Valentine's Day Special - Part I

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College and work had been hectic, but it was Valentine's day and James couldn't afford to miss it. Ollie was excited. And Victor? James wasn't even sure if Victor wanted to do anything special, but he wasn't going to say no. Not to Valentine's day.

James was willing to do anything, and go anywhere, he was even considering getting a new, nice, suit too if the location demanded it.

He didn't have to.

It was cold and raining and none of them wanted to go out and endure the horrible weather just for the sake of a romantic day. Instead, they pushed the couch and the coffee table away and put a picnic blanket on the floor. They didn't cook, because James was afraid they might burn down the apartment, but they ordered take out. Ollie wanted it to be "authentic", so he put the food in a basket and found an audio with birds chirping.

Victor thought it was amusing.

They were in their apartment, sitting on the floor like they used to do when they were in high school. They were all wearing pajamas.

"I have gifts!" Ollie grinned, giving them both a cute, pink bag. He watched them both with wide, eyes. Excitement was bubbling in him and James was sure he was going to pounce at any given moment.

James glanced inside the bag and his face burned. Just as he was about to open his mouth and ask about the not-so-innocent gift, Victor burst into laughter. James looked at him. He was holding something very similar to a riding crop. Then Victor took out a pair of fluffy, baby pink, handcuffs. He was laughing so hard James was sure he was going to get an asthma attack.

Victor wiggled the crop, then spanked James' thigh gently. He laughed again. Ollie did too.

"Ok." Victor ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. "Original."

"I got you candy too." Ollie nodded, proudly. "Your favorite, because I love you both."

"Thank you, Ollie." Victor ruffled Oliver's hair, then pinched his cheek. He turned towards James. "You look like your head is about to pop off. What did you get?"

James opened his mouth, then closed it. And to think that he used to consider himself sexually outgoing. "I – ugm – this." He pulled out a dick shaped vibrator and a special kind of ring. The type that didn't go around his finger. Victor laughed again.

"What?" Ollie smiled innocently. "I thought you said you're open to that."

"I mean... I wasn't expecting..." James closed his eyes, feeling like he was going to burn. Victor took the vibrator away from him and turned it on. The thing started shaking in Victor's hand.

Victor, a serious, stoic man, shoved the tip of the vibrator into James' side. James made a weird, high pitched sound, and fell on his back, surprised by how potent that device was. Victor was still laughing. Ollie was laughing too.

"Victor! Don't do that. I might die."

"Death by dick." Victor wiggled the vibrator. James took it from him, turned it off, and hid it in the bag. He wasn't opposed to the idea, not at all. And it wasn't as if he was around strangers, but he still felt embarrassed. Victor caressed his head with his whip.

"I have something too," James said. Ollie clapped his hands.

James got them Romantic Vouchers. Some of them were cute "Candlelit dinner", "Movie Night", "Yes Day", "A massage". Some were a bit racier. James was certain he knew which ones will be used first. He also added heart-shaped cookies, chocolates, and hand written notes.

Ollie beamed. "This is so adorable!" He bounced into his arms and kissed his cheek. "You're so adorable."

James wrapped his arms around him, snuggling Ollie close to him like a teddy bear.

Victor patted his head with his whip again. "Thank you. This is really sweet." He hummed and stretched his legs in front of him. "I got us some champaign and ugm," Victor tilted his head to a side, "I rented a cabin for us, for a weekend. It's not as fun as Ollie's."

Ollie's entire attention snapped on Victor. "Oh, oooh! don't say that. We can take my gifts there." He wiggled his eyebrows. "It's going to be so romantic!"

James hid his face into Ollie's hair. It had gotten so long he could tie it in a bun with no issues. When it was down, it was like a beautiful, curly mane.

Victor nodded, flipping through his vouchers. "This one is blank." He smiled. "Does this mean I can write whatever I want in it?"

"Yeah," James said, blushing again. He hoped that Victor and Ollie are going to write lewd things in it. Honestly, they didn't even need a coupon for that, but it was fun.

"When are we going?" Ollie picked up a bowl of pasta. "I'm really excited."

"This weekend. I know I should've asked if you guys are free, but I figure a weekend isn't such a big deal."

"You were right." James smiled, grabbing Victor's hand. He kissed it, then placed Victor's cold palm against his warm cheek.

"Is there a lake? Can we try fishing? I think I might be very good at it."

"Yeah." Victor smiled and nodded. "But I don't know how to fish."

"We'll figure it out," James said.

Victor nodded again.

James already knew that there was no way the two of them - hell, the three of them - were going to catch any fish. Still, he was excited for their get-away. He was excited about what Ollie and Victor are going to write on their vouchers. He was excited about Ollie's gifts.

Author's note<3:

Stay tuned for part II! Did you ever receive/give an odd, quirky gift? What was it?!

Please vote and let me know your thoughts! <3

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