Law And Chaos

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James looked at Mason's car, overwhelmed. Victor reached out through the open window and grabbed his arm.

"Let's just go."

James didn't answer. Isabella and Emma walked outside just as Mason got out of his car. Victor's grip tightened around James' wrist, feeling more like a claw than a hand.

"I said let's go," Victor repeated. When James still didn't answer, Victor grunted. "What?! What are you going to do? March there, and what?!"

James turned towards his boyfriend, reminding himself not to shout at him. James was being selfish; he knew that, yet his ego demanded retribution.

"Answer me," Victor's voice was sharp, impatient, borderline aggressive.

"I don't want to leave just yet. Why not confront him? Your mother will too. He'll go to jail."

Victor didn't blink. He tensed and tightened his grip. "This isn't your decision; this isn't your problem. We didn't come here to confront anyone."

James exhaled through his nose and pulled his hand away. "Fine! We're going! You know, you can't solve your problems if you keep running away from them." He didn't mean to sound that bitter or that angry. But he was both. Everything felt raw and tender.

Victor opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. Feelings that James didn't understand flashed over his face.

Things didn't need to be this difficult, yet they were. They always were when it came to Victor. James had to force that train of thought to stop its course before it derailed into more resentment.

He sighed and turned towards Ollie. "Can I drive?"

"I don't know, are you gonna crash into Mason? I can't afford to bust the car again," Ollie said, but tossed the keys to James, then joined Victor on the backseat.

He drove away while thinking of all the things he could do to that man.

Nobody talked. James could see Oliver and Victor in the rear-view mirror and the space between them. Victor didn't want to be touched or comforted. He didn't want to talk either, and he barely muttered one-liners when asked anything. Ollie had given up too.

Once they arrived at Ollie's house, Sebastian invited them in for dinner. James wasn't hungry. Victor didn't want to eat either, but Ollie forced them both to do it. They agreed to spend the night there. Sebastian offered to put Victor in contact with some good lawyers.

"No," Victor said, crossing his arms. "No."

Victor was stretched thin, anxious, and everything was making it worse. James didn't know what to do. He was irate too. Victor kept refusing help. How could they make things better if he kept saying no?!

"Are you sure?" Sebastian asked calmly.

Victor gritted his teeth. "Yes."

James kept his thoughts to himself, knowing very well that he would only anger Victor more if he voiced them.

After dinner, James took a shower and dropped in bed, exhausted. Oliver joined him soon after, wrapping his arms around him. It was soothing. Loving. He needed that.

"Where's Victor?" James asked, forcing his eyes open.

"He went out for a smoke," Oliver answered. "I'm really worried, James. I'm – I don't know what to do."

"Neither do I," James said. "I'm not equipped to deal with this. And he doesn't want help." He rolled on his back and rubbed his face. "I should go check up on him."

"Maybe he wants to be alone," Oliver said.

"I don't think he knows what he wants," James grunted. "I'll go talk to him."

Ollie nodded. James forced himself to leave behind the warm bed and get dressed. It was snowing. It was dark. He didn't want to leave the bedroom, but Victor was there, probably seething in his own sadness, and it felt wrong to leave him alone.

James dragged himself out of the house, ignoring the resentment that was blooming inside him. Why were things so fucking difficult?


Victor was sitting down, right next to the door, his back against the wall. He was smoking. Freckle was wrapped in a scarf, in his arms, purring happily. Victor didn't look at him; he turned his head away and rested his temple on his knee.

"Victor." James touched his shoulder. "Don't cry. It's ok."

Author's note<3:

Oof, James is not equipped to deal with this situation. Everyone is sad and stressed. As always, let me know your thoughts and conspiracy theories!

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