"i-i fell daddy it hurts"
"oh baby i'm so sorry. come here"
"i can't move"
you, your husband, and daughter were at the playground and while when she was on the monkey bars with Daniel she fell right on her knee
while Daniel helps her relax you call for help
Daniel is doing a great job at not letting her see the wound
her leg is completely ripped open and you can see bone surrounded by blood
the ambulance eventually comes and takes your daughter to the hospital
you and Daniel follow and you can see how freaked out he is
"i can't believe i didn't catch her"
"hey its okay she wasn't near you"
"is she going to be okay"
"of course she will she'll probably just need stitches relax"
you guys arrive at the hospital and immediately go into a room where she isthe doctors are just looking at her knee as you walk in and you and Daniel walk over to her
the doctor explains that she just opened up her knee a little and it can be fixed with stitches
you agree to have them do it and she starts getting scared
"b-but is it gonna hurt?" she asks
"it will just feel like a little pinch"
"i don't like pinches"
"its more like a tap"
"can my daddy hold my hand when i get them?"
"of course he can... well we're going to go and get everything we need okay"
the doctor leaves the room and your daughter immediately grabs Daniels hand
"why do i need to get stitches" she asks him
"your leg got cut open a little bit so they have to make sure it's closed so you don't get an infection"
"whats an infection"
"uh don't worry about it"
"am i gonna be okay?"
"yes i promise you"
"you promised me you were gonna catch me i dont trust you"
"no i don't trust you daddy!" she yells
he looks down sadly and the doctor comes back in with everything
"okay y/d/n are you ready" he asks while all his stuff is out
she nods and they start to give her the stitches
"okay all done" the doctor says finishing her stitches
"huh i didn't feel anything"
"see i told you"
"oh you didn't lie! daddy you told me it wouldn't hurt too!"
"i know do you trust me now?" he asks
"mhm i'm sorry i didn't"
"its okay baby i'm just happy you're okay"
"i love you daddy... and i love you mommy"
"we love you too!"
that wasn't much of an imagine but i really couldn't think of anything else soooo