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James' brain was more of an overboiled potato than an organ capable of thought. He kissed Victor, pulling him closer, desperate to touch him, but there was only so much his hands could do. Victor pulled away from the kiss, but James' head followed him. James felt starved.

Victor laughed; his pleasant, deep smooth laugh that rushed through James, a wonderful hot thrill that only added to his want.

Victor smiled at him, tilting his head to a side in silent judgment. "Patience," he said. "You sure like rushing into things."

James hadn't been breathing, he gasped for air and held Victor by his hips, pulling him closer. Love was making him stupid.

Victor took off James' shirt and tossed it to a side, then he pressed his cold fingers over the naked skin. He shoved him on the bed. "You're incorrigible," he said.

James couldn't wrap his mind around incorrigible. He looked up at Victor, mesmerized. "I love you."

Victor chuckled and rolled his eyes, his fingers curling over James' belt. "Yes, I know, you keep saying it," he said, amused. He undid the belt, unbuttoned the jeans, and tugged them down, then kissed James under his belly button. James brushed his fingers through Victor's hair. It seemed even darker now. Everything was more vivid, even his own heartbeat was louder than usual.

Victor got up. He was looming above James, his mouth close to James' lips.

"You should breathe," Victor reminded him, smiling.

James swallowed hard. Victor's hands caressed his legs, from his thighs, towards his knees. Victor tugged him suddenly, pressing his groin against James' butt.

Unfair, James thought, his eyes traveling across his boyfriend's body. Victor was still fully clothed. "Come here," James said and grabbed Victor by the shirt, pulling him into another kiss.

"I know we haven't discussed this, but how do you feel about -," Victor started, but James didn't – couldn't – focus on talking.

It required too much out of him and the only thing he wanted right now was to get Victor naked. "I don't care," James said. "You can do whatever you want." He wrapped his legs around Victor, trying to get him as close as possible.

Victor sighed, kissing his Jawline. "You really are incorrigible."

"You should take off your clothes," James muttered, pushing his hands under Victor's shirt.

Victor was infuriatingly gentle. He was maddening, and it was enough to turn James into a babbling mess.

James slept with Victor. His mind was starting to finally catch up to what had happened and it was telling him that it wasn't enough. That it needed more. James pecked Victor's head.

"Don't fall asleep, we have to shower."

Vic grunted. James couldn't see his face, only his black hair, but he was sure Victor rolled his eyes.

"Come on," James continued, slapping his butt gently. "We're going to be gross if we don't."

Victor groaned again but rolled off. He was already half-asleep, enjoying his cuddles and the idea of moving didn't seem to please him at all. But he got out of bed. James watched him. He was naked, and even in the darkroom, James gawked at him. Victor, his tall, lean pale, beautiful Victor.

"Stop staring and come on."

They walked into the bathroom. James was facing the shower and Victor draped his arms around his shoulders, resting his head on his shoulder and dozing off. James was rubbing his arms over his back, unable to stop touching him.

"Don't fall asleep," James muttered.

"You can't tell me what to do." Victor yawned.

James felt his teeth scrape against his neck, and it was enough to boil his blood. Victor pulled away; his face was inches from James. He smiled, lazily, tenderly.

James washed Victor's hair, kissing the sides of his neck and shoulders whenever he could. Afterward, he wrapped Victor in the biggest towel he could find and pecked his forehead.

"We should go on a date," James said.

"Dinner," Victor said, nodding. "I get to pick the restaurant."

"You want to go to a fancy place?" James dropped another towel on top of Victor's head, to dry his hair.

"Why not? I think we deserve it."

James hummed. He never liked expensive, elegant places, they always made him feel out of place and awkward, an outsider pretending to fit in. But he was willing to go for Victor. And he was sure Ollie wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

"Ok," he agreed. "I think it's a great idea."

They went to bed, sleeping next to each other with no threat looming over them. James fell asleep while listening to Victor's breathing, thinking that next time they should have a threesome.

When he woke up, he was alone. He found Ollie and Victor downstairs, in the living room, fighting for the remote. Victor was winning and laughing while Ollie was doing his best to reach over and snatch the device from Victor's hand. He couldn't, Victor was holding him at arm's length.

James leaned against the door, shaking his head. Freckle noticed his presence and walked next to him. James looked down at the cat. "Food?" he asked, unsure of what he wanted.

Freckle mewed.

Author's note<3:

Everything is going so well for them, finally! I kept it mostly sfw, if you guys are interested, I can release some nsfw chapters as a bonus. Is it surprising that Victor is so assertive?

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