Let's Talk About His Lovers

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Ollie reached out and took Victor by the tips of his fingers. "Will you show us your room?"

James had the same curiosity. The house was large, intimidating and James still felt suffocated. The big windows, the sun shining on the hardwood floors, over the leather couches, bouncing off the expensive furniture, did nothing to make him feel at ease.

"It's upstairs," Victor said. "I can show it to you. When mom says it's almost lunch, she means she needs an hour to pick an outfit."

"Why?" James asked. "It's just us."

Victor started walking out of the living room. "I think she's bored,' he said.

The hallways had pictures on them. Family? James wasn't sure, but he kept glancing at them as they went up the stairway.

"She used to like hosting parties, but she stopped once dad died. I think she's looking for ways to entertain herself."

"Maybe she's lonely," Ollie said, taking Victor's arm.

"Maybe she is." Victor walked to the end of a hallway and stopped. "This was – is – my room. The one across it is my mom's. And the last door there –," he pointed to the end of the hallway, "That used to be my dad's office."

Victor opened the door. James was surprised to see that his room wasn't that large. It didn't have a lot of things in it either. Ollie snuck in and looked around.

"I like it!" he said, smiling, then went to look out the window. "You have such a nice garden too!"

Victor sat on the edge of his bed and looked around. James took a second to do the same. There was a double bed, a closet, a desk, and a small bookshelf. It was neat. It was nothing like Victor's dorm room. He didn't live there anymore.

"It's nice," Victor looked at Ollie. "It's nicer when the flowers bloom. Mom likes pink flowers, so there're many azaleas and begonias and carnations, and chrysanthemums. Cherry trees too." Victor said. There was a sort of melancholy surrounding him. "Dad used to buy her pink orchids because she doesn't like roses. Too common, she says."

Ollie sat down next to Victor and rested his head against his shoulder. "Sounds like he loved her."

"Yeah," Victor said.

"Guys?" Victor jumped at the voice, making Ollie jump too. James turned around to see a woman standing in the doorframe. "Oh, I scared you?! I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, Emma," Victor smiled at her, politely, even if a bit awkward.

Emma was a short, curvy woman with light brown hair that curled above her shoulders. She smiled at them, and James noticed she had a tooth gap. She had almond-shaped eyes, the color of honey, and a nose that James had heard being described as "Grecian."

"I'm Emma; you can call me Em, or Emmy. You must be James," she said, tilting her chin up to look at him. "You're taller than I imagined." Emma then turned towards Ollie. "And you must be Oliver. It's very nice to meet you, boys."

"Nice to meet you too, Emma!" Ollie waved at her, and she waved back. James was close enough to shake her hand.

"Is mom ready?" Victor asked.

Emma shook her head. "That would be a miracle, wouldn't it? But I took the liberty of setting the table for you. You must be starving."

"Thank you, Em." Victor got up. "Sorry for troubling you."

"It's no trouble," she said, pinching Vic's cheek. "You're still my favorite Arlington man."

Victor puffed a laugh. "Who am I pinned against?"

"Those dreadful cousins of yours." Emma sighed dramatically. "Between us, family reunions are too much of a hassle to be worth it."

"I agree," Victor said. "Not when those dreadful cousins are involved."

"Especially then!" Emma nodded. "Now wash your hands and come downstairs. You can start eating before Bella – Isabella – decides what shirt to wear."

Em waved at them before walking out of the room. Victor didn't tell them anything more about Emma or his mother's garden. They walked out of his room, and before going down the stairs, Victor turned towards his father's office.

"I think I want to go grab something from there before we leave."

"Ok," James said.

He followed Victor back into the living room. The table was nicely set, and again, James felt inadequate for the setting. Victor leaned against him.

"Don't be so tense," he whispered. "It's just food."

They sat down at the table. He felt Ollie's knee next to his, and it somehow made him feel better. This wasn't about him, and he didn't want to make it about him.

"You can eat," Victor said, pointing at the food. When James didn't make any attempt at grabbing a plate, Victor did it for him; then, he did it for Oliver. "I know it can be dawning," he said, "but don't let it get to you."

About fifteen minutes later, Victor's mother walked in and sat down across from them. She was wearing a lilac silk blouse and black pants. Her hair was still down and curled.

"How is the food?" She asked. "Isn't Em the best cook ever?"

"Yes, mom," Victor said. "She's great." He placed the fork on his plate. "I want to talk to you, please."

"Alright, darling," Isabella said, putting her elbows on the table. She was watching Victor with unblinking eyes. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want you to help me. I don't want James to be expelled for something I've done."

His mother sighed. "That's tragic, but I don't know what you want me to do?"

"Mom." Victor pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please. You're the one with control over the money; you're the one that gives the annual donation to the school. If you tell them you'll stop, I'm sure they won't go through with the expulsion."

"Oh, sort of like blackmailing." She chuckled. "Sounds so illicit, but I'm not sure I'm convinced yet. Why did you punch him? You were never violent."

"The situation got out of control. It wasn't my best decision."

"Out of control? How? Mason is rather boring, I can admit that. I've never seen him do anything that would warrant a punch."

James shorted. "I'm sorry, but you weren't there."

"Obviously, that's why I'm asking." Isabella smiled.

"He did a lot of things you're not aware of," Victor said, grabbing his fork and twisting it between his fingers. "Such as his very long list of lovers."

His mom frowned. "Well, he wouldn't be the first rich man that has a couple of mistresses."

Victor shook his head. "Let's talk about his lovers, for a bit. They're young. They're on the verge of barely legal." He leaned in. "Mom, he's a cheater, and he likes young men."  

Author's note<3: Thank you for your support! Your votes and comments mean a lot and I have fun reading them! As a thank you for, have an extra chapter this week! I'll post one tomorrow too. Hope you enjoy it! 

Oh the conversation is getting heated! Tea is being spilled! Who will crack first? Who has the best nerves? And more importantly? Will Isabella LISTEN??? 

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