"Oh no we're stuck"
"And I told you this was going to happen"
"No offense but shut up"
"Hey you're the one that decided to drive to the beach on a low tank of gas"
"Corbyn.. I don't need this right now."
"Sorry should I call somewhere"
" 'should I call somewhere' OF COURSE YOU SHOULD. You know for knowing all these space facts you sure are dumb in the common sense department"
"You're mad i get it but you don't gotta attack me like that"
"Just call someone okay"
"O- Wait my phones dead"
"And this is why we don't go out when you're on your period"
"Talk about my period one more time and I'll chop your dick off Besson"
"Sorry sorry anyways maybe you should call somewhere"
"Corbyn... I left my phone at home remember. I told you I wanted a relaxed day"
"Right right. Well fuck what do we do"
"We could walk around and find someone to help. Plus it's getting extremely hot in here"
"That's because you're in here" he winks
"Shut up I'm still mad at you"
"Aw I'm sorry"
"You're annoying me" you get out of the car and start to walk
"Where are you going"
"Down that hill. I think I might see people"
"Babe we're in the middle of nowhere"
"Oh well you never know"
You walk down a hill to a beautiful beach
However, no one is in sight
"Hell yeah now we can have sex on the beach!" Corbyn screams causing you to roll your eyes
"Not gonna happen buddy"
"Aw man... can we go in the water"
"Corbyn focus we need to find a human"
"Okay but after. First ITS BEACH TIME" he runs in the water and dunks underwater
"COME IN!" He shouts
You laugh and follow him in the water
He grabs you and kisses you deeply
"I love you" he whispers
"I love you too now we need to find some people"
"You ruined the moment" he pouts and you give him one more peck
You walk out of the water and get overwhelmed with a blast of cold
Shivering you realize you forgot a towel. You totally didn't think you were going to be going in water. Well that was a stupid idea
"Cold?" Corbyn asks wrapping his towel around him
Your teeth chatter as you nod
"Aw baby get over here" he opens his towel to you and you walk into it
"I-it's so cold"
"Shh don't speak"
"You know I'm still mad at you"
"Yeah and I'm only hugging you cause you have a towel and I'm cold"
"Okay sure" he laughs and kisses your forehead
"I'm serious"
"Whatever. Just enjoy our time"
"I'd enjoy it a lot more if we knew where we were"
"Well to be honest we're together alone right now and to me that's all that matters"
"Awwww so romantic"
"So still mad?"
"Well.... Yes"