Let's Talk About Your Husband

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They were sitting in the living room. The room was large, but James felt restricted, suffocated. Vic's mother was sitting across from them, leaned on the back of her armchair. She seemed content, amused even. But she had the sort of allure and glamour of an old Hollywood star. Even in her bathrobe. Especially in her bathrobe. James knew that he was blushing and there was nothing he could do to stop the redness from spreading down his neck.

"Mom," Victor started, leaning forward, holding his hands on his knees.

His mother lifted a finger. "Aren't you going to make introductions?"

James heard Victor sigh through his nose. "I was about to," he said. "Mom, these are my friends from school. James Brooks –," Victor gestured towards his right, "and Oliver Morales." He gestured towards his right. "Guys, this is my mother, Isabella Evans – Arlington."

"Before you ask," she smiled. "It's only because I never wanted to change my maiden name. This was a compromise. A woman shouldn't change her name just because she's married. Nice to meet you, boys."

"You were never a fan of pleasantries," Victor said.

She shrugged and tossed her hair behind her shoulders. "I'm being polite."

Victor didn't say anything for a few moments. James thought that maybe he should've said something like nice to meet you, but the moment passed.

"I need to talk to you about something important," Victor pulled on one of his fingers, cracking it.

"Oh? Important enough to be postponed until after our family reunion?" Isabella got up and poured herself a glass of wine. "You're underaged, no booze for you."

"I – we don't – mom, can you please listen?"

She shrugged and sat back down. "Why didn't you come?"

"I didn't want to." Victor sounded like he was trying his best not to snap.

"You didn't want to come here and commemorate your dead father? Weren't you two close? Didn't you love him?"

"Mom." Victor closed his eyes. "I'm here to talk to you about your husband."

"Mason?" She raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"He's an asshole," Victor said.

"Don't talk like that." She sipped her wine and crossed her legs. "Most rich men are assholes."

Victor fell against the back of the couch and inhaled deeply. "This isn't a joke."

She shrugged and sipped her wine. "Fine, I'm listening. Tell me, what's the reason for your sudden visit?"

"Mason is threatening my friend. He's throwing a temper tantrum because I refused to go with him on Thursday."

"Go with him, where?" Isabella asked.

"Here, he came to pick me up one day earlier. Didn't you know?" Victor raised an eyebrow and flashed a cold smile.

Isabella brushed her fingers through her long hair. James had an uncanny feeling, something like deja-vu. It was like watching Victor pretend to be unbothered.

"He doesn't have to tell me everything he does."

"Ok, assuming he tells you anything," Victor said. "I'm not here for that. He's still threatening my friend."

"Why would he threaten your friend?" She sighed and finished her glass of wine.

"Because I punched him."

"Ha!" Isabella converted her mouth, stifling her laughter. "You punched Mason?" She chuckled. "What an amusing picture. Why?"

"Because he has issues in understanding the meaning of the word no." Victor placed his hand on his knee, stopping his foot from tapping against the hardwood.

"That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it?" She got up and made her way back to the bar. "Why would Mason want your friend to be expelled? Sorry for assuming, but I'm guessing we're talking about your tall, pink-haired friend? James?"

"Yes, ma'am," James answered.

"Oh, no, no, no ma'am. It makes me feel old. Just Isabella, please." She pointed at her forehead. "I'm trying really hard to fight age. Am I succeeding?"

"Ugh..." James coughed, feeling his ears burning.

"You look very young, Isabella!" Ollie chimed in, saving him. "I'm sure people think you're Victor's sister."

She chuckled. "You're adorable!"

Victor rubbed his face. James could feel his frustration building more and more. The conversation was going nowhere.

"It's almost lunchtime," she smiled. "We can continue this at the table if you're not opposed to Italian cuisine."

"No, mom," Victor got up. "But, this is important."

"I'm sure James here won't get expelled in the next hour. I also need to hear the whole story."

"Mom, this isn't a joke. This is serious. Mason is not who you think."

"I'm sure you're going to tell me all about it, at lunch." She smiled. "Until then, feel free to hang around. I need to tell Em to set up more plates."

James watched her disappear through one of the many doors.

"Emma is her cook," Victor explained. "I don't know where she found her, but she's really attached to her."

James kissed Victor on his forehead. "It's going to be ok. You're doing great."

Victor looked at him and smiled. James loved that smile. James would've done anything to see it more often. He still didn't know what to think about Isabella, but she didn't seem awful.

"Yeah," Victor said, taking his hand. "It will be ok." He was determined. It made James think that he knew far more than he was letting on. 

Author's note<3: 

The conversation didn't go bad, but it didn't go great either.Maybe James is right and Vic does know more! Oooo if anyone has dirt on Mason, it's Vic. But if he does, will his mom listen? Will she care?

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