This is the very LAST one, Thank you for reading this book and to everyone who requested. Go read some more of my story's if you'd like
since it's the last one it's going to be based on my favorite tv show Big Brother
if you don't know what it is basically a bunch of strangers in a house trying to win a bunch of money
"you're going home this week y/n," your enemy and ex alliance member tells you in the kitchen"oh really"
"Yeah we already made a plan"
"interesting seeing how I'm not even on the block"
"We have a veto meeting and you'll be on it right away"
"Are you sure about that?"
"why, do you think your little boyfriend is going to save you"
"who's my boyfriend?"
"you know. you and Zach are all over each other"
"we're not dating we're just friends"
"Yeah, not for long."
"okay whatever y/e" you roll your eyes and walk away to your room where Zach and two of your friends are
"Everything okay?" Zach asks as you sit next to him
"y/e is being a bitch and talking about how I'm leaving."
"ha, that's so funny like on my hoh you're going up there... I might as well put her there" Zach says
"that's not necessary trust me"
"I I think I want her gone... I mean she's threatening my team member"
"and your girlfriend" y/f says
"oh my God y/f we aren't dating! does everyone in this house think that" you exclaim
"where did you sleep last night?" y/o/f asks
"Just tell me where"
"his room b-"
"what on the couch or"
"okay bye I'm leaving" you get up again and leave the room to go to the backyard
back in the room, Zach is shaking his head at your guy's friends
"what you guys are practically dating. we ALL saw you kiss her when you won" y/o/f
"Okay that doesn't mean we're dating... she just escaped leaving and she was happy I won for her"
"mhm sure... you know it's obvious she likes you you should ask her out" y/f suggests
"and get humiliated and rejected on live tv no way"
"so you would ask her out if not?"
"dude you already know I have the biggest crush on her"
"exactly! so ask her"
"you know what! you're all annoying I will"
Zach walks away and the others follow him
you're near the pool with some of your friends as you see Zach walk over to you
"hey y/n," he says
"can I talk to you for a second alone?"
you walk over to another part of the backyard and he shyly looks at the ground
"you okay?" you ask
"yeah um I have to tell you something"
"uh well these past two months we've been getting really close as you know and I really feel like we've been friends since forever. with that, I kinda have a major crush on you so I just wanted to let you know"
"oh well thanks for telling me"
"no problem um i-i I'm going to go inside now"
"wait why?"
"I mean you just rejected me"
"I did?"
"y/n you literally said 'thanks for telling me that's rejection"
"oh my god, I'm so dumb! I like you too I thought it was obvious and that's why you told me"
"no! well uh now that this is awkward, um maybe do you want to go on a date tonight. I can put something together in my room"
"I'd love to!"
"awesome... by the way y/e is going up and she's going home"
Well the stories over i hope you enjoyed the imaginesonce again thank you for reading and requesting feel free to check out some of my other stories
thank you!