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The inside pool was empty at that hour. It was eerie and quiet, and each time they spoke, their voices echoed in the large room. It was dark, but the moonlight was pouring through the windows. It was a clear night, finally.     

James and Oliver stripped and jumped into the water. James was the first one to emerge to the surface, feeling his eyes sting from the chlorine. He didn't care. The cold water heightened his senses. His heart was wild in his chest. Victor sat down on the floor; one leg stretched in front of him, the other one curled under.

"Race me!" Oliver pushed his wet curls back with a huge smile on his face. He was emanating energy, happiness and James thought about how much he loved him. "I'll beat you. I'm faster. I'm the fastest."

"I doubt it, love," James said.


"Fine, you're on."

They took their position, and Oliver counted down. They both darted, splashing water around them. James didn't have to check to make sure he was in the lead. He wasn't about to lose on purpose because he was incurably infatuated with his competition.

"Cheater!" Oliver wiped his face. "You cheated!" There was laughter in his voice.

"I didn't." He shoved a finger in his ear, trying to get the water out.

"No! You cheater!" Oliver jumped on his back and wrapped himself around him like an affectionate parasite, or a humanoid backpack. "Victor! Tell him that he's a cheater."

"You're a cheater." Victor didn't bother looking up from his phone.

"Fight me, Arlington!" James managed to peel Oliver off of his back and embraced him. It took his boyfriend a brief second before he started kissing the side of his neck, small pecks planted between chuckles. His breath was hot against his skin, and his legs were around his waist. James' thoughts tumbled into the gutter.

"Victor, truth, or dare?" He called out, trying to focus on something else besides his raging hormones.


"Coward," Oliver teased. "Come on, Vic, live a little."

"No, no, I'm fine. Peer pressure doesn't work on me. Truth."

"Ok," James nodded, "What do we have to do to make you join us in the pool?"

Victor looked up from his phone and thought for a second. "Buy snacks and soda for a month."

"Deal!" Oliver chimed in. "Now, come here."


"Yes, now, please, come on, it's fun."

Victor sighed and lay on his back. "Ugh, but I don't want to right now."

James got out of the pool and walked next to Victor. Their eyes met for a brief second; Victor understood the situation instantly, but he had no time to react. James picked him up.

"No," Victor frowned - no - he glared, his whole body was tense.

"Yes, hold your breath." James approached the edge of the pool. "I'm serious, hold your breath," he said one more time before jumping in.

"Put your feet down," James instructed. "Victor, put your feet down!"

Victor finally did and stopped struggling. The water wasn't deep enough for them to drown, but Victor behaved like a penguin on land. He lacked any grace, and James suspected he was shit at swimming too. He didn't mind that one bit, Victor still had his arms around his shoulders, holding for dear life.

"You asshole. You...asshole."

"You don't have to say it twice." James pushed his hair back. He felt his mouth go dry while his body took the executive decision that blood was needed in his dick. It was self-sabotage. He hoped Victor wouldn't notice. He released Victor and forced some space between them, even if every inch of him ached with need. He wanted to kiss him softly and gently on his temples and cheeks. He wanted to kiss him passionately, on his mouth and neck, and down his stomach.

"My clothes are wet, are you happy?" Victor rubbed his eyes.

"I thought we cared about your hair." James was still close enough to grab his wrist and pull his hands away from his eyes. "Stop that, you'll irritate your eyes."

"Hair and clothes, Brooks. Hair and clothes. Now I have to go and change. It's freezing."

"Take mine." James pointed at his discarded sweater and sweat pants. "You don't have to leave."

"Ok," Victor agreed and got out of the pool. He took off his wet shirt, and James' feelings and thoughts clashed. He wanted to look, yet he forced himself not to.

"Truth, or dare, Brooks?" He heard Victor ask. The clothes were loose on him, but the length was fine. James found it endearing.

"Dare me."

"Buy a back of chips and open it without using your hands."

Oliver laughed. It echoed through the room. James smiled.

"Fine. Fine. At least I don't have to lick floors."

"Don't give us ideas!" Oliver called out while he made his way up the ladder.

They played for a few more rounds, daring each other to do stupid things like walk on their elbows and knees, take unflattering pictures for social media, sing corny songs, and hold their breath underwater.

They refused to say "truth". James had to admit that it wasn't the worse night of his life, even if his fingers were getting wrinkly. Time didn't mean anything.

"I'm going to sleep." Victor yawned. His hair was almost dry at this point.

"Ok, Vic, thank you for coming with us!" Oliver said.

Victor nodded, and James could've sworn that there was a small smile on his face too. "Yeah, don't worry about it. It was surprisingly fun."

"It was great," Oliver said. "Good night, Vicky."

"Later, Ollie. Bye, thug."

"Did you just call me a thug while you're in my clothes?"

"Your thug clothes." Victor waved and left.

James found himself into a tight hug.

"I love you. And damn, dude, how didn't I see how smitten you are with Vic."

"It's not that obvious."

"It's... oh, Jamie-James, it's obvious." He smiled and pecked his cheek. "It's ok; you don't have to feel bad about that. It's what you're feeling."

James pressed his lips to Oliver's forehead. His curs somehow survived, even drenched. His eyes glimmered, and James knew he was thinking about something not so proper.

"Thanks, you're the best."

"I am." Oliver's hands roamed down his sides and stopped on his hips and groin.

"You're also the worst," James said.

"Yeah. Quite bad. You did say that you keep your business in the bedroom, and I find that lame. Boring."

"I did get the impression that you want to change that fact. I'm not opposed to the idea."

"Alright, then. Truth, or dare?"

"Dare me," James smirked. 

Author's note<3: 

Look at them, playing nice. Look at them playing dirty. What's the worst that could happen? 

Is throwing your crush in the pool flirting? Did James do a flirty? 👀💦

Please vote and let me know your thoughts! 

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