Ollie did great. He's the best at dying hair. He's a multi-talented precious bean. Please praise his work, or he might cry... and we all know he's not cute when he cries.
Guys, pretty please with gummies on top, don't forget to leave a chonky vote! And maybe your thoughts too, no matter how random.

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