My Mother Will Hear About This

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James changed his mind. He grabbed the man by the shoulders and kneed him in the balls. Here, he thought, prove this assault. The man toppled over. James shoved him out of the room and locked the door.

It had been the most self-restraint he showed in his life, and he wasn't sure he didn't fully regret it. He still itched for proper violence. He still wanted to beat the crap out of that guy with his bare hands.

The man kicked the door once, then said something. James didn't understand what. He didn't care; his head was pounding. His heart was pounding.

Victor sat on the edge of his bed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He grunted, then took a deep breath and lifted his head to look at James. Ollie snuggled to Vic's side.

"Are you ok?" Victor asked while rubbing his bruising knuckles.

"Why are you asking me that?" James walked in front of him and touched his cheek. It was still bright red. "Does it hurt?"

Victor shrugged. "It's not that bad." He rubbed the back of his neck; the hair there was wet and sticking to his skin. James didn't know how this kind of fear felt, but he hated the man even more now.

"What's his name?"

"Mason. Williams. I'm sorry I dragged you into this. You won't get expelled."

"That's not really my issue right now." James sat on the floor and rested his hands-on Victor's knees. He remembered how bad he reacted the last time he had to face his stepdad.

"Don't be stupid."

Ollie took put his phone. "I think I'm going to call dad," he said. "We can go there earlier and talk to him. We'll get lawyers and –"

"No, no, no, no. I don't want to do that." Victor frowned and took the phone out of Oliver's hand. "No."

"Why not!?" Ollie's eyes widened, and he watched Victor as if his face held the answer. He reached towards him and took his phone back.

James wondered the same thing. Why the fuck not!?

"Because," Victor started, his voice was already strained as if explaining this was a burden. "Because he has his name tied to multiple companies. If he gets arrested, or put on trial, or both, guess whose name is going to end up in the papers."

"Vic, it's not your fault, people won't think it's your fault." Oliver held his hand. "We have to do something."

"It's easy for you to talk." He was about to snap but somehow didn't. "I don't want someone in the future to search my name online and find out – find out this! They'll look at me differently. I'll be what? A victim? Yeah, probably just that. I'm not just that."

"Ok, ok," James held him by the side of his neck before he went on a tangent and gave himself an asthma attack again. "It's ok, love. We'll figure it out. But I think going to Ollie's is a good idea.

"Yeah, sure." Victor closed his eyes. "Fine."

Oliver kissed brushed Victor's hair back. "Are you ok?"

"No." He shook his head and got up, then took out a pack of smocks from his nightstand. Victor opened the window and light up a cigarette. "I – I think I need to talk to my mother. I might have to go home after all."

"Why?" James asked, moving on his desk-chair.

"Because you're not getting expelled."

This didn't explain anything.

"I texted my dad, and he said he'll come pick us up," Oliver said. "We should pack quickly."

Victor looked at Oliver, blowing the smoke through the corner of his mouth. "Ok."

James got up from his chair and took the few steps separating him from Victor. He took out the cigar from his mouth and threw it out the window, then hugged him. Victor hesitated for a few moments, making James think that he didn't want to be embraced.

Then he wrapped his arms around him and clenched his fingers into his shirt.

"You're safe." James kissed his temple.

Victor hid his face into the crook of James' neck. "You're not going to get expelled, ok? I'll... I'll handle it."

"We'll handle it," James rubbed his back. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, love, but there's no 'I' in this situation anymore." 

Author's note<3: 

He's finally gone! For now...
But the boys are safe! For now...
At least they're going to Ollie's. Freckle is there. Freckle is good.

Is anyone else curious about Vic's mom?

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